Guys, Please. Stay away from me.

There are simply a lot of uptight riders in this forum, and my experience on the street in Toronto is that is simply not reflective of the forum. To top it off the other day I was riding behind 2 cop riders on those big mother Harleys of theirs. They had open face helmets, button up police issued t-shirts and rode the whoooooooole time side by side in the lane!!!!

These were cops cruising around, SIDE BY SIDE!!!! There is plenty of room in the damn lane. Some of you guys are way too uptight. Now I wouldn't advocate riding with a stranger in the same lane, but pulling up to the red light slowly in the same lane? Come on, get off your high bikes!

It is no big deal, not unsafe, and even if the dude "passes" you by accelerating hard and taking the lead, what's the problem??? They got out of your way! If you think you pace is quicker, change lanes and pass, like you would any car (like the hundreds of passes you make every day). I can't believe passing another bike, who passed you earlier keeps half of you up at night.

This is such a non-issue of a stuck up rider who thinks he knows better and looks down on other riders. Instead he could have been kind and "instructed" them, rather than pulling attitude. This holier than thow attitude doesn't help. Soften up.

Maybe you should invest in a trike and properly take up the whole lane, pretending you're a rider....cause you have already lost some of that rider spirit.

That being said, I am way more cautious of you types on the road now...not because of the safety factor, but because of your precious egos. I for one don't care if you pull up to me at every light in my lane, and either lead for a time or drop back. I actually enjoy the biker banter and comradery. I like the break from monotony in traffic. I like the odd conversation. If I'm not in the mood, feeling sluggish, or even too aggressive for such a rider, I'll either pull away or drop back. There have been umpteen times I have met bored out of their mind riders on their commutes, but once we pull up to the lights, we energize each other and go for a spirited ride to our respective destinations. We have often taken turns leading, and cutting up traffic. I have never once had an incident ever with either less experienced riders, or more experienced. If I run out of things to say at the next light, I merely indicate I have my music on, and we get back to some riding.

The antisocialism, aside from the parking lot pose down variety, is stifling and surprising in this forum. It truly is in extreme contrast to my riding experience in other parts of the world. Seriously, you guys need MORE experience in a few other areas if you're this hung up over a rider pulling up to you in your lane at a light! It is both legal and safe, hands down. If you can't handle it, most likely you're the lacking rider who needs to be "instructed".

Best post in this thread.
Best post in this thread.

There are simply a lot of uptight riders in this forum, and my experience on the street in Toronto is that is simply not reflective of the forum. To top it off the other day I was riding behind 2 cop riders on those big mother Harleys of theirs. They had open face helmets, button up police issued t-shirts and rode the whoooooooole time side by side in the lane!!!!

These were cops cruising around, SIDE BY SIDE!!!! There is plenty of room in the damn lane. Some of you guys are way too uptight. Now I wouldn't advocate riding with a stranger in the same lane, but pulling up to the red light slowly in the same lane? Come on, get off your high bikes!

It is no big deal, not unsafe, and even if the dude "passes" you by accelerating hard and taking the lead, what's the problem??? They got out of your way! If you think you pace is quicker, change lanes and pass, like you would any car (like the hundreds of passes you make every day). I can't believe passing another bike, who passed you earlier keeps half of you up at night.

This is such a non-issue of a stuck up rider who thinks he knows better and looks down on other riders. Instead he could have been kind and "instructed" them, rather than pulling attitude. This holier than thow attitude doesn't help. Soften up.

Maybe you should invest in a trike and properly take up the whole lane, pretending you're a rider....cause you have already lost some of that rider spirit.

That being said, I am way more cautious of you types on the road now...not because of the safety factor, but because of your precious egos. I for one don't care if you pull up to me at every light in my lane, and either lead for a time or drop back. I actually enjoy the biker banter and comradery. I like the break from monotony in traffic. I like the odd conversation. If I'm not in the mood, feeling sluggish, or even too aggressive for such a rider, I'll either pull away or drop back. There have been umpteen times I have met bored out of their mind riders on their commutes, but once we pull up to the lights, we energize each other and go for a spirited ride to our respective destinations. We have often taken turns leading, and cutting up traffic. I have never once had an incident ever with either less experienced riders, or more experienced. If I run out of things to say at the next light, I merely indicate I have my music on, and we get back to some riding.

