Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

So if you have read my other thread I had court today for a 26 over violation in mississauga. I was hoping the cop didnt show up because the disclosure was pretty tight and I was not comfortable enough to fight it on my own. Sure enough cop shows up, they offer me a reduced fine, I say no and opt to ask the court for an adjournment. So after fighting for it( because the crown was a beeeeatch) the judge gave me an adjournment based on me finding a representative to fight the ticket for me( that was my reasoning why i wanted an adjournment to begin with).
So now I have time and think I will hire redline to help me with it. Either way i at least have more time now.

Oh and I rode there as well with the wife. Just a bit of backstory to understand the rest.

So we leave, grab some lunch in ajax here when we get back from mississauga and then head home. Literally the street behind my house I pass a cop who was trolling( basically has the radar where he tags you from the car going in the other direction) I didnt think much of it as I was going with the flow of traffic, like I was stuck behind 5 cars on kerrison( small street) , sure enough he pulls a u turn flips the cherries on and boom! I was like noooooo f'in way! He was unmarked and said I was going 78 in a 50, I was though but like i said with the 5 other cars ahead of me.
So i explain I just got back from mississauga for a speeding ticket that I lost. I explained i have other things on my record and thid ticket would kill me for insurance. he offered a reduction to which i grumoed but said would i rather that or the full ticket... obvious reply on my part. So then he went to the car and then I said even a violation that wont affect my insurance I would be happy about. He called me over, showed me my record and then asked how old my kids where. I told him... then he handed me back my info and said go buy you're kids some mcdonalds when they get home from school! He said he rides and has kids, and just slow down a little.

Awesome move on his part and really appreciated it!! Thanks Mr durham cop, maybe you are on here!
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

i've seen the "kids story" save many many hides from getting a suspended sentence in court to getting away with +47kph

but congrats on the traffic stop and good luck with the +26 in Mississauga!
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

i've seen the "kids story" save many many hides from getting a suspended sentence in court to getting away with +47kph

but congrats on the traffic stop and good luck with the +26 in Mississauga!

You leave court where you are appearing to answer to a 26 over charge. While going home are doing 28 over in a 50 zone....Are you just incapable of following the speed limit? Seems to me that you are not the type of driver to fully appreciate; and learn from a break...

Your lucky day perhaps.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

<iframe width="562" height="314" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=",+Ajax,+ON&aq=0&oq=kerrison&sll=46.584407,-81.079126&sspn=0.975902,2.469177&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Kerrison+Dr+W,+Ajax,+Durham+Regional+Municipality,+Ontario&t=m&layer=c&cbll=43.870077,-79.026444&panoid=GpXybyQJ-ybwixmGsEmSCQ&cbp=13,258.32,,0,1.56&ll=43.860788,-79.021397&spn=0.019432,0.048237&z=14&output=svembed"></iframe>

<small>View Larger Map

Sweet. Public school and residential area. Guess the cop was "Trolling" for exactly what he found.</small>
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

So if you have read my other thread I had court today for a 26 over violation in mississauga. I was hoping the cop didnt show up because the disclosure was pretty tight and I was not comfortable enough to fight it on my own. Sure enough cop shows up, they offer me a reduced fine, I say no and opt to ask the court for an adjournment. So after fighting for it( because the crown was a beeeeatch) the judge gave me an adjournment based on me finding a representative to fight the ticket for me( that was my reasoning why i wanted an adjournment to begin with).
So now I have time and think I will hire redline to help me with it. Either way i at least have more time now.

Oh and I rode there as well with the wife. Just a bit of backstory to understand the rest.

