"Have you been to the stampede yet?"

Guns are only designed for one appropriate purpose....and therein lies the problem. We're not talking olympic target guns here.

How about guns designed with action shooting sports in mind? :cool:
IMO the biggest problem with always carrying a gun relates to the comment "If the only tool you have is a hammer you treat every problem like a nail." An unarmed person is less likely to get into trouble because they are less likely to enter aggresive situations.

When I buy a new tool I look forward to using it someday to show that the purchase was a good investment. I wonder how many marginally screened gun owners can't wait to justify their purchase on someone who just looked suspicious.

I am comfortable with some responsible Yankee gunowners but I recently endured the ranting of a chimp who, along with a few of his ilk, used their guns to stop traffic so their ride could run through an intersection uninterupted. Ride for Gunsights?

Brilliant! Use the right to bear arms to take away someone else's legal traffic rights.

Thats another bunch of BS thrown around by anti gun people. Google it, According to the data concealed carry permit holders are 5.48 times less likely to commit a violent crime with a firearm than the average citizen.


"Canadian gun owners are less likely than other Canadians to commit homicide."

Gary Mauser, Ph D
Professor Emeritus
Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies
Faculty of Business Administration
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby BC, CANADA

How about guns designed with action shooting sports in mind? :cool:

These people don't get it. I try to shed some light but its like talking to a wall.
Ive even had family members who are against guns, mind you after explaining all these "myths" to them, and taking them to the range they are now gun people! :D
Guns are only designed for one appropriate purpose....and therein lies the problem. We're not talking olympic target guns here.

No, not really. Target shooting, hunting, self defence.

I guess with your logic cars are only designed for one purpose too, and thats to get in, drive drunk and kill people. Ofcourse a car has more than one purpose, but im using the anti gun mentality here. :D
Rabid gun nuts don't really get it though..they always pull out the "if I have a gun and I get robbed I'm evening the field"....you're escalating a violent act into a more violent act actually, one that is quite likely to end with you dead than simply robbed in quite a few places around the world.

I love the Simpson's episode where Homer joins the NRA and ends up using his gun for all sorts of purposes like opening bottles etc.

Yup cause thats what we do. Im scratching my ear right now with a loaded hangun as we speak hahahaha
Yup cause thats what we do. Im scratching my ear right now with a loaded hangun as we speak hahahaha

I'm not...don't have one, don't need one, never even remotely felt the need for one here. Do you feel the need to have a gun on you at all times? Baby showers maybe in case an errant toddler decides to throw a dangerous rattle at you? Maybe walking down the street and suddenly when the Russians invade, which they do at 3.15pm every day, you can shoot them all? Maybe you scare away the aliens that are trying to land and steal our resources like Dairy Queen double cheeseburgers or something?
No, not really. Target shooting, hunting, self defence.

I guess with your logic cars are only designed for one purpose too, and thats to get in, drive drunk and kill people. Ofcourse a car has more than one purpose, but im using the anti gun mentality here. :D

Did you miss the bit about olympic target shooting guns in my post? I must have missed the bit in the olympics where the competitors take out their glocks and bust a cap in the *** of a paper target while holding the gun sideways and shouting "take that mother****er".

I have no problem with target shooting...I do it myself. I still don't feel the need to carry the weapon on me all the time though.
Thats another bunch of BS thrown around by anti gun people. Google it, According to the data concealed carry permit holders are 5.48 times less likely to commit a violent crime with a firearm than the average citizen.


"Canadian gun owners are less likely than other Canadians to commit homicide."

Gary Mauser, Ph D
Professor Emeritus
Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies
Faculty of Business Administration
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby BC, CANADA

They are 100% more likely to use a gun than someone without one.
I'm not...don't have one, don't need one, never even remotely felt the need for one here. Do you feel the need to have a gun on you at all times? Baby showers maybe in case an errant toddler decides to throw a dangerous rattle at you? Maybe walking down the street and suddenly when the Russians invade, which they do at 3.15pm every day, you can shoot them all? Maybe you scare away the aliens that are trying to land and steal our resources like Dairy Queen double cheeseburgers or something?

Ya i bring my Ar 15 to all the kids parties lol

People like you scare me more than any gun owner lol
Sigmund Freud

[TD="width: 458"]
A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity


I guess its too difficult to admit the facts

I guess it's too difficult to work out infallible logic either. My problem now is this, if comprehension is this difficult for you, why did they allow you a gun licence? QED....point proved (you can google QED, it's Latin by the way).

Let's do it with fruit shall we, two people, one with an apple and one without......one of those people is 100% more likely to eat an apple at that moment than the other.
Sigmund Freud
A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity

You're quoting a man who's answer to most people's problems was that they wanted to **** their mothers. On that qualification quoting Snoop Dog would be just as good.
This asinine argument again huh? If you wan't to adopts the US gun carrying laws would you also like to adopt their gun violence numbers?

oh and quoting Freud, a cocaine addict who was mostly a quack, does not make you look smart.
This asinine argument again huh? If you wan't to adopts the US gun carrying laws would you also like to adopt their gun violence numbers?

oh and quoting Freud, a cocaine addict who was mostly a quack, does not make you look smart.

Its not as simple as guns = crime. Thats why in the end these arguments are really pointless.

A logical person with a nuclear weapon is no threat, while a crazy mofo with a fork can kill plenty.
Thats another bunch of BS thrown around by anti gun people. Google it, According to the data concealed carry permit holders are 5.48 times less likely to commit a violent crime with a firearm than the average citizen.


"Canadian gun owners are less likely than other Canadians to commit homicide."

Gary Mauser, Ph D
Professor Emeritus
Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies
Faculty of Business Administration
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby BC, CANADA

If you read the "Marginally screened" part of my post and applied it to the statistics the 5.48 less likely probably goes up a big notch.

The problem with intoducing carry permits in Canada is the screening process which is done by the government. I believe the RCMP has to give its blessings but right now they aren't looking too swift.

A major difference between the USA and us is that down there it is a right but here it's a priveledge. The priveledge here is so rarely given that it is deeply respected. As you water down the laws you water down the respect. A driver's licence is a priveledge but since you can get a drivers licence in a popcorn box do you see good drivers?

The roads would be empty if the traffic laws were enforced like gun laws.

And yes guns are designed to do one thing, shoot bullets. Whether that is good or bad depends on what the bullet is aimed at.
it is pretty simple actually, allowing people to carry will increase the amount of gun related incidents.

We may not have the same amount of crazy/capita as the US however more guns in circulation means more guns falling into the wrong hands, yes there is a black market now but this would just make it even easier.

I have never felt the need to carry a weapon on me, I guess I'm just not that paranoid, if you wan't to go play with your guns take it to the range.
it is pretty simple actually, allowing people to carry will increase the amount of gun related incidents.

We may not have the same amount of crazy/capita as the US however more guns in circulation means more guns falling into the wrong hands, yes there is a black market now but this would just make it even easier.

I have never felt the need to carry a weapon on me, I guess I'm just not that paranoid, if you wan't to go play with your guns take it to the range.

With that logic shooting ranges should be a blood bath, just as police stations and army bases. Not the case, hmmmmmm
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