I thanked the Mayor, did you??


as for the libraries I asked my fiance who is a teacher how often kids use them. Her answer was not often Unless parents made them, she also said that people like to go there and study in silence, can you not do that at Starbucks? S far I see no use. She also said that kids should use actual books to do research but they don't. The reality is kids get their research from the internet and not libraries. Not ideal but something has got to go.

sorry Rafi, you may need to go to blockbusters for your movies...or download them for free instead of getting them free at the library :-)

to be fair, libraries are heavily used by those with less economic means than the typical gtam member. . .

community use by the elderly on fixed incomes, with access to large print volumes, the internet access to those who don't surf the 'net on an hourly basis, etc.

here on gtam, we can afford to spend thousands on a hobby, so we obviously don't see the utility of libraries as readily as those who can't afford a laptop computer, high speed internet, and a kindle.

just my .02 cents
to be fair, libraries are heavily used by those with less economic means than the typical gtam member. . .

community use by the elderly on fixed incomes, with access to large print volumes, the internet access to those who don't surf the 'net on an hourly basis, etc.

here on gtam, we can afford to spend thousands on a hobby, so we obviously don't see the utility of libraries as readily as those who can't afford a laptop computer, high speed internet, and a kindle.

just my .02 cents
well put, hopefully they won't close the ones that are heavily used. My main point is that no matter what, taking a service away sucks, but if we have to chose then libraries are not the worse place to start.

I am sure people that don't have means will not welcome another tax, or are happy to not having to pay another made up tax when registering their means to get to their part time job (car)

as for the libraries I asked my fiance who is a teacher how often kids use them. Her answer was not often Unless parents made them, she also said that people like to go there and study in silence, can you not do that at Starbucks? S far I see no use. She also said that kids should use actual books to do research but they don't. The reality is kids get their research from the internet and not libraries. Not ideal but something has got to go.

sorry Rafi, you may need to go to blockbusters for your movies...or download them for free instead of getting them free at the library :-)

I don't go to block busters or rogers cause I never return the damn things on time. lol Good thing I got Movie Time:)

I really think they could have looked else where for the cuts. Cutting Library hours of operations is pretty low and makes Toronto look uneducated.
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I don't go to block busters or rogers cause I never return the damn things on time. lol Good thing I got Movie Time:)

I really think they could have looked else where for the cuts. Cutting Library hours of operations is pretty low and makes Toronto look uneducated.
any suggestions?
well put, hopefully they won't close the ones that are heavily used. My main point is that no matter what, taking a service away sucks, but if we have to chose then libraries are not the worse place to start.

I am sure people that don't have means will not welcome another tax, or are happy to not having to pay another made up tax when registering their means to get to their part time job (car)

well, to be honest, i suspect the working poor that often use libraries (or their kids, for example) don't have the wherewithal to afford a car and the typical expenses that vehicle ownership entails. . .those people are more likely using the ttc (which is also getting squeezed and forced to consider fare hikes) or walking. . .

case in point, my elderly mother-in-law lives very frugally on a fixed income, living in subsidized housing. she is proudly independent, but cannot afford to, or even wishes to, own and operate a motor vehicle. she lives within walking distance of her immediate amenities, including her library, which she frequents constantly, and uses public transit to reach anything further away.
I am sure many people have their own personal stories and it sounds great to bring them up, you sound like a good hearth person, but we choose our politicians to make the hard decisions, some choose to kiss babies and waste our money, others do their job, ford is doing his so far in my opinion.
I think your opinion would change about that(our politicians) if you sat in a city councel meeting or two;) Text me if you wanna talk more.
I am sure many people have their own personal stories and it sounds great to bring them up, you sound like a good hearth person, but we choose our politicians to make the hard decisions, some choose to kiss babies and waste our money, others do their job, ford is doing his so far in my opinion.
Mehhh, I can't really thank the mayor for anything yet because nothing he's done has affected me, other than the sticker tax.

I think 4 year terms aren't enough time to enact change since every time a new mayor pops in, they throw out the policies the last guy pushed for...which turns into wasted money and time for the city.
ford is doing his so far in my opinion.

