I totally get what your saying. But what you asked was " Is the gov. capable of 0 profit ins. scam, err scheme? " Two key words, government and scam. That's the problem, everything government, becomes bloated, corrupt, patronage appointments,therefore more corrupt, then eventually ineffective. Just as our public healthcare system. Every new government elected de-lists more services which as I said dilutes it's value to the productive people paying taxes. I could go on about the waste in healthcare....but the original subject of this thread was regarding a $5500.00 bill for an ice fishing rescue. Thats as bad as a $10,000.00 fine for going 51KpH over the posted speed limit. If the township of Scogog incurs $5500.00 in expenses for lets say at , tops 4 hour rescue? Multiply that times 6 x 365 = $12,000,000.00 Fire department budget for year round 24hr 365 day a year protection for the town. Is that what Scogog allocates for Fire & Rescue? As you said $0 profit, but it seems every government department now must make a profit to pay their overpaid management team, while the front line workers, whether Hospital, Police, Fire & Rescue, EMS, Teachers get the blame forgoing over budget.