Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters

OPP Brant County Officers Charged
Case Number: 14-PVD-232

Mississauga (10 February, 2015) --- The Director of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), Tony Loparco, has reasonable grounds to believe that two officers with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Brant County detachment committed criminal offences in relation to the death of 18-year-old Ashley Lerno in October of 2014. Director Loparco has caused charges to be laid against the officers.

The SIU investigation determined that on Friday, October 10, 2014, officers were conducting a RIDE program at Maple Avenue and Eighth Concession Road in Burford. At approximately 11:30 p.m., a Chevrolet pickup failed to stop for the RIDE program. OPP officers attempted to stop the pickup. The pickup did not stop and entered the City of Brantford where it was involved in a collision with a Mercury Marquis being driven by Ms. Lerno. Ms. Lerno was taken to Hamilton General Hospital for treatment, but succumbed to her injuries five days later.

As a result of the SIU investigation, OPP Constable Craig McMurtrie and OPP Constable Rodney Donald Grubb are each facing the following Criminal Code charges:
  • one count of criminal negligence causing death contrary to s. 220(b)
  • one count of dangerous driving causing death contrary to s. 249(4)
  • one count of conduct likely to constitute mischief causing actual danger to life contrary to s. 430(5.1)
The officers are required to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice at 44 Queen Street in Brantford on March 23, 2015. The Justice Prosecutions branch of the Ministry of the Attorney General will have carriage of the prosecution.
Not sure I get the gist of it, but correct me if I'm wrong:

two cops drive up to a RIDE
they refuse to stop because they have badges of their own
they then drive very quickly and recklessly to get away from the RIDE officers
and Ms. Lerno was struck and killed by their pickup

If so, that's exactly what off-duty cops are like. Not surprised. If there's more to it, I'm all ears.
I read that a few times. Something's missing. It does not say who was in the pick up.

Pretty certain it's the cops that were charged in the pickup. They don't charge RIDE cops for not being able to intercept and stop a vehicle... what are they going to do, ram it or gun it to pieces?
Pretty certain it's the cops that were charged. They don't charge RIDE cops for not being able to intercept and stop a vehicle... what are they going to do, ram it or gun it to pieces?

Of course. Just saying it could read either way.
Of course. Just saying it could read either way.

The truck they were chasing was reportedly stolen. That meshes with this from last October:

The OPP Criminal Investigation Branch
(CIB) under the direction of Detective Inspector Dave Hillman has assumed oversight of the parallel police criminal investigation and has charged two men with the following;

Richard GAMBLE 48, of Brantford is facing the following criminal charges
• Cause Death by Criminal Negligence
• Dangerous Operation of Motor Vehicle Cause death
• Flight Causing Death while Pursued by Peace Officer
• Fail to Stop at Scene of Accident Involving Bodily Harm or Death
• Dangerous Operation of Motor Vehicle
• Driving while Disqualified
• Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5,000.00

David GREGORY, 34, of Brantford is facing the following criminal charge
• Possession of Property Obtained by Crime over $5,000.00

Both accused appeared in court today (Friday Oct., 17) and have been remanded into custody. The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) which has invoked its mandate is conducting a parallel investigation.

It sounds like the pursuit might have gotten too rambunctious.
Pretty certain it's the cops that were charged in the pickup. They don't charge RIDE cops for not being able to intercept and stop a vehicle... what are they going to do, ram it or gun it to pieces?

The whole situation is confusing. First two people are charged, then two officers are charged. Maybe at the RIDE stop they said to the guys in the stolen pickup, "Run."? There's a whole lot that's not revealed here.
I'm confused; why are they being charged? That important piece of information is missing.

I hear you. I'm starting to think that they chased when they were told not to.

Unfortunately I have personal experience with a judge's screw-up. In our case the judge accepted a plea deal for a lesser sentence and limited restitution from the accused in return for him (the accused) returning our stolen property. However, the judge failed (I believe on purpose) to ensure that said conditions were in the written agreement. Because of this oversight neither the parole offices nor my lawyer could force the little, (child out of wedlock) to give up anything. And don't get me started on the S.O.B. insurance company that screwed us over this break, enter and theft.
Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Wild: Girl From Brampton, Ontario Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face During Scuffle!


Full story here LINK
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Someone should offer a course on how to record **** on your phone.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

If this was america, there would have been two bodies on the ground. Lifeless if they were black.
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