Please list his accomplishments? I see Ford as no different than other politicians. He has lied many times, he has fudged numbers to support his agenda, he has given un-tendered contract to his own company. Broke several elections laws. Seems typical D-bag politician material to me. I'm not buying this 'everyman' routine. It didn't work for GWB and it isn't working for Ford. People are seeing the true colours come through.
64 Million returned to taxpayers -
abolished $60 Car registration tax (PVT) $899,000 saved -
reduced Councillors' annual expense accounts from $50,445 to $30,000 $700,000 saved - reduced Mayor's Office budget from $2.7 to $2.0 Million.-
eliminated paper news clippings, switched to electronic. $48,000 saved -
eliminated snacks at Council meetings. $17,000 saved -
Mayor turned down recommended pay raise.
Council supported contracting out garbage collection to residential neighbourhoods west of Yonge Street and in all City parks which will save taxpayers an estimated $11.1 million or 30% annually, and improve customer service.
The use of continuous controls monitoring for overtime was initiated in early 2011 City council voted 40-0 to adopt stronger Whistleblower Protection and enshrine it as a bylaw.
Directed 2011 budget to target 0% Property Tax increase.
Launched work on a new Transportation plan for the City that focuses on road repair for vehicles, and a new subway line for the city.
Accelerated 2011 Budget process to end in February - reducing "unplanned" spending in 2011 by almost 2 months.
Recently announced an Arts & Culture Task Force chaired by Councillor Crawford.
City Council adopted a new graffiti strategy which will help clean up our city and eliminate tagging..
Council adopted a bike lane network that makes sense for Toronto, including the removal of bike lanes on Jarvis. Spending more than $43 million on cycling infrastructure in five years - twice as much as the previous administration.
Public Works has initiated a comprehensive Downtown Transportation Study.
Council endorsed his recommendation to designate the TTC an essential service.
The province passed essential services legislation in March.
Forced changes to the leadership at Toronto Community Housing Corporation, a City agency, after an Auditor General's Report found wasteful spending cost taxpayers an estimated $4-6 million.
The entire board at TCHC either resigned or was forced to step down by Council.
Established a Child Care Task Force chaired by Councillor Mammoliti.
$25 million in savings through the Core Service Review by rationalization of service delivery in a manner which does not affect front line services.
Ensuring the process for all social service (welfare) debit cards by electronic means at a savings of $5 million. Open Government Committee has been formed of all the City's agencies, boards and commissions to focus on how all the divisions can strive for Open Government to best serve the residents.
TTC Board approved random drug testing of employees in safety-critical roles to safeguard public safety.
TTC created a new customer service liaison panel and appointed Chris Upfold as the TTC's first Customer Service Chief.
Council approved the ban of the sale of cats and dogs in pet shops.
Proposed a strategy for the management of the Emerald Ash Borer which is endangering 10% of the City's tree canopy.
Moving ahead on a Public and Stakeholder Consultation Strategy for the Parks Plan.
by the way, Miller's initiatives did not come to fruition within his first few years as mayor. Supporters pointed out they were centred on long-term development goals, while detractors criticized the pace of change (from Wikipedia)
P.S I didn't have to go to the library to search that