Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
I hope this was a fat reference, and not you hitting on me again...remember -- lots o' love for ya, no homo.

Edit: I was trying to reference the quote separately, but effed up. Middle part of quote is my reply.

I did not even consider either of your listed options. I was coming at you from the tasty perspective. And to reiterate, no homo.
Didn't expect that he would. Take away the fact he is a cop..... treat him just like anyone else if they were facing the same charges... and the sentence is about right. First offence, pretty minor offence... I never expected him to be sentenced to jail time... and the judge made a mistake(s). Appeal sentence is fair IMO. I do think he should be fired though, but that's not up to the courts.

I'm just surprised he was suspended without pay. I think they will try to use him as a scapegoat and not address the larger issue. Only when there is a multi-million dollar lawsuit/payout will practices change. Public opinion won't change it, only money will. That reminds me...

I'm just surprised he was suspended without pay. I think they will try to use him as a scapegoat and not address the larger issue. Only when there is a multi-million dollar lawsuit/payout will practices change. Public opinion won't change it, only money will.

Suspended with pay pending completion of criminal court proceedings is the law. Once criminal court proceedings including appeals are exhausted, cops can and often are suspended without pay pending resignation or completion of departmental hearings if there is no resignation.
Didn't expect that he would. Take away the fact he is a cop..... treat him just like anyone else if they were facing the same charges... and the sentence is about right. First offence, pretty minor offence... I never expected him to be sentenced to jail time... and the judge made a mistake(s). Appeal sentence is fair IMO. I do think he should be fired though, but that's not up to the courts.

I would disagree, in my humble opinion.

Problem is I cannot take away the fact he's a cop (don't compare it to someone ordinary beating up another ordinary person ...). He's one and was given certain powers to do a job and he misused the power greatly with a load of evidence. I do believe there's two laws available and applied ... or two interpretations of the same law, which ever way you prefer ... one for them, the other for the rest of us. And that is not based only on this case, but all the other cases of cops in trial ... just have a look at last year.

The bigger problem is that, the judge created a precedence for no jail time ... so next time we have G20 circus here, or something similar, and cops abuse their power, how will they put one in jail?? Assuming, it will not be the same guy ... LOL
Suspended with pay pending completion of criminal court proceedings is the law. Once criminal court proceedings including appeals are exhausted, cops can and often are suspended without pay pending resignation or completion of departmental hearings if there is no resignation.

Sadly, yes it is the law and very bad one at that. Again, you or I would not have such a comfortable shield above us should we face similar circumstances.
Suspended with pay pending completion of criminal court proceedings is the law. Once criminal court proceedings including appeals are exhausted, cops can and often are suspended without pay pending resignation or completion of departmental hearings if there is no resignation.

Is it law or agreements that they are suspended with pay until court case is done?
Is it law or agreements that they are suspended with pay until court case is done?

Law. Police Services Act of Ontario. Section 89. Generally says that suspension without pay comes only after conviction with custodial sentence.

Suspension with or without pay depends on whether the charges come from on-duty conduct or off-duty conduct. If accused and charged for a serious crime while off-duty, there is no pay protection offered by the Police Services Act.
Its a three pointer and more than a few bucks and they have a knack for being just over a rise or round a bend and even a contentious driver can get caught out by this.
I'm guessing that you are one of those drivers that just stays left as this would be hard to notice from there.

If you are unable to change lanes then slow down and squeeze left in your lane. Whatever is reasonable given the current traffic conditions. Leaving the cruise control on @115kph and passing the emergency vehicle while in the right lane as if they weren't there is just stupid.

People are oblivious. If you can't see flashing lights that are basically right in front of you.... should not be driving.

Toronto cop charged with failing to stop at the scene of an accident

Chris Fox,

Published Thursday, March 19, 2015 10:48AM EDT

A Toronto police officer has been charged with failing to stop at the scene of an accident following a St. Patrick’s Day collision in the city’s downtown core.

Police were called to the Adelaide Street East and Jarvis Street area at around 8 p.m. on Tuesday after the driver of a vehicle involved in a crash allegedly drove away from the scene.

Brandon Polak, 35, was subsequently arrested and charged.

Police say Polak, a drug squad constable with 13 years of experience on the force, was off-duty at the time of the alleged offence.
I saw that yesterday. After all of the training and intensive interview processes these officers go through you would think they would have high morals...What kind of example does this set. It is much easier to get off on a hit and run than a drunk driving charge!! St Patricks day and off duty hmm I wonder if he was impaired. EVERY cop who gets into an accident while drunk leaves the scene if the car is driveable. Even if you are found around the corner you can say you got nervous, pulled over and had a couple beers at the side of the road. No proof you were drunk while driving. I know what I will be doing if I'm ever in this situation.
I saw that yesterday. After all of the training and intensive interview processes these officers go through you would think they would have high morals...What kind of example does this set.

Just play in a softball league with Police officers and you get to see how morally corrupt and privileged these guys are. The guys trying to start fights on the field and boozed up heavy before leaving the parking lot were the Police.
Just play in a softball league with Police officers and you get to see how morally corrupt and privileged these guys are. The guys trying to start fights on the field and boozed up heavy before leaving the parking lot were the Police.

Years ago each Tuesday night I would go for "wings and beer" at a pub (which isn't there any longer) located in Toronto close to a Police Station. My friend and I would have one, maybe two beer with our wings; the off-duty cops at the nearby tables would have five, six, some seven, then get in their cars and drive away.
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