Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Some cops have helped that but the whole **** the police attitude needs to go.

No, it needs to get louder. Otherwise, they're not going to change.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Get louder? Dude if you think that girl attacking a cop is acceptable you're part of the problem.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Some cops have helped that but the whole **** the police attitude needs to go.


internet bandwagon jumpers to 'the cause' for no good reason (read: they have had zero interactions with the police other than a ticket - and likely justified) help increase the poor attitude.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Get louder? Dude if you think that girl attacking a cop is acceptable you're part of the problem.

I didn't say that, did I? No. Straw man argument.

Not all cops behave like they are above the law.

Either you have a severe lack of attention deficit, or you don't really know any cops personally. Or maybe you like the taste of boot leather.

I was raised with this thing called respect. Something todays generation seems to lack.

Today's cop has no respect for the community. What comes around, goes around.

What's worse, police entitlement or civilian entitlement?

Do civilians carry weapons?

That's one cop not all of them that wronged you. So now all of them owe you something to prove they're not all bad? For real?

For real. They're public servants, and they have a very unique job. They claim a monopoly on violence. They, as a whole force, lie, cheat, steal, fabricate evidence, beat people and regularly enforce laws that they know are unjust. And no, of course it isn't all of them... but the ones who are supposedly "good cops" don't do anything at all about "the bad cops." So, the argument - and it's a good one - is that if there were any good cops, how can there be bad cops?

If people offered police more respect, they in turn would do the same


There are people that think cops are heroes and worship at their feet (right, roomie?) and they are treated with kid gloves by most of the people they work with professionally. For good reason. Cops are untrustworthy, and prone to reacting with ego-fuelled rage at anything that doesn't go their way.

People don't trust or respect cops, because cops are largely not worthy of either. That's why. Nothing more to read into it.

Now as for my opinion of these girls, I have no idea exactly what the real backstory of it is. I suspect that they are indeed priveleged or "brat" kids that don't like authority figures. I also suspect that the cop was being unfair and unpleasant with them, and they reacted like kids do.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

I'll just opt out of this thread. I'm not arguing with someone over the internet about every single cop being bad. I never said cops are heros at all. I said they're NOT ALL bad. Should I type that slower? Keep up the good attitude, it's going to help make things better
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

How about this...

It is wrong to physically attack someone for no reason (full stop), everyone should be punished, but reality says...

If you are a cop and you do it nothing will happen to you (even when you break a grandmas knee), other so called "good cops" will lie to protect you. Demonstrated over and over and over again. <- this is wrong

As for the incident, well that cop had a serious training fail and I would have no issue with the use of non-deadly force. She needs to get some refresher training.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

I said they're NOT ALL bad.

If there were good cops, there'd be no bad cops.

Should I type that slower?

You could just stop. That'd be more dignified.

Keep up the good attitude, it's going to help make things better

Apologizing for the faults of others doesn't work well in convincing them to stop doing wrong. Your attitude achieves the opposite of making things better.

It is wrong to physically attack someone for no reason (full stop)

Fully agree.

If you are a cop and you do it nothing will happen to you (even when you break a grandmas knee), other so called "good cops" will lie to protect you.

FULLY agree. Actually, they might... I have a friend who was actually fired from the forces because he was set up by other cops within the force that didn't like his partner. His partner viciously beat some young men (who in my opinion probably deserved it, but that's not the way the law is supposed to work) and pinned it on him... which is somewhat fair since he could have acted to stop the situation, but didn't. Other cops on the force deliberately recorded the events and lied about my friend's involvement in the beating, because they did not like his partner and were handing him rope to hang himself; they didn't let the opportunity go. The supervisors also did not like his partner and colluded with the story... both cops were fired as a result. After a bit more than two years of wrangling, my friend got his job back a few weeks ago along with two years of pay and learned some very valuable lessons of what it's like to be on the bad side of the cops. Guys that he worked with harassed him, badmouthed him, blocked many of his attempts at getting back on his feet, etc. etc. All over personal problems they had with his partner (apparently not related to his work or his work ethic). Now he's struggling with how he's going to go back on the forces and work with these people every day.

Oh, and the supervisors were shown to have falsified information in the case. That's how my friend got his job back. What did they get? A transfer out into another force, and one of them got a promotion. That's right. Of course he did.

Demonstrated over and over and over again.

Oh, but the good cops don't do it. So don't be so hard on cops, you big meanie!
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Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Sounds like you're thoroughly in the F the Police crowd. People cry about how police abuse their powers. Sure, some of them do - no denying it. The Us vs. Them thing is a completely circular mentality - the police do something, people freak out. The cops of course, will get defensive. This makes those same people freak out even more, which means more defensive mentality.

