Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

There's plenty more evidence of that.

Seriously, I'm an *******, I want my own thread with recognition!
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Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

I've seen an ambulance do that.

They didn't pull in, they just pulled a U-turn and parked on the street during rush hour.

Used to see a fire truck parked in the fire route of the grocery store all the time, while the men were grocery shopping too.

well if their driving the firetruck and gotta get some groceries where do you think they'd park....
They're not gonna take up 10 parking spots...
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

I do like that they point out a very important fact that is often over looked. These officers lies are allowing obviously guilty dangerous criminals are go free.

I think thats preferable to convicting someone innocent on similar lies.

The only way the judiciary can enforce police behaviour is to remove the fruits of misbehaviour - ie no conviction.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

I think thats preferable to convicting someone innocent on similar lies.

The only way the judiciary can enforce police behaviour is to remove the fruits of misbehaviour - ie no conviction.

I agree.

I just find that most of the defenders use a 'if you weren't doing anything wrong' attitude when talking about bad police behaviour. They never seem to think about how this police behaviour can spoil great cases against serious criminals.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Police brutality fuelling Montreal rage:

That is one big protest... the overhead pictures are giant.

Yeeeeeaaaaah, I'm not buying it. Yes, the Montreal police are using violent means to try and quell this. The fact is that the destruction started before the violence did. Apparently there are non-student instigators involved, black block tactics being used, etc.. I think that someone is saying that the egg laid the chicken.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Lest we forget, the police went undercover and impersonated rioters to try and escalate the struggle. Anything - ANYTHING - the police have to say about this, or the media has to say about this, is highly suspect.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Lest we forget, the police went undercover and impersonated rioters to try and escalate the struggle. Anything - ANYTHING - the police have to say about this, or the media has to say about this, is highly suspect.

Would not be the first time they did it in Montreal.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Lest we forget, the police went undercover and impersonated rioters to try and escalate the struggle. Anything - ANYTHING - the police have to say about this, or the media has to say about this, is highly suspect.

I have seen comments from readers, asking the question of whether police acted as provocateurs. I haven't seen any reports that they have done so, during this series of student protests.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

I have seen comments from readers, asking the question of whether police acted as provocateurs. I haven't seen any reports that they have done so, during this series of student protests.

They use those tactics every time the riot squad comes out.
Incite the violence so the public watching the news won't cry foul when they start beating heads in.
It carefully planned right from the start, they've been doing it since 2007 for sure, and as recently as the G20.
If they really wanted to do the job properly, they would go undercover without starting a riot, carry cameras, film the troublemakers, relay info to uniformed officers, apprehend the vandals if possible.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Then perhaps you can show me similar pictures from Montreal, taken in the last few days?
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

Then perhaps you can show me similar pictures from Montreal, taken in the last few days?

I'm afraid the beatdown is still in progress, you might have to wait awhile for people to load their stories onto the interwebz.
Please standby, unhappy Quebecers are working hard to bring you fresh news!

ps> forgot to mention, was talking with my dad, apparently his friends son was finishing work downtown, tried to make his way to his parked car, when a few cops came running down the street, chasing some offenders and swinging at them with batons, poor innocent guy was almost to his car when he starts getting a few whacks from a cop and goes down to the turtle position to protect himself.
I'll get more details when i hear the full story.
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Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

I'm afraid the beatdown is still in progress, you might have to wait awhile for people to load their stories onto the interwebz.
Please standby, unhappy Quebecers are working hard to bring you fresh news!

And I'll wait and see, before jumping to that conclusion.
Re: Ever see a cop fly past you ....

While we are waiting, we can read this fine article. :lol:

Who was it that was saying we couldn't find new, local stories daily?! :rolleyes:

The police force should be labelled as a criminal organization, just like the groups they unfairly target.
Seize the guys house, assets and lock him up in jail for 4 years before he gets a court date.
Same treatment they give to others.
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