Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

I'll bet you my ex who's a cop and all of 5'5 and not even 120 would whip the hell out of most any guy you've ever known. So it's not a size thing either. It's a training thing. It also very much is a F the police issue. Todays younger generation seem to follow this whole screw authority etc. How many times have we seen the whole group of stuntas on bikes doing it? Kids all thinking they're tough gangsters, hell even adults thinking they're above the law. Something needs to be done about that just as much as police training.

if the police didn't behave like they're above the law they probably wouldn't have the issues they have now. take a look in the good bad and ugly thread. Having a cop for an ex you probably heard stories plenty of abuse. thin blue line and us vs them mentality has earned the police a lack of respect.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

That's kind of narrow minded isn't it? Not all cops behave like they are above the law. I'm not saying they're all good and yes I've heard plenty of stories (two good friends are cops and a bunch of family) That to me is the same as saying everyone on a motorcycle is a speeding ******* with no regard for the law. Same could be said about anything you can think of. People are out of control. This entitled age we're living in is a huge part of that problem. As down under said above you and I said before, the law would have been the least of my worries. I had parents who would have beat the living tar out of me if I ever came home via a cop. I was raised with this thing called respect. Something todays generation seems to lack.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

The second person in had a winter coat and a hood. She tried to separate them as though it was a school yard brawl, and then grabbed the cop around the throat from behind. Definitely not a cop. It looks like the partner might have been across the street anticipating a run for it. Hoody girl walks behind the two cops and then you see two more hoody girls running out of the parking lot towards them.

When someone watches the same video and then post "if the police didn't behave like they're above the law they probably wouldn't have the issues they have now.", one has to wonder just what has to happen for the people being arrested to take a little of the blame.

Where the clip ends, there could be three or four teenagers going after the two cops. It would be a no-win situation.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

if the police didn't behave like they're above the law they probably wouldn't have the issues they have now. take a look in the good bad and ugly thread. Having a cop for an ex you probably heard stories plenty of abuse. thin blue line and us vs them mentality has earned the police a lack of respect.

Yes the police really need to win back the respect of societies degenerates.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Would any of you have considered helping the cop had you witnessed this?

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Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Would any of you have considered helping the cop had you witnessed this?

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Yes, without question. I would have ran out there with no shoes on and helped that cop cuff one girl on the ground then run after the other one. It's sad people are more interested in filming this sort of thing on their cell phone than helping an officer out. Sounded like a couple of teenage boys taking the video who could have easily helped out the situation.

edit-just read on The Sun (I know I know, don't judge me) that the cop deserves a medal for keeping her cool. Lmfao what a sorry excuse of a cop who looked like she had absolutely no training in subduing a suspect. My mom could have done a better job than that, but that being said I would still have ran over to help.
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Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

if the police didn't behave like they're above the law they probably wouldn't have the issues they have now. take a look in the good bad and ugly thread. Having a cop for an ex you probably heard stories plenty of abuse. thin blue line and us vs them mentality has earned the police a lack of respect.

In this age of entitlement there's so much "Freedom / my rights" liberalism on the streets that the cops are fighting a losing battle for respect. IMO the cops on the beat are pretty much all decent. It's the ones that want to climb the ladder that worry me (Fantino).

What's worse, police entitlement or civilian entitlement?
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

In this age of entitlement there's so much "Freedom / my rights" liberalism on the streets that the cops are fighting a losing battle for respect. IMO the cops on the beat are pretty much all decent. It's the ones that want to climb the ladder that worry me (Fantino).

What's worse, police entitlement or civilian entitlement?

After having cops lie to give me a speeding ticket I can't say I have a lot of trust towards them. I've run into a few decent cops but they do nothing about the bad apples so the entire bunch get spoiled.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

i was running late when i posted this thread but i wanted to say i dont know whether to laugh or cry, applaud or bow my head in shame. hard to watch anything like this, similar to those mall cops back in the summer in hamilton that took a beating from some pukes. without being there, as we all know, seeing/looking into someones eyes and knowing what state(mental) there in, thats how you handle the situation, this dingbat ill bet is on serious meds and capable of doing just about anything, eg: jumpin out in front of a passing car, hurting someone else on the street??? but the other idiot who jumped on the PO's back, thats just wrong! hate to say it but with all the equality/politcal correctness and human rights blah blah blah....sending in children to do mens work, theres your problem. the female PO, hate to say it, but will she have a prob with other co-workers due to her reactions/handling, will she continue as PO?? huge shot to the ego and confidence. its a good thing that civilians never got involved also, from a liabilty stand point, the PO should have tasered or peppered both of them right from the start and sorted out the details later. like people have mentioned, if this was the US, there'd be serious shootings, i have a feeling regardless of the outcome, these 2 "little girls" have a world of hurt coming for the rest of there lives, just my "paranoia" thinkin ouit loud:lmao:
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Not all cops behave like they are above the law.

