Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Sorry, I disagree on this point. Just last week, one driver did not pull right before an intersection while an ambulance coming towards us. Ambulance had to wait for car to pass to make left turn. Those few seconds could be life and death.
Next to no one moves over for emergency vehicles in the GTA. Whenever I do it just means I'm going to get passed by a million cars that didn't bother and then have a hard time getting back into traffic.
Next to no one moves over for emergency vehicles in the GTA. Whenever I do it just means I'm going to get passed by a million cars that didn't bother and then have a hard time getting back into traffic.

And probably honked at as well - been there...
And probably honked at as well - been there...

Oh of course. Then again, I've been honked at for not running over pedestrians, too.
Next to no one moves over for emergency vehicles in the GTA. Whenever I do it just means I'm going to get passed by a million cars that didn't bother and then have a hard time getting back into traffic.

Sure they do. They move over so that they can get behind them, then slipstream them to get where they are going faster.
Its time to re access the pull to the right for oncoming emergency vehicles and move left for cop cars on the shoulder laws . I was rear ended a week ago because I pulled right and stopped with a line of cars in front of me because an ambulance was approaching from the oppisite direction. The car behind me didn't stop. If I was on a bike I'd be dead or fubare'd. At what point do politicians make so many laws to enhance safety that obeying them all causes risk of injury for motorists? In my case there were 2 lanes in each direction, there is no need to move right.

Most of the emergency workers I've spoken to are more concerned that drivers be predictable, rather than getting off to the right. People do some singularly stupid things when an emergency vehicle comes up behind them.
Have you seen how the OPP are working in teams on the 400 series highways,one unit will stop a motorist and his partner will sit up the road to ticket any poor soul that doesn't move over a lane regardless of traffic conditions.
Seen more than a few near catastrophes when panicked drivers blindly veer left to avoid the major traffic ticket that they would receive for not moving over.
Have you seen how the OPP are working in teams on the 400 series highways,one unit will stop a motorist and his partner will sit up the road to ticket any poor soul that doesn't move over a lane regardless of traffic conditions.
Seen more than a few near catastrophes when panicked drivers blindly veer left to avoid the major traffic ticket that they would receive for not moving over.

If they cant see the flashing lights from far enough away to safely change lanes, maybe they should lose their license rather then a point or two.
If they cant see the flashing lights from far enough away to safely change lanes, maybe they should lose their license rather then a point or two.

Its a three pointer and more than a few bucks and they have a knack for being just over a rise or round a bend and even a contentious driver can get caught out by this.
I'm guessing that you are one of those drivers that just stays left as this would be hard to notice from there.
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Sorry, I disagree on this point. Just last week, one driver did not pull right before an intersection while an ambulance coming towards us. Ambulance had to wait for car to pass to make left turn. Those few seconds could be life and death.

So my life is less important? Besides most ambulance are not transporting patients were seconds count. Ambulances are over used just like ER departments.
So my life is less important? Besides most ambulance are not transporting patients were seconds count. Ambulances are over used just like ER departments.

Not at all. What I'm saying is that if the guy that hit you was doing what he was supposed to be doing, then you wouldn't have been hit.
I've seen fire trucks not be able to get down the street because two cars are parked on opposite sides of the street, 3 feet from the curb. People just have a me first/ oblivious attitude.
The plaza near me has a narrow driveway. Near the entrance is a bank and people repeatedly park in front (no parking zone) making everyone else have to struggle to get in or out.
Not at all. What I'm saying is that if the guy that hit you was doing what he was supposed to be doing, then you wouldn't have been hit.
I've seen fire trucks not be able to get down the street because two cars are parked on opposite sides of the street, 3 feet from the curb. People just have a me first/ oblivious attitude.
The plaza near me has a narrow driveway. Near the entrance is a bank and people repeatedly park in front (no parking zone) making everyone else have to struggle to get in or out.

This. If someone almost rear ended you, it's their fault for not paying attention. Don't blame the emergency services vehicle. If a vehicle stops suddenly in front of you and you hit them, it's your fault for following too close and not paying attention.