So we leave, grab some lunch in ajax here when we get back from mississauga and then head home. Literally the street behind my house I pass a cop who was trolling( basically has the radar where he tags you from the car going in the other direction) I didnt think much of it as I was going with the flow of traffic, like I was stuck behind 5 cars on kerrison( small street) , sure enough he pulls a u turn flips the cherries on and boom! I was like noooooo f'in way! He was unmarked and said I was going 78 in a 50, I was though but like i said with the 5 other cars ahead of me.
So i explain I just got back from mississauga for a speeding ticket that I lost. I explained i have other things on my record and thid ticket would kill me for insurance. he offered a reduction to which i grumoed but said would i rather that or the full ticket... obvious reply on my part. So then he went to the car and then I said even a violation that wont affect my insurance I would be happy about. He called me over, showed me my record and then asked how old my kids where. I told him... then he handed me back my info and said go buy you're kids some mcdonalds when they get home from school! He said he rides and has kids, and just slow down a little.

Awesome move on his part and really appreciated it!! Thanks Mr durham cop, maybe you are on here!

Not really law related. Merging with "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" thread.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

I know right? I am surprised I am able to even lift a fork to feed myself!

You leave court where you are appearing to answer to a 26 over charge. While going home are doing 28 over in a 50 zone....Are you just incapable of following the speed limit? Seems to me that you are not the type of driver to fully appreciate; and learn from a break...

Your lucky day perhaps.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

you would hope they made sure they had the right house before they started shooting.

[h=1]Leander police officer shoots dog at wrong house
By Esther Robards-Forbes[/h]American-Statesman Staff
A dog was shot and severely injured by a Leander police officer Monday night after the officer attempted to serve a warrant at the wrong address, according to the dog’s owners and a statement from the Leander Police Department.
The dog, a German shepherd named Vinny that works as a therapy dog, was shot in the neck and is recovering at the home of his owners in Liberty Hill.
Renata and James Simmons, the dog’s owners, are baffled and distraught by the actions of the officer. According to the statement from LPD, Warrant Officer Woodson Blase arrived at the Simmons’ home on FM 3405 to serve a warrant, knocked on the door and was walking around the back of the house when two German shepherds ran toward him.
The officer feared for his safety and fired three shots, the statement said.
James Simmons said he didn’t know the officer was there until he heard the gunshots. When he approached the officer in the front yard, Simmons said, the officer told him he was there to serve a warrant. Simmons had never heard of the person named in the warrant and has lived at that home for nine years. When he asked the officer what address he was looking for, Blase did not answer, Simmons said.
Vinny was hit once in the neck and was rushed to an emergency veterinarian. The dog is expected to live, but may not walk normally again, James Simmons said.
The incident is under administrative review, according to the statement from LPD.

Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Maybe the cops should take a course taught by pizza delivery drivers on how to find the correct house... :rolleyes:

This is the 3rd or 4th story this year alone about busting down the wrong door and shooting everything dead.
Morans....need far better training than they are getting now.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

The F.B.I. Deemed Agents Faultless in 150 Shootings....[/URL]
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

I just wanted to share my experience with the Toronto Police.

I was riding my Hyosung about a month ago when I had a major engine malfunction that cause me to pull over to the side of the highway. I pulled over and began to tinker with my bike in the hopes that it had just overheated or something silly had happened. After 30 or so minutes I call my brother to pick me up with his pick up truck. About 15 minutes later a Traffic police car pulls up (the ones with the signs). He politely introduces himself as Officer Jeffery, he was very polite a fellow rider and even helped me tinker with the bike for a few minutes. I explained that a truck was on its way and that I was just waiting on him, ( I have been told they can impound your vehicle if it sits to long on the side of the highway, unsure if this is true). He offers to let me sit in the back of his car to use my cellphone due to the loud noise and also because he was worried that I might be struck by a car, I sat with him and we chit chatted for 20-25 minutes.

Once my brother arrived he helped load the bike into the truck, ratchet strap it down and led us off the highway with his lights on because my brother wasn't use to the area.

Amazing Officer and person in general, I called in and gave him a raving review. It really helped change my outlook on police.
Re: A nice durham cop... and the story behind it

Wow. A police officer did his job. That changes my outlook too.
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