The antisocialism, aside from the parking lot pose down variety, is stifling and surprising in this forum. It truly is in extreme contrast to my riding experience in other parts of the world. Seriously, you guys need MORE experience in a few other areas if you're this hung up over a rider pulling up to you in your lane at a light! It is both legal and safe, hands down. If you can't handle it, most likely you're the lacking rider who needs to be "instructed".

+1 not only this forum, this defines the Toronto driving experience. Even Montreal is a world away....
I think OP don't want to be associated with a 500cc
Pls Pull up to me at lights to chat.....Pls give me a wave or at least a head nod of acknowledgement when we ride by each other....And I am not prejudice I love anything on 2 wheels......AND SO SHOULD ALL OF YOU. And when the light turns green just please ride as we were all taught, either yesterday or 15 years ago, in a staggerd formation. And as for all of u who object, your the reason for this sport is becoming what it is. remember why we all fell in love with it to begin with????? Don't let this become your marriage. Remember who your 1st and true love really is.....Your bike.

ME and My Bike...Till Death Do Us Part : - )
you instructors think you are gods,or some thing specical,but you are people too, with atitudes. you spue the crap that you are trained to brain wash rookies with wrong information..... about emergency kill button as a stop switcth, stop doing this, safe the motorcycle industry and resigen.
you instructors think you are gods,or some thing specical,but you are people too, with atitudes. you spue the crap that you are trained to brain wash rookies with wrong information..... about emergency kill button as a stop switcth, stop doing this, safe the motorcycle industry and resigen.

If using the kill switch as an off button is the most wrong thing you can think of, then you only show that you have much MUCH more learning to do. n00b.
If using the kill switch as an off button is the most wrong thing you can think of, then you only show that you have much MUCH more learning to do. n00b.

Probably would have been better to just ignore him. Never mud wrestle with a pig...
Probably would have been better to just ignore him. Never mud wrestle with a pig...

LOL aint that the tuth!

To add to the OP..
This ****** me off only once b4 because rider caught up to me @ a light after trying for 15 minutes.. I was cut off when the light turned green. He Literally put it in 1st directly into my tire track.
I learned how to camo myself as a noob from his Noob ways.
If it bugs you just ride like a noob. People (including noobs) don’t usually want to pull beide to a noob.
With 31 years on the streets I can tell you I have had all the small talk I can handle at street lights.
Hey, How's it going. Nice bike. Great day for a ride.
Been there, done that a million times.

Oh and by the way. I have never taught a single person to use the kill swithch to turn the bike off.
With 31 years on the streets I can tell you I have had all the small talk I can handle at street lights.
Hey, How's it going. Nice bike. Great day for a ride.
Been there, done that a million times.

Oh and by the way. I have never taught a single person to use the kill swithch to turn the bike off.

Then get off the streets... what the hell is wrong with you dude? I swear to you that I will hunt you down and ride beside you and follow everywhere you go. You wont shake me off your tail (or should I say side) until you come on here and apologize for being a pompous ****** bag OR sell your damn bike!
Oh and I will probly ask how many cc's your bike is at EVERY light! dick
Oh and I will probly ask how many cc's your bike is at EVERY light! dick

Funny, but that seems to be the first thing out of the mouths of both cagers and other riders, when they pull up to me at stoplights and want to talk.
this thread is quite silly, especially with all the noobs who don't know that lowrider has been on two wheels longer than they are old. You could stand to learn a thing or two from him.

He is a little grumpy at times :P, don't take it personal.
Ha. Ha. Ha. LOL.
And you think you could keep up to me.
Now that's the best post on this thread.

Then get off the streets... what the hell is wrong with you dude? I swear to you that I will hunt you down and ride beside you and follow everywhere you go. You wont shake me off your tail (or should I say side) until you come on here and apologize for being a pompous ****** bag OR sell your damn bike!
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