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This. If someone almost rear ended you, it's their fault for not paying attention. Don't blame the emergency services vehicle. If a vehicle stops suddenly in front of you and you hit them, it's your fault for following too close and not paying attention.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm not blaming the emergency vehicle. I'm blaming the nanny state laws that tell the sheeples to do something even when its not necessary. If you are NOT in the way of a emergency vehicle (and you need to realize there are too many non emergency requests for emergency services) then why put yourself at risk by stopping with the potential of being killed if you are rear ended? Considering that there was a Durham cop that claimed flashing your headlights to warn on coming vehicles of a radar trap was causing a distraction, the sirens and strobe lights of emergency vehicles cause many people to freeze up in a panic. Common sense and courtesy are more effective than laws.
Unfortunately, common sense is not at all common.
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Most of the emergency workers I've spoken to are more concerned that drivers be predictable, rather than getting off to the right. People do some singularly stupid things when an emergency vehicle comes up behind them.

Agreed, but when older or younger inexpirienced drivers are presented with a Firetruck/Cop car or ambulance bearing down on them with sirens and strobe lights on, that is a distraction and combined with other vehicles on the road that need to be avoided, the ER vehicle drivers may need to be patient. Getting into an accident and risking injuring or killing someone to save a few seconds that will probably make no difference anyways doesn't make sense.
I'm not blaming the emergency vehicle. I'm blaming the nanny state laws that tell the sheeples to do something even when its not necessary. If you are NOT in the way of a emergency vehicle (and you need to realize there are too many non emergency requests for emergency services) then why put yourself at risk by stopping with the potential of being killed if you are rear ended? Considering that there was a Durham cop that claimed flashing your headlights to warn on coming vehicles of a radar trap was causing a distraction, the sirens and strobe lights of emergency vehicles cause many people to freeze up in a panic. Common sense and courtesy are more effective than laws.

I think the problem is you cannot know if you are in the way: they may need to change lanes or direction quickly. You seem to be arguing against pulling over which we do all the time for may reasons, no? You don't have to slam on the brakes.

Why not just prioritize the poor bastard who needs their help over our rush to get to the next traffic light?
People just have a me first/ oblivious attitude.

Unfortunately, common sense is not at all common.

You seem to have developed a dim view of your compatriots that won't be easily assuaged*. Maybe we could invent a new word "compatridiot"?

*any similarity to "sausage" is purely coincidental
Agreed, but when older or younger inexpirienced drivers are presented with a Firetruck/Cop car or ambulance bearing down on them with sirens and strobe lights on, that is a distraction and combined with other vehicles on the road that need to be avoided, the ER vehicle drivers may need to be patient. Getting into an accident and risking injuring or killing someone to save a few seconds that will probably make no difference anyways doesn't make sense.

You keep saying that a few seconds won't make a difference. But what if they do? AED's are only effective within the first 10 minutes of a heart attack. I would hate for the meds to show up at my place in 10 minutes 30 seconds. (though it seems I would not still be around to complain).
As I am not exactly a model of health, I want those services to be able to get to me, or you, asap. And safely.
Now I'm not saying that there is not a better option, but at this point, it is the law, and we can't even get everyone, including the sob that was behind you, to get it right.
You seem to have developed a dim view of your compatriots that won't be easily assuaged*. Maybe we could invent a new word "compatridiot"?

Strangely, I am usually quite optimistic. And even in these situations, I choose to believethat people are oblivious rather than downright a$$holes.

Compatridiot, it is.

*any similarity to "sausage" is purely coincidental

I hope this was a fat reference, and not you hitting on me again...remember -- lots o' love for ya, no homo.

Edit: I was trying to reference the quote separately, but effed up. Middle part of quote is my reply.
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I'm not blaming the emergency vehicle. I'm blaming the nanny state laws that tell the sheeples to do something even when its not necessary. If you are NOT in the way of a emergency vehicle (and you need to realize there are too many non emergency requests for emergency services) then why put yourself at risk by stopping with the potential of being killed if you are rear ended? Considering that there was a Durham cop that claimed flashing your headlights to warn on coming vehicles of a radar trap was causing a distraction, the sirens and strobe lights of emergency vehicles cause many people to freeze up in a panic. Common sense and courtesy are more effective than laws.

Can you tell at a glance that the ambulance with emergency lights going is on a call that will turn out to be a non-emergency?

No, you can't, so pull to the right and stop whining.
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