Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
I've seen it too. How bout turning all lights on just so they don't have to wait for a red light to change...
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

I've seen them do both of the above.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

I have seen a cop turn on the lights to get through the intersection and when the light turned green about a km down the road he was in the Timmies drive-thru
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

remember guys...idling a car at a red light is very fuel by not waiting with the rest of us...they're saving us taxpayers money!
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

First time I went to Buffalo, I witnessed an officer go through several red lights without turning on lights/sirens what-so-ever at around 10pm at night. I was amazed at what I was actually seeing, but then I just remembered how the police are above the law. If anyone were to have hit the cruiser, it would have clearly been the other drivers fault.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

They are cops, they can do whatever they want. They are thugs to begin with, that's why they get into Police careers, so that they can abuse their power, people, and do all kinds of bs with nobody to stop them.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Walking through my neighbourhood yesterday and a cop blew not one but two stop signs while on the phone. Would have loved to get that on video and submit it to CP24.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

They are cops, they can do whatever they want. They are thugs to begin with, that's why they get into Police careers, so that they can abuse their power, people, and do all kinds of bs with nobody to stop them.

I hate cops just as much as the next guy but can't say that about every one...If I ever became one I would surely abuse my powers and do whatever I want (already do) however I would use it to help my fellow riders, unless I came across someone like you ;)...
People also think all bikers are ******** too...
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Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

The badge allows them to do as they see fit... come on man, you should know this by now!
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

I remember in high school we had an "ask a cop" assembly where we could ask this officer anything. This very subject came up. The officer gave a very reasonable answer. He said when a call comes out on the radio and you are responding to an emergency, the adrenaline gets jacked up. However not all calls are actual emergencies as called in by the public (all calls must be treated as such). A lot of calls are just false alarms (not sure on the percentage of calls are false reports). The cops who you see pull into Timmies lights flashing are the guys who did not get to the call first and are pulling into parking lot to calm their nerves as the "shootout" or "major accident" they were racing to, was indeed a false report.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Unfortunately some do abuse their power and get their kicks off strutting around with a gun...but I don't believe this is the majority of officers around. I've had some pull me over and have never had any issues, but I've also talked to them like a normal person. Hell one let me off for doing 40kph over the limit in Sarnia on my way to the Autoshow in Detroit! Took my license, asked wtf I was doing speeding like that, and then told me to have a nice day and drive safe!
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

They are cops, they can do whatever they want. They are thugs to begin with, that's why they get into Police careers, so that they can abuse their power, people, and do all kinds of bs with nobody to stop them.

Are you joking or do you really believe this?
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

They are cops, they can do whatever they want. They are thugs to begin with, that's why they get into Police careers, so that they can abuse their power, people, and do all kinds of bs with nobody to stop them.

Are you joking or do you really believe this?

Road Warrior reminds me of these guys
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

I've seen an ambulance do that.

They didn't pull in, they just pulled a U-turn and parked on the street during rush hour.

Used to see a fire truck parked in the fire route of the grocery store all the time, while the men were grocery shopping too.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

I've seen an ambulance do that.

They didn't pull in, they just pulled a U-turn and parked on the street during rush hour.

Used to see a fire truck parked in the fire route of the grocery store all the time, while the men were grocery shopping too.

Do you know if the Ambulance is still 'on call', and just running in go pee or grab a drink? Would suck if the Ambulance is stuck in the drive-thru and gets a call. Is the fire route there to direct the fire, or is that where fire-trucks park? I guess if there was a fire, a fire-truck would already be there. lol.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Not suggesting this was the case in the OP's example but, some things that do happen:

1. Emergency lights are used only to get through the intersection because that's the biggest slow down to the response and you don't need the lights for the rest of the trip.

2. The emergency was down-graded once the vehicle was through the lights (this happens to fire vehicles all the time). In the OP's example it is highly probable that the call was cancelled and the cop decided to grab a coffee.

By the way, anytime an emergency vehicle hits or is hit while going through a red the driver of the emergency vehicle is assumed to be at fault. Same thing if they are speeding and hit someone or are hit by someone.
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