Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Well, as long as you get an impression......I didn't see any pre video action so I have no impression, sadly.

That they were trespassing was stated. That they knew that they were "not to be on the property (during lunch)" was stated. When they knew this was not stated, but the implication was that it was at some time prior to this incident.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Like I said, we don't know what the cop said to these girls. Teenaged girls are not known for their rational assessment of a situation. It was highly inadvisable to attack anyone, much less a cop... but I could see how this could escalate fast. Don't get me wrong, I'm not forgiving the kids... but I am saying they were kids... and we have no idea how they were provoked before this video started.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

During lunch? Well, then. Call 911.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Provoked. Nice.

Right. We don't know. Kids do stupid things. Cops do stupid things. Put them together, and what do you get?
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

So if you provoke someone and they knock you the **** out you're going to say you deserved it because you provoked them? Dude you seem like a smart guy from posts I've seen on here but you can't honestly believe somehow that even if "provoked" this cop is wrong?
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Cops are not supposed to escalate situations. She clearly lacked the training or capability to control the situation. I'm not even saying it *DID* happen. I'm saying I could see how it *COULD* happen. One thing we can agree on, those kids are lucky they weren't badly hurt or killed in this situation.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Maybe school should teach the do's and don'ts of interacting with law enforcement, rights and obligations. Maybe they could throw in something about personal finance as well. I guess kiddiegarter sex ed is a start.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

I can see how it could happen too. I get you there but common sense tells 99% of us you don't swing at a cop. So even if the cop yelled hey come here I want to talk to you and that chick swung she's automatically an idiot and lucky she didn't get it worse.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

I can see how it could happen too. I get you there but common sense tells 99% of us you don't swing at a cop. So even if the cop yelled hey come here I want to talk to you and that chick swung she's automatically an idiot and lucky she didn't get it worse.

No, i was thinking more along the lines of "Hey you kids, I'm talking to you, get your *** over here and shut your trap. Shut your face! I'm not asking you anything, I'm telling you. Get your *** over here now!" That's practically verbatim what Vance Kewley yelled at us one day (30+ years ago, lol) because we were riding our bikes through a grocery store parking lot and he had a bee up his butt about something... did we stop? No. Because we were kids, and we knew he couldn't catch us or do anything other than call our parents, if he did. We also knew that Vance was a rotten semi-human being. Kids don't always respond rationally or "properly."


You may not remember my story on GTAM about Vance, it's been a few years now. Such a nice guy... 35+ years in the force with a string of violence, bullying, falsifications and general over-aggressiveness... which got him promoted, you know how it goes... shortly after he retired from the forces, Mr. Nice Guy Vance has a woman cut in front of him at a Tim Horton's in Belleville and punches her, leaving handprints on her arms where he grabbed her in anger. Belleville cop shows up, realises it's Kewley and hammers him with everything he can... cops in the nearby force knew his name and hated him... How I laughed... but I want you to recall... he was in the force 35+ years and it wasn't until he didn't have his badge that he got called on his shenanigans. Because "good cops" very rarely do anything about "bad cops." At least he didn't shoot my 17 year old buddy Paul back in '86, when he drew his gun on him because Paul lit off some firecrackers, but I bet his trigger finger was itchy... good thing I run faster than Paul... :D
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Mom in tears after police handcuff son, 9, at Ottawa school LINK

this kid has a disability but was out of control, the PO's cufffed him until he cooled down and was rational, yet here the mother is claiming trauma and mental stress...etc. the above 15 year old, an adult in my opinion was out of control, "cuff and stuff" and sort it out when rational and the guardians arrive. "Ottawa Police said officers will restrain people with handcuffs, when necessary, regardless of age or size." that was a quote from the article, the 15 year old in the brampton situation was out of control and a danger to the public and herself.
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Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

No, it needs to get louder. Otherwise, they're not going to change.

NYPD cops getting gunned down, RCMP getting gunned down, constant state of fear and rioting in St. Louis, people marching on city streets chanting for dead cops.

How much louder does it need to be for this "positive change" you "want".
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

There will always be a "rub" between humans. Any change will be (has been) very slow and incremental, 2 steps forward 1 step back. Expecting cops and citizens to get along would require extermination of that 15-20% on both sides who wreck it for everybody else. Most people don't want trouble. Quit asking for the impossible.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

NYPD cops getting gunned down, RCMP getting gunned down, constant state of fear and rioting in St. Louis, people marching on city streets chanting for dead cops.

Oh please. Nobody rational wants to see people die, but every time a cop dies on the job, they want to engrave his name on a mountaintop. 28 times more construction workers are hurt on the job than cops, yet you don't see construction workers demanding unrestricted use of violence, instant compliance with their demands (lawful or otherwise) and unquestioning hero worship.

Their relationship with the public sucks, and they happily enforce unjust laws. That's what needs to change. Maybe if these crazy people who want to shoot cops felt that cops were friends and were there to help them, they wouldn't be targets. But cops are NOT our friends and they DON'T care about helping people.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Regarding the nine-year old being handcuffed: The officer was interfering. She was not called to the scene, she just happened to be there. The matter should have been left to specialists trained for this, not law-enforcers armed with cuffs and tasers and guns. Perhaps we can allocate some of the police budget to better training for and more ECEs, classroom assistants, special needs teachers, etc.?
Point being that passing an emergency vehicle that has its lights on may create a dangerous situation. If that vehicle is looking for something specific and suddenly has to go from left lane to right, the passing vehicle has just caused a collision.

Its time to re access the pull to the right for oncoming emergency vehicles and move left for cop cars on the shoulder laws . I was rear ended a week ago because I pulled right and stopped with a line of cars in front of me because an ambulance was approaching from the oppisite direction. The car behind me didn't stop. If I was on a bike I'd be dead or fubare'd. At what point do politicians make so many laws to enhance safety that obeying them all causes risk of injury for motorists? In my case there were 2 lanes in each direction, there is no need to move right.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

Oh please. Nobody rational wants to see people die, but every time a cop dies on the job, they want to engrave his name on a mountaintop. 28 times more construction workers are hurt on the job than cops, yet you don't see construction workers demanding unrestricted use of violence, instant compliance with their demands (lawful or otherwise) and unquestioning hero worship.

Their relationship with the public sucks, and they happily enforce unjust laws. That's what needs to change. Maybe if these crazy people who want to shoot cops felt that cops were friends and were there to help them, they wouldn't be targets. But cops are NOT our friends and they DON'T care about helping people.

I agree with you on that. The Police have created a them vs. us environment. Thanks to greedy politicians creating civil liability laws and a policing for profit mind set, the Police are now just tax collectors with guns.
Re: Wild: Girl From Brampton Repeatedly Slaps Female Police Officer In The Face

I agree with you on that. The Police have created a them vs. us environment the Police are now just tax collectors with guns.

Then what explains my last 3 speeding tickets reduced to 15 over on the spot despite having me dead to rights?
Its time to re access the pull to the right for oncoming emergency vehicles and move left for cop cars on the shoulder laws . I was rear ended a week ago because I pulled right and stopped with a line of cars in front of me because an ambulance was approaching from the oppisite direction. The car behind me didn't stop. If I was on a bike I'd be dead or fubare'd. At what point do politicians make so many laws to enhance safety that obeying them all causes risk of injury for motorists? In my case there were 2 lanes in each direction, there is no need to move right.

Sorry, I disagree on this point. Just last week, one driver did not pull right before an intersection while an ambulance coming towards us. Ambulance had to wait for car to pass to make left turn. Those few seconds could be life and death.
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