If people offered police more respect, they in turn would do the same, and the whole nasty cycle would slowly start to fade a bit. Will it ever go away completely? No.
Simply put, treat them how you want to be treated in turn.

Personally, any time I've been pulled over by police, I have been respectful and calm, and about 50% of the time they have let me off with a warning, every other time (except 1) was a reduced charge.

Thing is until you have the interaction you don't know if you are dealing with a decent cop or not. I am always respectful when dealing with cops. The problem with most decent cops is that they won't cross the blue line, and when they do their careers are over so bad cops go unchecked. I have to wonder if the way the OPP and the RCMP move their officers around if it is a detriment to them becoming part of the community which isolates them from the community.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face
The Toronto Police Service would like to make the public aware of arrests in a Sexual Assault investigation.

Three Toronto Police Service officers have been arrested and charged.

1) Constable Joshua Cabero, 28, with four years' service, is attached to 51 Division. He was off duty at the time of the alleged offences.

2) Constable Leslie Nyznik, 38, with five years' service, is attached to 51 Division. He was off duty at the time of the alleged offences.

3) Constable Sameer Kara, 31, with six years' service, is attached to 51 Division. He was off duty at the time of the alleged offences.

It is alleged that:

- on Saturday, January 17, 2015, they sexually assaulted a woman

They have each been charged with:

- Sexual Assault

- Sexual Assault (Gang)

They are scheduled to appear in court at 2201 Finch Avenue West on Thursday, February 19, 2015, 10 a.m.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

They have each been charged with:

- Sexual Assault

- Sexual Assault (Gang)

They are scheduled to appear in court at 2201 Finch Avenue West on Thursday, February 19, 2015, 10 a.m.

there you have it, the police are a gang :P seize all their assets.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

If they ever get convicted,after a few years of paid holiday and barring constitutional challenges after said time its gonna be a treat for a ex cop sex offender to do some hard time. :p

Be some adjustment going from being the conductor to the poor soul that has the train run on lol
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See that's part of the cops I totally disagree with. If a cop is charged just like anyone else there should be no benefits or with pay. That's total bs
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Would any of you have considered helping the cop had you witnessed this?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is a good question and in Canada it would be a resounding NO, no matter how much every bone in my body would want to, the lawsuits that could come from laying hands on a juvenile (especially female) is not worth it.

I have had zero interactions with Canadian police in 6 years of being here so no idea what the big fuss is and this whole F the police attitude. Dont break the rules and you wont have any issues IMO.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

This is a good question and in Canada it would be a resounding NO, no matter how much every bone in my body would want to, the lawsuits that could come from laying hands on a juvenile (especially female) is not worth it.

I have had zero interactions with Canadian police in 6 years of being here so no idea what the big fuss is and this whole F the police attitude. Dont have any contact with the police and you wont have any issues IMO.

Fixed it for you
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Now as for my opinion of these girls, I have no idea exactly what the real backstory of it is. I suspect that they are indeed priveleged or "brat" kids that don't like authority figures. I also suspect that the cop was being unfair and unpleasant with them, and they reacted like kids do.

They were informed that they were trespassing. When they failed to leave as requested, the police officer became involved. When they again failed to comply with a lawful order, the officer was then required to effect arrest. This was inside the school. They fought back. They continued to fight back all the way out of the school, by which time a simple trespass charge was well and truly exceeded. What you see, in the video, is the last stages of the arrest.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Maybe the girls were uneducated and confused. Was there a "No Trespassing" sign? Because everybody knows what trespassing means and when you put a "no" in front of it you gots yourself a double negative. Maybe they thought they were required to trespass? I don't not know, just throwing it out there.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Maybe the girls were uneducated and confused. Was there a "No Trespassing" sign? Because everybody knows what trespassing means and when you put a "no" in front of it you gots yourself a double negative. Maybe they thought they were required to trespass? I don't not know, just throwing it out there.

I get the impression that the trespassing issue was due to some previous occurrence. There doesn't need to be any sign in place for someone to be trespassing. You can be told to stay off the property by someone who has the power to speak for the property owner (in the case of a school that would be the principal/admin staff), after which time you are trespassing any time that you return. You are trespassing if you do not leave after being told to do so, by such a person.

*NOTE* Yes, I know that you were being facetious. I choose to give actual information.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

I get the impression that the trespassing issue was due to some previous occurrence. There doesn't need to be any sign in place for someone to be trespassing. You can be told to stay off the property by someone who has the power to speak for the property owner (in the case of a school that would be the principal/admin staff), after which time you are trespassing any time that you return. You are trespassing if you do not leave after being told to do so, by such a person.

*NOTE* Yes, I know that you were being facetious. I choose to give actual information.

Well, as long as you get an impression......I didn't see any pre video action so I have no impression, sadly.
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