I have a ton of respect for what you're doing, Sonny; good on yah!
I can't really say that I'm in desperate NEED of money to the point some of the people have posted before, but a helping hand couldn't hurt. So my story is as below.
I just moved from Queensville to Winnipeg for a fresh start and thought I was in the perfect financial standing to do so. I packed everything into a 5'x8"U-Haul trailer (yes, that's how minimally I live), and started out on my journey. En route my older TDI burned through a set of brakes, spun a rode bearing, and the tie down loop in the trailer broke, causing my bike to fall and destroy the right side fairing.
I know this isn't a ton of stuff, but when you factor in start-up costs and all of the repairs (I no longer have access to a shop), I'm fairly far behind the eight ball now. I'm not dying, but a little could help me get back into the black. If not, someone more deserving will get a helping hand and I'm perfectly okay with that.
Anyway, I appreciate what you're doing, Sonny.