Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Oh, the stories I could tell... and have told, here on GTAM in the past. More recently, the singer in my band teaches paramedical procedures and his girlfriend is a paramedic (go figure). They told me that they get invited to parties by police acquaintances frequently but they don't go anymore. By the end of the night most of the cops are wasted; they hit on everyone's girlfriend, they're generally obnoxious, there's often violence, and the cops swagger around trying to puff up their egos. His quote; "I left highschool parties when I left highschool."
His quote; "I left highschool parties when I left highschool."

One of the biggest A holes in my highschool went on to become a cop. Last I heard he was caught drunk doing donuts in his cruiser in a London store parking lot. You have to really wonder about the screening on these applicants.

I have no doubt that there are plenty of good officers out there but as long as they turn a blind eye or cover for their 'blue brothers' it makes them complicit in the actions that stain the profession.
One of my police friends is terrified of Bill C-51, because he knows FULL WELL what his co-workers will do if they are allowed even more powers. The more direct exposure you get of the cops, the less you think of them... and that is also true of cops that are well-intentioned but are straddling the blue line.
That's nothing. I've seen way worse behavior from Cops.

Just play in a softball league with Police officers and you get to see how morally corrupt and privileged these guys are. The guys trying to start fights on the field and boozed up heavy before leaving the parking lot were the Police.
From a local Facebook post today:

I have always respected our Police force but after hearing what I have this afternoon, I am disgusted to say the very least. My respect for the force will forever leave a bad taste with me. Do they not have any feelings for humanity.
A very dear friend of mine, received a call from the KGH asking him to come quickly as his soul mate was on the verge of death. Of course this gentlemen proceeded to get in his car, go onto the 401 and head to the Hospital. Yes, he was speeding as I am sure any of us would have been under the same circumstances. Yes he was stopped by an alert officer who witnessed this scenario. Of course he stopped the car and the gentleman driving told the officer of his predicament and that he had to get to the hospital before his wife passed away.
Apparently the officer was not the least bit sympathetic and wrote out a speeding ticket. I have always been of the understanding that when you are stopped for speeding and the reason is explained that the officer would take the lead and help you get to the hospital.
Well this didn't happen in this situation, and if you are as disillusioned as I am regarding this act, it gets even more disrespectful.
The officer then proceeded to have this distraught gentlemen's car impounded!!!!!!
Shame on you officer. The ticket was bad enough (I do know that speeding kills) but why would you take this gentleman's car away from him leaving him no way to get to the hospital.
You as an officer did not even have the decency to offer him a ride to the hospital.
Thank God the tow truck operator had the heart to help this man get to the hospital. The only thing that turned out right was that he did arrive at the hospital in time to be with his wife in her passing.
I do not know the officers name, and that is probably a good thing as I do not have any respect for him at all.
An innocent person, in their kitchen, gets shot in the back during gun play between the police and a now dead guy and the SIU is not investigating her being shot because they do not consider the injuries serious enough! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, she was shot!

Looks like they came to their senses and they are going to investigate!
That last post I put up came from a local-ish MC group. After posting it on Facebook, several members who have been in the group a long time and are LEO went ballistic, publicly left the group and only a day later have let some of the group members know that they know where they ride, when they ride, and who they ride with, and they'll be out to get them this year. Yeah. You can't trust a cop, even when you think they're your friend. People just can't seem to realise that it's no joke, there's a reason why cops are only tolerated by other cops or their families.

And that's not even the best part. Guess who the worst offenders were on group rides? Two guesses and I'll throw the third in for free.
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Just doing my job, serving and protecting in a polite and professional manner......

I guess the steroid filled, brainwashed robot, didn't notice the security camera.
I've seen at least a hundred videos of abusive, poorly trained bullies, violating the rights of innocent people since my last post, read a couple dozen news articles about cops getting charged for serious crimes, and still, this problem is getting worse not better..
That single kick is way less than I was expecting and really not that bad for approaching an officer like that. In many states he would've been shot. I've seen worse, for less, in person.
That single kick is way less than I was expecting and really not that bad for approaching an officer like that. In many states he would've been shot. I've seen worse, for less, in person.

Doesn't make it right and his appeal is being appealed. We need to hold cops and politicians to the highest standards.
Just doing my job, serving and protecting in a polite and professional manner......

I guess the steroid filled, brainwashed robot, didn't notice the security camera.
I've seen at least a hundred videos of abusive, poorly trained bullies, violating the rights of innocent people since my last post, read a couple dozen news articles about cops getting charged for serious crimes, and still, this problem is getting worse not better..

Only one kick, child's play compared to this 280 LB goon who like to beat handcuffed folk.
Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back..

It's another black guy ... reminds me of the ISIS guys throwing gay guys over a rooftop for being gay. He's been shot because he's black. No wonder they run from police, they are scared for their lives.

He shot 8 bullets apparently.. He's been Charged with murder... interesting to think what the outcome would have been with out video? Another Ferguson,MI ?
Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back..

He shot 8 bullets apparently.. He's been Charged with murder... interesting to think what the outcome would have been with out video? Another Ferguson,MI ?
No the outcome wouldn't have been the same. An autopsy would show him getting shot in the back from a distance.
Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back..

The murder charge allows everyone to clam up by saying "It's before the courts". It will be interesting to hear the testimony of the second officer on the scene. He was black and should have seen the evidence tampering.

I'm not sure if S.C has a "Stand your ground" defense or if it would even apply. In many countries police are allowed to shoot anyone trying to avoid arrest. Is this permissible in S.C for a traffic stop?

Apparently it all started over a broken tail light, escalated over a stun gun and then the shooting. Regardless of who started the escalation the victim was running away without the officer's weapon and without his own car. Not looking good on camera but now thanks to youtube the officer may argue that he can't get a fair trial. I hope this doesn't get uglier like Ferguson.
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Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back..

Its South Carolina and the man scuffled with the officer and resisted arrest. Politics will be the biggest part of this case.

My prediction is the charge is eventually reduced to some version of manslaughter.
Re: Here we go again.. video shows cop shooting guy in the back..

Its South Carolina and the man scuffled with the officer and resisted arrest. Politics will be the biggest part of this case.

My prediction is the charge is eventually reduced to some version of manslaughter.
Yeah, defence will plead temporary insanity, etc etc.
He won't be on death row, just a few years jail with a parole.
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