I thanked the Mayor, did you??

You can thank the Harris government for downloading all costs for the TTC on the shoulders of the city.

As for cost, lower fares and higher ridership is the last thing the TTC would want right now.

Umm, Mike Harris' last day in office was April 15, 2002.
There is some other guy you should be blaming at this point.
I just can't quite remember his name.
Miller left a Surplus?

From the Sun (of all places):

Former Toronto mayor David Miller is calling Mayor Rob Ford's
transit plan off track and not even a real plan.
In an interview on NewsTalk
1010's Moore in the Morning, Miller said he tries to stay out of commenting
on day-to-day politics at City Hall but the retired politico couldn't hold back when it came to Transit City.

"I wouldn't call what is going on right now a plan," Miller said Thursday.
Ford declared Miller's Transit City plan dead on his first day in office last year.
Miller's plan included light rail lines on Eglinton Ave., Sheppard Ave., Finch Ave. and Jane St.
"One thing that I think is extremely unwise, and it is both the province and the city that did this,
was stop the building of the Finch and Sheppard transit lines," Miller told radio host John Moore.

The revised plan for the Eglinton LRT is burying the line in places "where it doesn't need to be
buried from a transit perspective," he said.

"It is less for more," Miller said.
Ford's plan includes an extension of the Sheppard subway line into Scarborough. The funding
plan for that line, which is expected to be based on a private-public partnership, has yet to be unveiled.

"We all want subways, you know there use to be a phrase in politics, 'A chicken in every pot,'"
Miller said. "We'd love to have a subway to every neighbourhood but," he said it's not affordable and few Toronto neighbourhoods have the density to justify a subway.

"That was the genius of the light rail plan, we could build a generation's worth of infrastructure in a few years," he said.
Miller did take aim at the TTC's budget cuts that includes plans to increase crowding on bus and streetcar routes.
"That's just going to put more people in cars and that's going to make gridlock worse," he said.
While Ford has declared Transit City dead, Miller said it could be restarted quickly.
"You could turn it on like a switch," he said.
The former mayor refused to directly attack his successor but did take aim at councillors in the
political middle of council whose votes ensure Ford's agenda passes city council.

Miller said many of the councillors who are card-carrying Liberals are voting for things Liberals
would criticize were they to happen at the provincial level.

"I think it is time for them to stand up," he said. "They should be voting for the kind of Toronto that
they purport to believe in, which is one where everybody has a real chance, where we support people
who need a hand up and where we help grow the economy through things like significant investment in public transit."

Asked about Ford blaming the Miller administration for Toronto's 2012 budget shortfall, Miller said
"everybody in this city knows that that's not remotely true."

Miller pointed out cutting taxes and freezing property taxes creates a budget problem.
That's a not-too-subtle jab at Ford's elimination of the car tax and the property tax freeze imposed in 2011,
"This budget problem was created by the first year's budget," he said. "It's a little bit inaccurate to
suggest that leaving a $375 million surplus was a deficit, it wasn't, that's what we left."
Definitely both. But I would change the term image to role model.

I have issues with his attitude for one thing. E.g., giving a woman and her small child the finger, thinking he's above the law, running away from Mary Walsh and calling 911 like some scared little schoolgirl, being belligerent to 911 staff, trying to abolish bicycle lanes and vilify people who choose to ride bicycles, teaming up with that crass loudmouth Don Cherry, etc.

I also have issues with his cutbacks. In particular, cutbacks to public libraries and humane services. Neither receive enough funding as it is. So he basically wants a bunch of illiterate Torontonians (I'm not surprised since he had no idea who Margaret Atwood is himself), and animal shelters to struggle even more with the overabundance of strays and unwanted animals. *sigh*

Ford is an embarrassment.
when was the last time you went to the library? Who cares he swears and sweats, he is doing a good job.
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I always find it interesting that this specific forum has a very right wing tilted stance to many of it's members views, a stance that is not really representative of the populace. Personally, I am not a Rob Ford fan, but I don't live in the 416 so I don't have a say.

