Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Lets drop the FF, some may get off, some may get nailed. Thats not the problem.

We are constantly being told ..."oooh there are a few bad guys who ruin it for the rest..." Read that forum again, all 10 pages of it and you will see that the majority are calling that trooper a POS for ticketing a "brother". Aint no few bad apples here...the whole thing is rotten!
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Lets drop the FF, some may get off, some may get nailed. Thats not the problem.

We are constantly being told ..."oooh there are a few bad guys who ruin it for the rest..." Read that forum again, all 10 pages of it and you will see that the majority are calling that trooper a POS for ticketing a "brother". Aint no few bad apples here...the whole thing is rotten!

You realize how forums work, right?

Much like this thread, those who go against the grain of the thread simply avoid posting since they know it's not going to go anywhere.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Wow. You gave 2 examples of FF's of getting let go of the thousand who work the job.

Just ask the FF who recently had his truck taken under "172" while in uniform.
I guess you dont recall the Fire Chief who had his vehicle taken from him on the 401 while enroute to fire fighter funeral.

I could go on, but i wont.

Two examples simly because I'm just a regular Joe who doesn't know every other FF but just a few.
Yes, I remember the case about fire chief. Justice has been served. Good.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Wow. You gave 2 examples

And than you replied with 2 examples....!?

The two FFs I know say that they don't really get along with the cops they "work with"....and gave an impression that this is not uncommon? Is that true?
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

And than you replied with 2 examples....!?

The two FFs I know say that they don't really get along with the cops they "work with"....and gave an impression that this is not uncommon? Is that true?

Go to and type firefighter into the search. Canadian cops have no love for firefighters (in general). I'm sure inferno has heard the "Circle of Healing" jab before.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

And than you replied with 2 examples....!?

The two FFs I know say that they don't really get along with the cops they "work with"....and gave an impression that this is not uncommon? Is that true?

I could of sat here all day and typed out cops nailing FF's .. but anyways i have better **** to do today.
True. Ontario cops dislike FF and seem to have a hate on for volunteers in particular.

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Opp seem to hate fire fighters. There was one around Trenton that had to pray the his house never caught fire... The volunteers might have been busy/driving extra slow to be safe.

Back on topic of police, here's another where the police did a no knock invasion and think the INNOCENT couple that were home should be thankful they weren't shot.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

A lot of it is they are all public servants it is a brotherhood thing. this is what my fire chief buddy tells me, but hey you would now better than me for sure.

I think it depends on the individual cop, what kind of mood he/she is in and the circumstances. I work in a hospital and have gotten off of some +50 violations twice. One (pre street racing BS) 140 in a 80zone warning only. Once 100 in a 50 early morning long weekend going to work, 10KpH over ticket( paid.) Once not so lucky, but a little lucky. 103 in a 40 late at night coming home from work and charged under HTA128 not 172.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

"obstruction of justice" is code for not doing whatever a cop tells you to do the second he tells you to do it.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Multiple Detroit police accused of robbing citizens at gunpoint:

Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Cops don't like FF's? That's not good. Those work together all the time.
Old joke-what did every cop wanna be when he grew up? A firefighter.

I've heard it both ways.

Side note - I had a cop come to my house the other day. With 4 twelve week old black labs. I was in puppy paradise! Puppy breath OD.
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