Mostly because she had her jacket zipped all the way up.
Lol.. Maybe it was to keep it nice and tight? :lol:
Mostly because she had her jacket zipped all the way up.
I only think that argument was raised because alaywa is such an advocate of lane splitting and, if you want to be able to lane split, then being split by cars becomes a given.
Where this debate is concerned, I consider it nothing more than a stalking horse.
Yes, there is a difference, and yet a single track vehicle (yes, even a bicycle) is entitled to the entire lane.
I would just like to take this opportunity to ***** at Cat for pulling up beside me last night. Mostly because she had her jacket zipped all the way up. I mean, seriously. if you're going to do something like that, you should be paying the piper, right? The nerve.
If there is room, no I don't mind. I often leave A LOOOOOOT of room in my lane when I'm in the right lane specifically for cars to come and use it, if they want to turn right or not. No car can out accelerate me, and those that have tried are easily dusted even if I didn't initially intend to. I have zeeeeeero problem with it. It's no big deal at all and easily managed. If there is room I am fine with it.
Perfect. So based on your say-so, is it fair for me to now presume that all other riders must also resign themselves to be ok with it, just as you insist that they should be ok with another motorcycle coming up alongside uninvited into their lane? If it is not ok for me to presume that, then who are you or anyone else to tell others that they are wrong to not want to share a lane with another vehicle, motorcycle or not?
Legally speaking, it's his lane and he is entitled to all of it. If he wants to share it he can issue an invite. Why would anyone here presume to take that space just because they think there is enough room to do so? That "enough room to do so" excuse can be applied equally to ANY kind of vehicle and vehicle operator.Same thing can be said to the OP... Who is he to demand that others do not do it, etc, etc...
Same thing can be said to the OP... Who is he to demand that others do not do it, etc, etc...
Legally speaking, it's his lane and he is entitled to all of it. If he wants to share it he can issue an invite. Why would anyone here presume to take that space just because they think there is enough room to do so? That "enough room to do so" excuse can be applied equally to ANY kind of vehicle and vehicle operator.
Legally speaking,
Why would anyone here presume to take that space just because they think there is enough room to do so?
Legality was not a part of the OP's argument. He simply stated that he didn't want anyone do that to him.
Because lots of other people don't mind it. That's what this discussion is all about.
But others DO mind and do object. Don't their wishes, together with their legal right to use the entire lane, matter in the least?
When another motorcycle IMPOSES their presence in the lane already legally occupied by the first motorcycle, they are no different than a car who manages to fit into "available space". It's not invited and not wanted. Why should this even be a matter of discussion?
If they don't mind it, they have the freedom and the option to motion you to come up alongside. In absence of an invite, people should respect another's lane space regardless of what they are operating.
But others DO mind and do object. Don't their wishes, together with their legal right to use the entire lane, matter in the least?
When another motorcycle IMPOSES their presence in the lane already legally occupied by the first motorcycle, they are no different than a car who manages to fit into "available space". It's not invited and not wanted. Why should this even be a matter of discussion?
If they don't mind it, they have the freedom and the option to motion you to come up alongside. In absence of an invite, people should respect another's lane space regardless of what they are operating.
Same thing can be said to the OP... Who is he to demand that others do not do it, etc, etc...
It's possible to handle these situations with dignity.
Girl (with full jacket and boots but cotton shorts - commit one way or the other, eh!). Anyway, girl on a kawasaki filtered up next to me on Gerrard today. The light changed just as she got there. She started riding next to me, so I simply backed off and let her go ahead. No fuss, no problems, just normal public courtesy...
No fuss because your inborn legitimate rage was nuetralized by your rear scoping arrousal?
The issue of safety is the key here, not the invitation. If you can't manage to block the entire lane, and another vehicle safely shares your lane, at a stopped light you actually have no right to object (legally), and you'll have to suck it up ACTUALLY.
Sharing a lane, providing there is room and it is safe is legal, and allowed, though uncommon. Get used to it, rather than flip out on a false premise.
Secondly, how do you feel about people parking across 2 parkind spaces? Maybe they just like their personal space. I can't get mad at those people, they didn't take up a handicapped spot and they got their first and they managed to block 2 spaces.
To each their own. If a rider or car parker manages to effectively block his lane or indicate he is nervous or unable to cope with me next to him, I'll respect that and back off (as a request).
But if they are hostile or think they can knock over my bike, when what I am doing is legal and safe (uninvited or not), expect hostility back.
I'm pretty casual either way, and able to handle either situation. Ever see those dudes that park their precious car at the far end of the parking lot and take 2 spaces? There is a dude who appreciates a good balance. He doesn't have such a hang up, such that he takes 2 spots near the front door....he appreciates he needs more space and keeps to locations where more space and antisocial behavior is more the norm.
By all means, if you need space and love hating on people....well I'm sure Sudbury or Timmins might be the place for you.
But if you're gonna ride in increasingly congested Toronto, and sharing a lane (when safe) is legal, well get used to it......or get a big F off (bumper / fender) sticker.
Or maybe hitch balls for your bike....dangle a pair of those from your plate and I'm sure no one will ride up on you.
Fine, as long as he doesn't PRESUME to make the decision for anyone else.