Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES


There are some major issues with the Police in this country and most specifically this city. But Canada is NOT a police state in anyway shape or form.

...and never was. And most people have not even a fledgling understating of the term in the first place. Law enforcement in EVERY developed country is going through a shift, and the books are being rewritten. People expect WAY too much from law enforcement, when really they should be concentrating more on just being a decent person to as many people as they can. And to not tax the system with frivolous "articles of entitlement" so the system can work properly for the people who REALLY need it.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Now...I have been randomly asked for papers in a country...but it wasn't this one. I have had guns pointed at me by the police in a country...but it wasn't this one. Seriously man, whatever your problems with the police are this is not and is nowhere near a police state.

Like I say, if it is...then every citizen in every western country around the world is in a police state.

Feeling persecuted all the time isn't healthy...especially if it's just not true.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

In my best 50's Hollywood germanic accent... "Your papers, please..."

BTW, were you aware that RIDE programs are technically a violation of your Charter of Rights?

Yeah, they set up RIDE programs just for me. Who's paranoid now?

Save your finger vomit for someone who isn't smarter than you.

In Dedman v. The Queen, 1985, the argued challenged the validity of the stop under the RIDE program. The appellant, Dedman, argued that there was no statutory authority for the stop (ie- nothing under the Criminal Code or the Ontario Highway Traffic Act authorizing random stops), therefore it was unlawful detention, a violation of the Charter.
The Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that it was not a violation of the Charter of rights.
The majority held that
"Common law authority for the random vehicle stops, for the purpose contemplated by the R.I.D.E. program, may be derived from the general duties of police officers on the basis of the test laid down in R. v. Waterfield, [1963] 3 All E.R. 659. The right to circulate in a motor vehicle on the public highway may be described as a liberty; however, when assessing the interference caused by a random vehicle stop, it cannot be regarded as a fundamental liberty like an individual's right of movement, since it is a licensed activity subject to regulation and control for the protection of life and property.
Applying the Waterfield test, the random vehicle stop was a prima facie unlawful interference with liberty since it was not authorized by statute. The random stop does fall within the general scope of police duties to prevent crime and to protect life and property by the control of traffic as these are the very objects of the R.I.D.E. program, a measure intended to improve the deterrence and detection of impaired driving.
The random vehicle stop was not an unjustifiable use of police power because it was both necessary to the execution of police duty and reasonable, having regard to the nature of the liberty interfered with and the importance of the public purpose served by the interference.

Random stops for the R.I.D.E. program do not unreasonably interfere with the right to circulate on the highway because of the importance of deterring impaired driving, the necessity of random stops to effective detection, the fact that driving is already subject to regulation and control in the interests of safety and the minor inconvenience experienced by innocent motorists."

So no... R.I.D.E. Programs are not a violation of your Charter Rights.

Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Now...I have been randomly asked for papers in a country...but it wasn't this one. I have had guns pointed at me by the police in a country...but it wasn't this one. Seriously man, whatever your problems with the police are this is not and is nowhere near a police state.

Like I say, if it is...then every citizen in every western country around the world is in a police state.

Feeling persecuted all the time isn't healthy...especially if it's just not true.

It may not be a Police State yet. But you certainly can't argue we are definitely stepping in that direction. There are enough illegal laws that were recently added to prove that.

Question should be, How far does this go on until its too late to prevent?

I'm all for fair government, policing and such. Granted I'm fairly young and not as experienced as some of you, being that as may be, there is an honest sense of fear of police and the direction the laws are going.

For the record, In my 7 years of driving/riding I have had my fair share of good cops and bad cops, and 1 measly "no signal" ticket. I have gotten pulled over on many occasions without receiving a ticket, or a reason (one does not receive random checks 4 times in a month).
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

The Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that it was not a violation of the Charter of rights.

Which many people still dispute. Guess which side I am solidly on. You probably assumed I didn't think someone would post up Dedman v. The Queen.

This is what you call bait. You took it. Very good, maybe we will have some real arguments rather than "saving finger vomit for someone who isn't smarter than (sic) me." Despite your asinine inflection, this is how people actually make points.