Please list his accomplishments? I see Ford as no different than other politicians. He has lied many times, he has fudged numbers to support his agenda, he has given un-tendered contract to his own company. Broke several elections laws. Seems typical D-bag politician material to me. I'm not buying this 'everyman' routine. It didn't work for GWB and it isn't working for Ford. People are seeing the true colours come through.

Ford seems pretty selective on what 'Gravy' he wants to cut and what is all just fine. Somehow the fact that the suburbs get city paid for snow removal of sidewalks isn't considered Gravy but he wants to go after libraries? really?

I still can't figure out why Ford wouldn't release the 911 tapes of his incident with the CBC if he acted in a professional manor.
I think your opinion would change about that(our politicians) if you sat in a city councel meeting or two;)

Your faith in the whole system would shattered, pure waste of time. Wasn't one of ford's election promisses to reduce the size of council, if he does this then he has accomplished something!
Your faith in the whole system would shattered, pure waste of time. Wasn't one of ford's election promisses to reduce the size of council, if he does this then he has accomplished something!

I think reducing council is a bad idea just as I thought the mega city was a bad idea. Too many different areas with vastly different needs to all lump into one city. If you reduce council then you give more people less of a voice.
I think your opinion would change about that(our politicians) if you sat in a city councel meeting or two;) Text me if you wanna talk more.
I'm talking about ford and not others, and I have, that's where I first saw Jack Layton
I think reducing council is a bad idea just as I thought the mega city was a bad idea. Too many different areas with vastly different needs to all lump into one city. If you reduce council then you give more people less of a voice.

I agree with this. Had an issue with a neighbour last year and Michael Walker and his assistant came to our home to see what the issue was/ take pictures and see if they could help. This kind of stuff would not happen with a cut in councellors.
I think reducing council is a bad idea just as I thought the mega city was a bad idea. Too many different areas with vastly different needs to all lump into one city. If you reduce council then you give more people less of a voice.

I disagree. The needs of each of the former cities were not vastly different - parks and rec, transportation, roads, etc. If you have an example though, I might change my mind.

I thought the mega city was and still is a good idea.
I hope you guys are joking...
Ford needs to crawl back down the s***heap he came up from.
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I agree with this. Had an issue with a neighbour last year and Michael Walker and his assistant came to our home to see what the issue was/ take pictures and see if they could help. This kind of stuff would not happen with a cut in councellors.

is this what we are paying our politicians to do .... solve disputes between neighbours??? really... I'm curious how they helped?

I think our politicians should be more concerned with building our city not petty neighbourhood issues.
Ford portrayed himself to be 'different' but he is proving he is just the same as all other politicians. Lies, false numbers, failed promises, un-tendered contracts etc.

The only thing different about Ford is that most other politicians have tact and class when dealing with the public or the press. I've never seen anyone act like a bully and then play the victim so quickly.

Couldn't have said it better. His mouth helped him to get in the office, but apparently it has not been enough to make police cut their monstrous budget by even 1%, forget 10%. Not only he caved in, he left the guy who was doing his work in the TPB to make sure that the budget cut is done, hang out dry. He basically made a deal with Blair bypassing him. Only classless redneck and bully can do that, but I guess to some he has already achieved something.

I am just glad he's not my mayor, I can tell you that much.
Sorry you feel it was a petty neighbourhood issue. I should have described it better. It had to do with property issues bi law issues and the proper city workers that were supposed to be on this issue not doing their job. Unfortunately Michale Walker retiered and we resolved part of the issue by putting up a fence on the proper property line. My parents are too old to run around to get the new counselor for our area involved.
is this what we are paying our politicians to do .... solve disputes between neighbours??? really... I'm curious how they helped?

I think our politicians should be more concerned with building our city not petty neighbourhood issues.

On top of all the other issues they also cut a tree that was over 30 years on our property a foot underground while putting up a new garage. Funny how if you attempt to do this on you're own property you can get fined but if you neighbour does it to your property the city workers do not care....
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