This is pretty interesting though, Ford is ranked as the second least popular mayor among Canadian big cities. Guess Toronto isn't as big a fan of his as it used to be, http://www.680news.com/news/local/article/291912--ford-marks-one-year-as-mayor
Interesting story in Toronto Star about Rob Fords business cards costing 4x as much as they should and of course they where bought from his family business.........what happened to cost cutting and conflict of interest?
Also, why did he not get a 10% cut from the police?
Interesting story in Toronto Star about Rob Fords business cards costing 4x as much as they should and of course they where bought from his family business.........what happened to cost cutting and conflict of interest?
Also, why did he not get a 10% cut from the police?
because the police as always twist **** their way'

"The force will make further cuts in 2013 of 5.4 per cent — adding up to the 10 per cent cut Ford demanded of all departments. To achieve those cuts the board has recommended the hiring of an outside consultant to help the department find ways of reducing costs. Under the terms of the 2012 deal, Police Chief Bill Blair will reduce his operating budget for next year, but won't be forced to layoff any officers. It means that with the 4.6 per cent cut the Toronto police budget for 2012 will come in at about $889-million. But when the new police contract is figured in the budget actually comes in at $936-million, $6-million higher than 2011. The chief defended the budget saying "my job is public safety ... we know what it costs to provide policing services." Blair achieved the reduction by cancelling new hiring, planning for the attrition of 200 staff, cuts of about 10 per cent in management positions, along with outsourcing of some cleaning services among other measures. The chief has pointed out on previous occasions that his options for making cuts are limited since almost 90 per cent of the budget is made up of fixed labour costs. At the moment, it appears unlikely the 5.4 per cent reduction in 2013 can be achieved without layoffs."
because the police as always twist **** their way'

"The force will make further cuts in 2013 of 5.4 per cent — adding up to the 10 per cent cut Ford demanded of all departments. To achieve those cuts the board has recommended the hiring of an outside consultant to help the department find ways of reducing costs. Under the terms of the 2012 deal, Police Chief Bill Blair will reduce his operating budget for next year, but won't be forced to layoff any officers. It means that with the 4.6 per cent cut the Toronto police budget for 2012 will come in at about $889-million. But when the new police contract is figured in the budget actually comes in at $936-million, $6-million higher than 2011. The chief defended the budget saying "my job is public safety ... we know what it costs to provide policing services." Blair achieved the reduction by cancelling new hiring, planning for the attrition of 200 staff, cuts of about 10 per cent in management positions, along with outsourcing of some cleaning services among other measures. The chief has pointed out on previous occasions that his options for making cuts are limited since almost 90 per cent of the budget is made up of fixed labour costs. At the moment, it appears unlikely the 5.4 per cent reduction in 2013 can be achieved without layoffs."

90% fixed labour costs? of an almost $1 billion budget?

isn't this what ford would call "the gravy"???
90% fixed labour costs? of an almost $1 billion budget?

isn't this what ford would call "the gravy"???
Blair said that, not ford. 90% is payroll cost, they need to cut some fat cats from the police payroll.
Blair said that, not ford. 90% is payroll cost, they need to cut some fat cats from the police payroll.

Or they will simply issue more tickets
Has anyone found the gravy train, or is it still moving along through Toronto? Has anyone found 10% budget cut in police?

It's funny how some people are ready to thank him already, yet I cannot figure out one single thing I would thank him for (fortunately I don't live in Toronto, it's just entertainment for me on almost daily basis thanks to Rob and Doug couple). I guess that explains how he would get into the office in the first place.
when was the last time you went to the library? Who cares he swears and sweats, he is doing a good job.

I guess you don't have kids yet, do you? But I think you are right, Ford's supporters don't need libraries. What are they for anyways?
I guess you don't have kids yet, do you? But I think you are right, Ford's supporters don't need libraries. What are they for anyways?
Don't have to have kids to know more and more people are using libraries due to the cost of books and movies going up. I habe friends who use them all the time. Thinking of getting a card again so I can rent movies for free too.
Has anyone found the gravy train, or is it still moving along through Toronto? Has anyone found 10% budget cut in police?

It's funny how some people are ready to thank him already, yet I cannot figure out one single thing I would thank him for (fortunately I don't live in Toronto, it's just entertainment for me on almost daily basis thanks to Rob and Doug couple). I guess that explains how he would get into the office in the first place.

Ford portrayed himself to be 'different' but he is proving he is just the same as all other politicians. Lies, false numbers, failed promises, un-tendered contracts etc.

The only thing different about Ford is that most other politicians have tact and class when dealing with the public or the press. I've never seen anyone act like a bully and then play the victim so quickly.
As for the budget and the superposed surplus. Ford cut the vehicle registration tax (60M?), he has not increased spending by any major measure yet Miller had a big surplus and Ford a big deficit. It does not take a math wizard to realize the Miller surplus was smoke and mirrors from one time items. Yet all we here from the lefties (media for sure) is how wonderful Miller had a surplus and Ford the buffoon does not.

