With that logic shooting ranges should be a blood bath, just as police stations and army bases. Not the case, hmmmmmm
I hope you dont honestly think your presenting an unbiased opinion here.
With that logic shooting ranges should be a blood bath, just as police stations and army bases. Not the case, hmmmmmm
I hope you dont honestly think your presenting an unbiased opinion here.
Its not as simple as guns = crime. Thats why in the end these arguments are really pointless.
A logical person with a nuclear weapon is no threat, while a crazy mofo with a fork can kill plenty.
what do you mean
Thats another bunch of BS thrown around by anti gun people. Google it, According to the data concealed carry permit holders are 5.48 times less likely to commit a violent crime with a firearm than the average citizen.
"Canadian gun owners are less likely than other Canadians to commit homicide."
Gary Mauser, Ph D
Professor Emeritus
Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies
Faculty of Business Administration
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby BC, CANADA
With that logic shooting ranges should be a blood bath, just as police stations and army bases. Not the case, hmmmmmm
With that logic shooting ranges should be a blood bath, just as police stations and army bases. Not the case, hmmmmmm
your grasp on the arguments being presented here is comical
DENIAL : not a river in Egypt.
What about a crazy mofo with a fork...and a crazy mofo with a gun? In the "who's the best crazy mofo at killing" event who is most likely to win?
Nobody is saying guns=crime, they're saying more guns= more chance of more serious crime.
Also anyone with a nuclear weapon is a potential threat if the weapon falls into the wrong hands/wrong government, hence non-proliferation treaties.
Just in case you haven't read any stats on gun related incidents (not only crime) in the US, if a memorial were built to all the victims of gun related accidents and crime in the US, that memorial would be bigger than the one for those who fell in Vietnam AND would grow by 90 names a day. Granted it does seem that there's a bigger proportion of "crazy mofos" in the US compared to Canada.....I'm betting the difference isn't actually that huge and many of those "crazy mofos" probably don't seem that crazy to you or me.
So we agree that crazy people exist and will commit a crime regardless of laws or gun regulations. They will get their hand on illegal guns, and if they don't have access to them they'll use a knife, sword, whatever.
So with that said when a crazy mofo decides to shoot up a movie theater, church, school and you're in attendance would you rather prefer to have a gun so you are able to defend yourself, or wait until the crazy mofo runs out of bullets/ his gun jams or the police arrive?
Lol....and you're absolutely certain that if you pull your gun out everyone around you will surely know you're the good guy when they pull their guns out too?
Do you see the flaw in your logic?
One where I'm not going to get shot by anyone...friend or foe.
Ya i'll take the same one, however the truth is there are crazy people out there. I must admit that the probabilty of one of us being faced with that scenario is quite small, but given the scenario which one would you like to be in? Cause id like to have a gun, or someone else in that room who is a law abiding, logical person with enough training to take out the crazy mofo before i or others get shot.
Are you gonna sit here and tell me you think no law abiding citizen in this scenario would benefit society?
And the reality is you too would prefer someone to be there and take out the mofo, however you won't admit it, cause that would mean i have a point and im not just some crazy yahooo with a gun lol
These people don't get it. I try to shed some light but its like talking to a wall.
Ive even had family members who are against guns, mind you after explaining all these "myths" to them, and taking them to the range they are now gun people!![]()
Did you miss the bit about olympic target shooting guns in my post? I must have missed the bit in the olympics where the competitors take out their glocks and bust a cap in the *** of a paper target while holding the gun sideways and shouting "take that mother****er".
I have no problem with target shooting...I do it myself. I still don't feel the need to carry the weapon on me all the time though.
This asinine argument again huh? If you wan't to adopts the US gun carrying laws would you also like to adopt their gun violence numbers?
What about a crazy mofo with a fork...and a crazy mofo with a gun? In the "who's the best crazy mofo at killing" event who is most likely to win?
Nobody is saying guns=crime, they're saying more guns= more chance of more serious crime.
The police being armed is good enough for me thanks.
No need to tell me.. I used to be somewhere between a Fudd and an anti.. Understood hunting, but not handguns. Learning about the broad range of shooting sports, educating myself and using my brain brought me where I am today.
Olympic shooting is a snooze-fest for most of us. There are safe action shooting sports that are much more interesting to watch and participate in. Some handguns are specifically designed and marketed for those sports. Actually the civilian sports shooting market (you know, those arms meant to bring food and punch holes in paper) for small arms is about 10x bigger than military and police combined (you know, those that might actually get to shoot a person).
Yeah because it was the fork that made Rosie O'Donnell fat and she couldn't have used her hands to stuff herself into the sumo categoryWe're also armed to our teeth compared to many other countries in the world and still have one of the lowest murder rates per capita.
Timothy McVeigh would beg to differ.. Ban vans, diesel fuels and fertilizer! A wackoid will always find a way to kill.
The police being the only ones with arms? Thanks, but no thanks. I come from a country where sports shooters with their hunting rifles and the occasional handgun kept the dictator's thugs and their police escort at bay until the impartial elections officials were able to pick up the ballot boxes. If you don't think it can happen here, you know nothing about human nature.
Luckily neither you nor I live in that country,we live in one of the safest countries in the world. As stated before, paranoia is a very dangerous thing.
Half a decade before that happened, I was living in one of the safest countries in the world, where people had roofs over their heads, family vehicles, better health coverage than we have here, more vacation time, spare cash to actually take those vacations and much more affordable education. It took half a decade to turn it into a hellhole. It can happen anywhere as it's a part of human nature.
Human nature is quite destructive isn't it? Probably a good idea if we don't have more access to more tools of destruction......it could happen anywhere as you say.
Let me ask you...if you feel that you are ok to carry a weapon...what about your neighbor..his neighbor....their friends etc etc? Who is to say who gets to carry a gun? The same police that you want to defend yourself against? What about if everyone gets to carry a gun then. Can you honestly say you'd feel safer than you do now?
I'm happy leaving it up to trained professionals to put themselves in harms way where necessary when it comes to firearms as I have never, not once, not even for a second, felt the need to have a weapon on me in public. By the way...I thoroughly enjoy target shooting and have a military marksmens badge from years ago somewhere. I just distinguish between the leisure aspect of firing a gun at a target and carrying a gun for so called self defense reasons.