People expect WAY too much from law enforcement, when really they should be concentrating more on just being a decent person to as many people as they can. And to not tax the system with frivolous "articles of entitlement" so the system can work properly for the people who REALLY need it.
Call Guinness. I actually agree with something dankyz posted. And it was about law enforcement.

there is an honest sense of fear of police and the direction the laws are going.

(one does not receive random checks 4 times in a month)
I did, this Xmas season... and was pulled over twice last summer to check my motorcycle ownership / insurance / license. No explanation was given as to what I had done wrong, either... just demanded my papers and would not answer my queries. No charge laid and no identified probable cause.
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Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

How old r u guys? Arguing and bitching about things non of u have any control over... A sign that maturity doesn't come with age.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

How old r u guys? Arguing and bitching about things non of u have any control over... A sign that maturity doesn't come with age.

You're right. That's the problem. We have no control over it. Taxation without representation is tyranny.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

How old r u guys? Arguing and bitching about things non of u have any control over... A sign that maturity doesn't come with age.

This is a brilliant concept, lets all stick our heads in the sand and ignore all the crap that goes on in the world. If maturity and age means being a sheep that doesnt mind getting their rights trampled on and not having a single sense of self-worth then I'll always be a Toy'R'Us kid.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Police State????? Really? This is Canada we're talking about right?

Do you guys realize how good we have it in Canada? Do you really feel less "free" or more repressed? and if so compared to who? Have you ever lived in or spent time in a real "Police State"? Do you know what it is to be TRULY harrased or abused by law enforcement? Rides checks, targeting sports bikes, over zealous traffic cops.......
Holy **** grab the ammunition and run for the bunkers the revolution is comming.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Lol tyranny....a succession of minority governments is a sure sign we are living under tyranical rule. Right.

Seriously...when I was an undergrad we put Che Guevara posters on the wall because it looked cool.....we all grew out of that though.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

What are you even talking about? I'm talking about getting someone to represent you... it's virtually impossible. Have you ever even spoken to an MP? Actually I don't know why I'm asking this... of course you haven't... you believe the government is your friend and will keep you safe...
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Into the big merge with all the I hate cops crap....soon this thread will be trash because seems people can't have a civilized conversation regarding this topic.

This is a brilliant concept, lets all stick our heads in the sand and ignore all the crap that goes on in the world. If maturity and age means being a sheep that doesnt mind getting their rights trampled on and not having a single sense of self-worth then I'll always be a Toy'R'Us kid.

Maturity is knowing where/when to argue the changes you want....this isn't the forum for it...write your MP.
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Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Into the big merge with all the I hate cops crap....soon this thread will be trash because seems people can't have a civilized conversation regarding this topic.
Paul, please don't send this thread to the crapper, if there are a few who can't play nice then punish them not all of us. Cops are a big part of all of our lives, we all need to vent and discuss. Read back through this thread and you will find some very insightful comments (none of them from me I have to admit)
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Police State????? Really? This is Canada we're talking about right?

Have you ever lived in or spent time in a real "Police State"? Do you know what it is to be TRULY harrased or abused by law enforcement? Rides checks, targeting sports bikes, over zealous traffic cops.......

Which one of then thar red spots ya from son, that ya wanna kiss the dirt ya landed on? Tell me some a situation that ya got yurself into over dar. Whaaa hapen
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

We haven't had a cop kicking a prone perpetrator in the head video in months.

<sits back and waits for the apologists to wade in with their "he may have had a bazooka in his pants" excuse>
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Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Thread revivid!!!!

Finally some REAL journalisim filled with researched fact. Prime lynching material.


We haven't had a cop kicking a prone perpetrator in the head video in months.

<sits back and waits for the apologists to wade in with their "he may have had a bazooka in his pants" excuse>
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

We haven't had a cop kicking a prone perpetrator in the head video in months.

<sits back and waits for the apologists to wade in with their "he may have had a bazooka in his pants" excuse>

I'm not supporting the cop's actions in any manner but, I'd like to know. What if the dude that got kicked in the head was driving a minivan with your bike in it? You saw him take it but, he took off before you could catch him.

If you could catch him, how would you confront or apprehend him? Would you support a cop chasing him? Or would you ask the cop to just let him go and let the insurance cover everything? What about the cops catch him, your bike is fine but, the cop gives the dude a kick in the nuts?
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