I have a really high FTP attitude, I realize its slightly juvenile to think that way BUT every time it starts to die down, I run into an ******* cop lying to my face. So it goes right back up again. I know every cop isnt like that, but Ive got my guard up anytime I have to deal with them and try to avoid them as much as possible.

You also said "I had parents who would have beat the living tar out of me", well i did too, and so Ive never been arrested or brought home by the cops. The problem is now parents cant do that, so they have nothing to threaten and scare the kids with. So the kids walk all over them, I really dont like this bubblewrapped society we live in, personally I blame those crazy femenists!
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Yes the police really need to win back the respect of societies degenerates.

So how are they going to win me over?

Would any of you have considered helping the cop had you witnessed this? Tapatalk

Nope, but I would be thinking "if I help them, would I receive a get out of jail free card for life?"
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

After having cops lie to give me a speeding ticket I can't say I have a lot of trust towards them. I've run into a few decent cops but they do nothing about the bad apples so the entire bunch get spoiled.
I had this one teacher in high school who was a complete dick. That meant the rest of them were too because the couple good ones did nothing about it :rolleyes:

My current boss is such an ass that you want to punch him in the throat any time he speaks. He lies and covers up the a lot of stuff that other people should have been fired for over and over because he's all buddy buddy with them. The issue has been raised with multiple people in the company above him. No one does anything. They must all be *****.

The list of examples could never end for that scenario. I don't understand how people think this way. That's one cop not all of them that wronged you. So now all of them owe you something to prove they're not all bad? For real?
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

But those people cant haul me off to jail or make my insurance rates skyrocket... or taze me, or shoot me...
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

waiting for next wk when a less patience officer chokes a kid out, and some tool stands with a phone and films it. Then we can have F the police crowd be vindicated.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

I think the general distrust for police comes from the fact that they lurk around like spies working for a corporation. Hiding behind bushes with unmarked cars just so your insurance rates can go up does not instil the sense of security in the public's eye. I just heard on the radio a couple of days ago that Bill Blair wants to keep cops at construction sites so that they maintain a sense of visibility in neighbourhoods. Although I've never been, friends have told me that in South Korea cops always have the lights on, on their cars so that people can easily find them when needed....that's visibility. Not a cop reading a book on a construction site, or hiding to catch speeders. It's profit policing that needs to come to an end.

Secondly, minimum IQ scores before becoming a cop. I'm sorry, but a test involving pictures and figuring out which one doesn't belong shouldn't be used as a standard for hiring someone to run the streets gun in hand.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

I think the general distrust for police comes from the fact that they lurk around like spies working for a corporation. Hiding behind bushes with unmarked cars just so your insurance rates can go up does not instil the sense of security in the public's eye. I just heard on the radio a couple of days ago that Bill Blair wants to keep cops at construction sites so that they maintain a sense of visibility in neighbourhoods. Although I've never been, friends have told me that in South Korea cops always have the lights on, on their cars so that people can easily find them when needed....that's visibility. Not a cop reading a book on a construction site, or hiding to catch speeders. It's profit policing that needs to come to an end.

Secondly, minimum IQ scores before becoming a cop. I'm sorry, but a test involving pictures and figuring out which one doesn't belong shouldn't be used as a standard for hiring someone to run the streets gun in hand.

IMO the guy that just wants to be a cop is probably a decent sort. The ones to worry about are the ones that want to be chiefs then on into politics. The dickhead that writes a bogus ticket makes lots of money for the boss and gets the promotions.

The cop that recognizes a simple error and gives a warning would likely get a reprimand for leaving money on the table.

People that are happy doing their stuff are more likely to correct their mistakes and deal with errors. The climbers want a perfect record so everything negative is blamed on someone else. They lie, cheat and BS their way to the top where they can hang out with people of a similar nature. They all have skeletons in the closet so mass cover-ups are the norm.

No wonder our voting options are so pathetic.
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Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Noooooooooooooooo she wasn't readyyyyyyyyy
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Looks like she was getting slapped while calling for backup. I can understand being smaller build than the suspect that she was at a disadvantage, especially with the slippery ground but remember it is pretty hard to hurt someone as meth'd up as that lady appears to be.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

if the police didn't behave like they're above the law they probably wouldn't have the issues they have now. take a look in the good bad and ugly thread. Having a cop for an ex you probably heard stories plenty of abuse. thin blue line and us vs them mentality has earned the police a lack of respect.

Sounds like you're thoroughly in the F the Police crowd. People cry about how police abuse their powers. Sure, some of them do - no denying it. The Us vs. Them thing is a completely circular mentality - the police do something, people freak out. The cops of course, will get defensive. This makes those same people freak out even more, which means more defensive mentality.

If people offered police more respect, they in turn would do the same, and the whole nasty cycle would slowly start to fade a bit. Will it ever go away completely? No.
Simply put, treat them how you want to be treated in turn.

Personally, any time I've been pulled over by police, I have been respectful and calm, and about 50% of the time they have let me off with a warning, every other time (except 1) was a reduced charge.
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