I despise that sweaty, red lump of a pompous, arrogant, belligerent mayor.
I didn't vote for him. Those who did got what they deserved, IMO.
is a mayor an image, or a job? or both?
a lot of people would have described megacity mel as arrogant, pompous, and belligerent as well. . .
I'm just glad I don't live in Toronto.
Toronto got the mayor it deserved. Here's a tip, voters: you don't get more for less.
the question is not more for less, is it? i don't think that was what ford promised.
i thought the question was, do torontonians get the
same for less?
he gets a "B" from me so far
he could improve by polishing up his delivery...but we knew going in that he wasn't strong there
he's been a bull in a china shop but we've needed that after the 8 years under Miller
Union's are worried and eating crow with the new Garbage deal, and even TPS for the first time in history kept their budget pretty much flat....there has been no cuts yet, but the riot act has been read and the departments are coming back and presenting lowered budgets after finding the efficiencies they were told to find....and the TTC has lost the ability to go on strike....looks like progress to me
after nearly a decade of endless new fees and constantly increasing taxes we've got zero increases and one less tax....so the culture change down at city hall is happening and long overdue
check out that raving socialist Adam Vaughn...under Miller he'd nearly max out that little office budget of his....now under Ford's rule he's one of the lowest spenders....it's for obvious reasons (that he'll run for Mayor next round) but it speaks volumes about why Ford won the election
I've seen zero difference in daily life with regard to how the city is running....and I"m a TTC regular and live in North York
he is doing what he said he was going to do, and it is far from an easy job....I personally wouldn't take that job on for twice the salary
stay the course Mr. Ford....he may have a bit too much Tommy Boy in him for some folks to handle, but I trust that he goes to work every day trying to do what he was elected to do, something I can't remember seeing in a politican
yes, but that's with only a negligible effect on the $775 million dollar deficit that ford constantly cites. what sort of daily effect will you feel when he actually (if he does) make a real dent, say $500 million?
he arguably is trying, but is he
succeeding in doing what he proposed? shouldn't we measure him in terms of actual results?
and as for what he promised, where was that plan to build a monorail in his campaign promises?
I am not going to judge until the next budget comes out. I'll very curious to see how he deals with the budget shortfall after he cut some taxes.
I do like the privatization of the garbage pickup, though.
i suspect that $700+ million shortfall will be even bigger next time, unless of course he was wrong about that number from the get go.
it will be interesting to see what sacred cows still avoid "the efficiencies" with each successive round. . .
it appears that police services has established their status as untouchables, even with their massive budget.