Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

No cop, no chase, rider would have been home on time for the ball-game. Looks like his brain froze in fear, and he forgot how to ride. Cop never even offered assistance - dumb prick! To any cops on this forum (and there are many), chasing a bike will end in one of two ways. Make sure you can live with killing someone before you choose to play cowboy for a speeding ticket!

So either the rider can pull over and take his ticket, or he/she can die? I'll take the ticket thanks :)
You are basing your opinion on... Youtube comments? :lmao:

Moderator to Aisle #2 please .. another cop-hater thread mess to throw into the trash forum Po-Po thread.

These sort of thread postings say more about the original posters mentality and lack of maturity, than anything about police action or inaction.

You cannot see beyond your own opinion. You have yours. I have mine. The comments on the YouTube video show a consensus.
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

Either drunk or an new rider,when he looked over his left shoulder he counter steered the bike into the ditch.Wasn't handling the corners well to that point either.My vote is that he was riding beyond his skill level.The cop has no responsibility other than his mere presence shocked the rider enough to lose control.I don't think he knew he was being followed until he shoulder checked.As for not giving assistance he did call EMS and simply touching the guy could have finished him off.Never move or touch a downed rider unless hes choking/blocked airway or asking you to.
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Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

Looks like natural selection at work
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

You cannot see beyond your own opinion. You have yours. I have mine. The comments on the YouTube video show a consensus.


There's not much more to say about this. :lmao:
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

You cannot see beyond your own opinion. You have yours. I have mine. The comments on the YouTube video show a consensus.

So keep your opinion to yourself then - this GTAM thread "consensus" clearly shows that your opinion is more in tune with the average squid that is looking for a no-consequences, blame the Po-Po for anything that happens, ride. It's refreshing to see that so far, that squidus-stupendous consensus is lacking here on GTAM for once.

Go find somewhere else to immaturely whine about the Injustices of The Man, in this case.
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Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

It's funny how some people are so anti-cop and think just because they ride a bike the rest of us will agree. If someone is doing something illegal, riding like an idiot, drunk etc.. the cops are going to give chase. It's their job, they need to get that person off the road for others safety. It is that guys fault he was in that situation not theirs.

Now.. for the record, i can speak from first hand experience on this. I was in a police chase in my early 20's. I was young and stupid, driving a muscle car, doing 200+ and luckily i didn't crash and die like this idiot. Long story short i was racing along an empty stretch of the QEW after 2am, a cop was just coming on and merging and saw me blow past and he gave chase, the chase lasted nearly 25 minutes and went off the highway and through side streets, and eventually i went up a dead end road i was cornered with about 20 cop cars on my tail by the end of it. They surrounded my car, guns drawn, dragged me out.. the works.

Now was that their fault? No.. If i had crashed and died would it have been their fault? No.. I should have just pulled over.. Duh! but i panicked and i was young and cocky and full of that 'screw the cops' attitude that many of the younger guys on here seem to have.

Was bitter that i got caught? yes.. but i quickly realized i was lucky. Looking back i am glad i lived past that immature phase and that i didn't kill anyone. I'm glad that they caught me that night and took me off the roads. I had a lengthy suspension from it and heavy fines, and i never did it again.. In short i grew up..
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

OP, FYI, sometimes you can look at an accident scene and know someone is dead right there.
The guys helmet flew off. He likely literally split his head open, had grey matter showing (brains) and lots of CSF (spinal and brain fluid) leaking out his ears, eyes, nose etc. it's easy for a traffic cop, who has likely seen it before to know the guy is toast.
This coming to you from a trained emergency medicine tech.

Last year some loser stole my plate off my bike. A few weeks later, the cops chased him down (it had been a game to the rider all summer) and he ate it on a sharp bend... Still had my old plate on his bike. I was happy to hear how he ended up (trip to the hospital and then jail). Got what he deserved.

Im not saying I have or haven't run from cops, but I know if I run, anything that happens is the result of my decision. Better be 100% sure you can get away before you hammer down.
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

So i guess this thread was serious.
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

Very misleading title lol, I was expecting something completely different!
Cop admits to driving 130 MPH!

That's likely the speed he had to travel to catch up to the guy on the bike. They didn't appear to be travelling that fast.
The YouTube comments on this video seem to dictate the general consensus that traffic cops are uneducated fools and a waste of tax-payer dollars. Each and every one of them could be replaced by a pole with a camera.

While I'm no fan of the way traffic laws are enforced in North America as a whole ...

This rider was almost certainly drunk. How effective are speed cameras and red-light cameras at catching drunk drivers???
No cop, no chase, rider would have been home on time for the ball-game. Looks like his brain froze in fear, and he forgot how to ride. Cop never even offered assistance - dumb prick! To any cops on this forum (and there are many), chasing a bike will end in one of two ways. Make sure you can live with killing someone before you choose to play cowboy for a speeding ticket!

Or the alternative is be prepared to die, if you run.
You cannot see beyond your own opinion. You have yours. I have mine. The comments on the YouTube video show a consensus.

Just trying to understand your side. Is it the speed limit you're against, or the enforcement of it? Or something else entirely? What is it that you think was stupid?

He was riding north on First Avenue in Maywood near Madison Street when he saw a girl dart into the street. To avoid striking the girl, the officer purposely ditched his motorcycle, putting it down on its side on the pavement, according to a statement from Maywood village spokesman Larry Shapiro.

Expect no one that frequents this thread to focus on that. Imo good on the cop for trying his best in that situation, sorry for the ****** parent that decided to take it too far.

"I know for sure he wasn't out to harm the man. My brother would never harm anybody. I could understand him [the officer] being upset, but two wrongs don't make a right."

Is she seriously trying to claim that he wouldn't have been enraged enough to try to kill the guy? And further claiming that the guy on the ground after a lowside being beaten was "angry"? Also **** the morons in that video, concealed carry is legal in Illinois, even if it was John Whoever he could've been packing in that scenario and would've done the same. The fact that he was an off duty cop means nothing.
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