As for libraries, I am sure the overall service level would be better if some branches were closed and the resources used to increase the service at a near by branch. But again, all we here is whining and moaning that closing branches will result in mass illiteracy just like the illiterate Ford supporters.

As for Ford being a bully, Miller was to and so are the people who attack him and make fun of his weight etc. Lots of bullies out there, left and right. He needs more polish would be an understatement but that does not mean he is not doing the right thing. He got in because sooner or later we will run out of other peoples money to spend.

My prediction, he will be followed by a leftist mayor that will not change any of his policies and everyone will cheer for the next mayor for being so wonderful while balancing a budget (by keeping his hard fought cuts).
So a war veteran who lost his testicles entered into a government office looking for a job. He met all the qualifications and was hired on the spot. "Great", he said, "when do I start?" The interviewer said, work normally starts at 9am but u can come in at 10am. The Veteran asked why. The interviewer responded, "well, when everyone comes in at 9 all they do is sit there and scratch their balls until 10. So u can come in at 10."

My ex work for the gov't and have heard plenty of stories where people just leach the system. I would say thats part of the gravy train. There's a policy in her office where they could work from home 2dys of the week. One particular individual who does no work is taking advantage of that to the max.

My point is I know alot of people who work for the gov't and they are not good supporters of Ford, fearing their job would not be as comfortable as it used to be or fearing they would lose their job. That's why there will always have people hating him
when was the last time you went to the library? Who cares he swears and sweats, he is doing a good job.

I can't speak for Toronto, but I can speak for another municipality. Speaking from direct personal experience, I can tell you that the libraries in my community have a LOT of traffic. For those who don't utilize libraries, how can you judge how busy they are?

Whether in Toronto's case they can be streamlined or made more efficient, that's up for debate. Let's see what happens.
Blair said that, not ford. 90% is payroll cost, they need to cut some fat cats from the police payroll.

clearly, blair came up with that number, never said that was ford's statement. the question then is when will ford get that gravy? if the 80% payroll budget for city workers is gravy, then ford needs to stand by his words and go after the gravy in the 90% payroll budget for the police, no?

As for the budget and the superposed surplus. Ford cut the vehicle registration tax (60M?), he has not increased spending by any major measure yet Miller had a big surplus and Ford a big deficit. It does not take a math wizard to realize the Miller surplus was smoke and mirrors from one time items. Yet all we here from the lefties (media for sure) is how wonderful Miller had a surplus and Ford the buffoon does not.

As for libraries, I am sure the overall service level would be better if some branches were closed and the resources used to increase the service at a near by branch. But again, all we here is whining and moaning that closing branches will result in mass illiteracy just like the illiterate Ford supporters.

As for Ford being a bully, Miller was to and so are the people who attack him and make fun of his weight etc. Lots of bullies out there, left and right. He needs more polish would be an understatement but that does not mean he is not doing the right thing. He got in because sooner or later we will run out of other peoples money to spend.

My prediction, he will be followed by a leftist mayor that will not change any of his policies and everyone will cheer for the next mayor for being so wonderful while balancing a budget (by keeping his hard fought cuts).

implicit in your words are the acceptance of ford's numbers for the deficit.

why do you believe that there's a $770+ million deficit now, but not a surplus from last year?

is either number believable?
I guess you don't have kids yet, do you? But I think you are right, Ford's supporters don't need libraries. What are they for anyways?
such a statement just makes you sound ignorant, cheap punch line but not substance behind.

I guess in your house when the budget doesn't balance you go and get another credit card right?

Toronto is spending more than what is making, so when the mayor is making a serious attempt to deal with the situation, people like you come and criticize but offer no solutions.

so lets keep the libraries, where do you propose we find the extra money?......since you are not a Ford's supported, you must be educated, so please bless me with your knowledge
clearly, blair came up with that number, never said that was ford's statement. the question then is when will ford get that gravy? if the 80% payroll budget for city workers is gravy, then ford needs to stand by his words and go after the gravy in the 90% payroll budget for the police, no?


as for the libraries I asked my fiance who is a teacher how often kids use them. Her answer was not often Unless parents made them, she also said that people like to go there and study in silence, can you not do that at Starbucks? S far I see no use. She also said that kids should use actual books to do research but they don't. The reality is kids get their research from the internet and not libraries. Not ideal but something has got to go.

sorry Rafi, you may need to go to blockbusters for your movies...or download them for free instead of getting them free at the library :-)
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