Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Yes, a story about something that happened in 2010. Odds are it has already been mentioned, either in this thread or elsewhere ;)
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Yes, a story about something that happened in 2010. Odds are it has already been mentioned, either in this thread or elsewhere ;)

It's not my fault the court system is so slow.:dontknow:
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Yes, a story about something that happened in 2010. Odds are it has already been mentioned, either in this thread or elsewhere ;)[/QUOTE

fallout from this assault ended up causing the windsor police chief to resign as well as wrecking the career of two not so clean senior officers but its back to business as usual with the wps in 2012
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

We have it pretty good here, for now.

Phase one of the British Prime Ministers attempt to form a total “Police State
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

these halton britches got nothing better to do??

Distracted drivers, beware.
Halton regional police have launched a four-day blitz in Burlington to catch people using their cellphones while driving. And they’re even going undercover, disguising themselves as roadside beggars – complete with tattered cardboard signs – in an effort to get close enough to catch offenders.
Project Disconnect is an effort to improve road safety by stopping people who are talking, dialling, texting or emailing using handheld phone devices and other communication and entertainment devices.
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Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

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