Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Who pulls a gun to check to see if there's under age drinking?

That many idiots to take down one girl and not one of them saw it was water. I guess some cops really do get their badges from cracker jacks
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

They just love shooting dogs!

So the guy gets arrested for....i don't know what.
The dog jumps out to protect his master, doesn't even attack any cops, and the cowards shoot him. Fantastic work.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

So the guy gets arrested for....i don't know what.

Me either, but he sure knows the ropes LOL.

Tough to watch the dog convulsing.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

They just love shooting dogs!

So the guy gets arrested for....i don't know what.
The dog jumps out to protect his master, doesn't even attack any cops, and the cowards shoot him. Fantastic work.

the idiot should have went and put another round in the dog, instead he lets him flop around on the ground
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Me either, but he sure knows the ropes LOL.

Tough to watch the dog convulsing.

...if I really love dogs I shouldn't watch this should I? =/
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

油井緋色;2033633 said:
...if I really love dogs I shouldn't watch this should I? =/

I don't know what this means, exactly. The dog is in great distress.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Whatever you do, make sure you mow your grass people. OR ELSE!!!

unfrikkinbelievable...... the audio always captures their true character when they don't know a camera is recording.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

油井緋色;2033633 said:
...if I really love dogs I shouldn't watch this should I? =/

Clearly not. I shouldn't have had.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Wow, I can't believe they shot the dog like that. Pretty ridiculous. At least the police department knows they have a really fat lawsuit coming their way. I feel like the smaller local police departments don't have as good training in dealing with situations like this. In my experience with the LAPD they've been quite professional and know how to act around people.
Montreal cyclist fined for warning others about police spot check

Cyclist Chris Lloyd says he was just trying to help other commuters when Montreal police issued him a $651 ticket for obstructing a peace officer yesterday morning.

After riding through a red light at the intersection of Duluth Avenue and Saint-Hubert Street, Lloyd received a $40 ticket from police monitoring cyclists during rush hour that morning.

"After I received a ticket, I realized I had some time; that I was early for work. So I thought I would spend a few minutes at the stop, at the red light, warning cyclists to not go through the red light," says Lloyd.

Lloyd said he was just trying to help fellow cyclists. But police didn't see it the same way and gave him a ticket for obstructing a peace officer.

"I think just warning people, even if I was saying, 'There are police just on the other side of the lights,' it's not interfering with their work because their work, the goal of their work, is not just giving tickets," says Lloyd.

Montreal police said they do not comment on individual cases.

Criminal defence lawyer David Sutton told CBC's Daybreak the incident doesn't seem to fit the common application of the law prohibiting the obstruction of police work.

"I think the police have come up with a very generous interpretation of the notion of obstruction under any piece of legislation," he says.

"If a person were to alert a member [or] members of the public to a covert police operation and show how it interferes with that operation, that would be obstruction. This good person was really just encouraging other cyclists to obey the law."

Though Lloyd says he will not contest the ticket for running the red light, he will fight the charge that he obstructed police.

Since when is it illegal to encourage lawful behavior?

As much as I hate idiot cyclists, instead of handing out tickets one morning a year, how about programs to educate all cyclists on the difference between riding bike = vehicle & walking bike = pedestrian.
Re: Montreal cyclist fined for warning others about police spot check

Since when is it illegal to encourage lawful behavior?

As much as I hate idiot cyclists, instead of handing out tickets one morning a year, how about programs to educate all cyclists on the difference between riding bike = vehicle & walking bike = pedestrian.

Similar charges have been tried before. They don't typically stand up in court.

Re: Montreal cyclist fined for warning others about police spot check

This is what happens every day and it's so unusual to get it on video. But this time, they did.

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