Re: Montreal cyclist fined for warning others about police spot check
Every time I read this thread I get depressed.
Every time I read this thread I get depressed.
油井緋色;2043070 said:Every time I read this thread I get depressed.
Ever wonder what the cops did with their drug forfeiture money?
Correct. It is not necessary to even charge you in ontario to steal your stuff.
Informant plants drugs in smoke shop, get caught by shop surveillance tape.
They just love shooting dogs!
So the guy gets arrested for....i don't know what.
The dog jumps out to protect his master, doesn't even attack any cops, and the cowards shoot him. Fantastic work.
I'm not the most affectionate towards animals, but this in the video was just about the most horrible thing I've seen in a long time
Here's how the police acts in Sweden when you attempt to film them with a camera:
Guest wrote:Treasure Coast LEO wrote:I know Trooper Smith very well and in my opinion, she is one of the best! Her uniform is consistently squared away and I have personally learned a great deal from her. I’ve backed her up on stops and know where she draws the line. So, with that in mind, my guess is you were clipping along at 100 or above on Florida’s’ Turnpike. As you showed your silly badge expecting a free pass for idiotic behavior, the Trooper handed you a citation while you displayed a stupid *** look wondering what just happened. Carry on cry baby and go pay your St Lucie ticket. Better yet, take the case to court and tell Magistrate Schwab that she must have stopped the wrong car because you’re an LEO and the law doesn’t apply to you. After which, come back her and let us know how that worked out for ya. Big Baby!
Yourself and Tpr. Smith are pieces of crap. I'm glad that my zone partners aren't as stubburn as you two. I could care less if an LEO is doing 170 mph on the 821, they will get away with a warning. I'll let them learn how to drive more responsibly on their own. I didn't get this job to police the police and I am not a supervisor.
Agreed! More than 25 years with FHP and I am proud to say that I have never written another PO. It isn't about them being above the law, it's about giving a fellow LEO a break on something that is not that critical.
So basically HTA 172 RUINS your ****ing life here and down south LEOs think of fellow LEOs doing the same as not critical....
That cop forums is just big WOW. Most of them think that there are no laws for them.
I also know that firefighters get away most of the time by flashing their wallet badge.
My buddy who's in Canadian Armed Forces got away without a ticket by showing his army photo card before.
no it is correct, need to be one of the boys. and FF are consider one of the clubyeah. Your comment about Fire Fighters is incorrect. But thankyoucomeagain.
no it is correct, need to be one of the boys. and FF are consider one of the club
yeah. Your comment about Fire Fighters is incorrect. But thankyoucomeagain.
And I'm comming again. Good buddy is a fire fighter in Guelph, his badge let him off.
My co-worker is one of those volunteer fire fighters up north where he has his cottage with the badge in his wallet.....yep, that helped him not get a ticket.
But good thing on you if you don't flex your badge.