Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

I'm not sure how that was the cops fault. Low speed follow and the rider just cruised off the road.
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

last night at yonge n sheppard, a police car rear ended a civilian car.
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

I'm not sure how that was the cops fault. Low speed follow and the rider just cruised off the road.

Looks to be drunk or something.
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

isnt there a law where a cop has to back off after a certain speed or is that just a myth?
buddy was definitely hammered
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

That wasn't much of a police chase.

I'd call that terminal rider stupidity. Nothing a cop could do about that, nor should he be held responsible for the riders own actions, or inaction in taking that corner. Cop was not on his arse, and had only just caught up, nor was there any contact made.

It's called a consequence of one's own actions. Harsh as the consequence may be, it's on the riders own actions .. not the cop. The cop wasn't twisting the loud-handle.
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No cop, no chase, rider would have been home on time for the ball-game. Looks like his brain froze in fear, and he forgot how to ride. Cop never even offered assistance - dumb prick! To any cops on this forum (and there are many), chasing a bike will end in one of two ways. Make sure you can live with killing someone before you choose to play cowboy for a speeding ticket!
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

Title of this thread should really be...

"Cop watches rider off himself"
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

no cop, no chase, rider would have been home on time for the ball-game. Looks like his brain froze in fear, and he forgot how to ride. Cop never even offered assistance - dumb prick! To any cops on this forum (and there are many), chasing a bike will end in one of two ways. Make sure you can live with killing someone before you choose to play cowboy for a speeding ticket!

Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

What the hell did that guy do anyways? He just slowly drifts off a straight road into a field.... also how did he died? It looked grassy and he wasn't going at killer speeds.
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

What the hell did that guy do anyways? He just slowly drifts off a straight road into a field.... also how did he died? It looked grassy and he wasn't going at killer speeds.
I think he hit the tractor.
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

I don't see how they are at fault, sorry.
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

the probably hammered rider just sort of decides to stop steering the bike and it's the cops fault?

No cop, no chase, rider would have been home on time for the ball-game. Looks like his brain froze in fear, and he forgot how to ride. Cop never even offered assistance - dumb prick! To any cops on this forum (and there are many), chasing a bike will end in one of two ways. Make sure you can live with killing someone before you choose to play cowboy for a speeding ticket!


and also, if having a cop light you up causes you to freeze up and crash your vehicle, then you should not be able to have a licence
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

No cop, no chase, rider would have been home on time for the ball-game. Looks like his brain froze in fear, and he forgot how to ride. Cop never even offered assistance - dumb prick! To any cops on this forum (and there are many), chasing a bike will end in one of two ways. Make sure you can live with killing someone before you choose to play cowboy for a speeding ticket!
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

No cop, no chase, rider would have been home on time for the ball-game. Looks like his brain froze in fear, and he forgot how to ride. Cop never even offered assistance - dumb prick! To any cops on this forum (and there are many), chasing a bike will end in one of two ways. Make sure you can live with killing someone before you choose to play cowboy for a speeding ticket!

The cop is a cop, not an EMT. Perhaps you could have done better as an armchair PhD, but i doubt it.

When you have head trauma like the rider likely did (he lost his helmet just in front of that cruiser) then there is also going to be a high likelyhood of spinal cord trauma - so in other words, to do ANYTHING physical without the man-power and expertise to stabilize the guy's spine in order to roll him over (he was face down) is more often than not going to kill him right there and then.

About the only thing i would fault the cop with, is not verbally reassuring the rider - the cop has made (likely correctly) the assumption that he's unconscious where he is laying - still, part of first aid, is to talk to the victim as if he is still conscious and aware.

That cop was engaged in the course of his duties. He's supposed to stop speeders, whether in a car or on a crotch rocket. Just because you ride, doesn't give you a free pass from the consequences of road-crime - whether that be a ticket for breaking the sound-barrier, or the consequence of a radically shortened lifespan as a vegetable in the ditch due to the riders own choices and actions to run, evade, or simply keep speeding without caring or being aware of the cop that was at the side of the road 3 minutes before.

Grow up. It's a cruel world out there. All you can do is learn from the mistakes of others (like this rider), don't make the same mistakes, and move on with your life. The other rider is RIP by his own hand, not the cops.
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The cop is a cop, not an EMT. Perhaps you could have done better as an armchair PhD, but i doubt it.

When you have head trauma like the rider likely did (he lost his helmet just in front of that cruiser) then there is also going to be a high likelyhood of spinal cord trauma - so in other words, to do ANYTHING physical without the man-power and expertise to stabilize the guy's spine in order to roll him over (he was face down) is more often than not going to kill him right there and then.

About the only thing i would fault the cop with, is not verbally reassuring the rider - the cop has made (likely correctly) the assumption that he's unconscious where he is laying - still, part of first aid, is to talk to the victim as if he is still conscious and aware.

That cop was engaged in the course of his duties. He's supposed to stop speeders, whether in a car or on a crotch rocket. Just because you ride, doesn't give you a free pass from the consequences of road-crime - whether that be a ticket for breaking the sound-barrier, or the consequence of a radically shortened lifespan as a vegetable in the ditch due to the riders own choices and actions to run, evade, or simply keep speeding without caring or being aware of the cop that was at the side of the road 3 minutes before.

Grow up. It's a cruel world out there. All you can do is learn from the mistakes of others (like this rider), don't make the same mistakes, and move on with your life. The other rider is RIP by his own hand, not the cops.

The YouTube comments on this video seem to dictate the general consensus that traffic cops are uneducated fools and a waste of tax-payer dollars. Each and every one of them could be replaced by a pole with a camera. The govt could save $70,000 per fool and snap all the photos of gross speeding they want and generate their revenue that way. Objective vs. subjective. This cop should be hand-cuffed and arrested for murder. Traffic cops are ruining the reputation of police services all over north America as they are the front line, and everyone from teenagers to seventy year old blue-hairs have lost all respect for them. And this then filters up to the police in general. There is nothing more dangerous than fool with a badge.
Re: Another cop chases/kills rider

You are basing your opinion on... Youtube comments? :lmao:

Moderator to Aisle #2 please .. another cop-hater thread mess to throw into the trash forum Po-Po thread.

These sort of thread postings say more about the original posters mentality and lack of maturity, than anything about police action or inaction.

The YouTube comments on this video seem to dictate the general consensus that traffic cops are uneducated fools and a waste of tax-payer dollars. Each and every one of them could be replaced by a pole with a camera. The govt could save $70,000 per fool and snap all the photos of gross speeding they want and generate their revenue that way. Objective vs. subjective. This cop should be hand-cuffed and arrested for murder. Traffic cops are ruining the reputation of police services all over north America as they are the front line, and everyone from teenagers to seventy year old blue-hairs have lost all respect for them. And this then filters up to the police in general. There is nothing more dangerous than fool with a badge.
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