Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos


Here is the FB page.

To keep it bike related.

525533_322327547834652_322191871181553_811951_1604  766517_n.jpg

A friend, down in Austin, posted the full dash cam video link.

Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

Montreal has had a problem, that goes back decades. I remember when their police department was humiliated worldwide, by a video of a Montreal police officer beating an innocent civilian in a deppaneur, for having the temerity to mention that the officer was double parked and blocking the roadway. IIRC that was in the early 1980s.
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

Montreal has had a problem, that goes back decades. I remember when their police department was humiliated worldwide, by a video of a Montreal police officer beating an innocent civilian in a deppaneur, for having the temerity to mention that the officer was double parked and blocking the roadway. IIRC that was in the early 1980s.

It's really skewed now.
Someone in the hiring dept is getting laid, cause half the cops are young chicks.
You know the type, never wrong about anything, think they know it all, narrow minded and uneducated with no real life experience.
And whats worse, their training consists of nothing but fear mongering and robotic brainwashing.
Nobody thinks for themselves anymore, logic and common sense have been tossed aside.
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

Chicken ***** with badges.... Way too many... Most of them!!!!!!!!

I think you have to be very careful and clear about what you believe to say something like that. For me, it's impossible to belive that bad cops are all that common, given that the public in general still respects them and values them and have positive first-hand experiences with them (myself included).

This thread is ABOUT bad cops, but it's important that no ones makes the mistake of extrapolating from the hundreds of bad cop stories here to conclude that it reflects the mentality of the hundreds of thousands of them out there
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

For me, it's impossible to belive that bad cops are all that common, given that the public in general still respects them and values them and have positive first-hand experiences with them (myself included).

I read that as "I don't get out much."

Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

I read your posts as "I've got a bone to pick".


Don't be sorry, I definitely do have a "bone to pick" with the way law enforcement is empowering and comporting themselves in society today.
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

Don't be sorry, I definitely do have a "bone to pick" with the way law enforcement is empowering and comporting themselves in society today.

That's obvious, and you have posted some very good (bad) examples... but I wonder how much of your day is devoted to searching Google and YouTube for it all.
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos


The best Bike Alarm you can get and to get color coordinated is even better. :laughing6:
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

That's obvious, and you have posted some very good (bad) examples... but I wonder how much of your day is devoted to searching Google and YouTube for it all.

Did you notice how geographically far away he has to go to find examples? I guess there just isn't enough in the way of outrageous incidents right here at home.
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

Oh, there is plenty. It's just that most of these things are shoved under the carpet by the "blue shield." Or considered too small a news item for national news sources. So one does have to cherrypick headlines. If you like, I could probably find 10 a day and it wouldn't take me more than 10 minutes.

Always a pleasure turbo... but your straw man is burning, once again.
Re: Police Brutality Youtube videos

We only hear about the worst infractions, i'm sure plenty of officers get away with murder, no pun intended.
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