Guys, Please. Stay away from me.

If Im riding and infront of my is a bike stopped at a light and the spot (in the same lane) beside him is empty, im not gonna be like "ooh can i please share this lane with u ?" im just gonna pull up beside the person. Whether they wanna say hi or w/e thats upto them, me personally i dont liek to sit and chat so i just point to my helmet and say I cant hear.
Isn't if funny how the people who agree with me, do so in a polite peasant manner. But those tha appose just shoot off their mouths?

I did not agree with you and yet I do not think my post would qualify as "shooting my mouth off "

A new riders take ....................

Well I have never had another rider come up beside me yet (sharing lane that is) but as long as I have my space it wouldn't bother me, I like to chat.

As for coming up beside others, being in a staggered position, I wouldn't come up right beside, but stay back a bit and just close enough to look over the other bike and if I am spoken too edge up slowly but still in second position.

When light is green I hold back and let the original rider go first.

MHO two bikes in one lane make you more visible, One bike in each lane just may annoy a fourwheeler or bigger to do rash and something stupid.

The reason I ride and cruise the forums is because I like to chat and meet like minded people.

There is always judgment calls though, road surface/weather/traffic/ your feel of the other ride(s) around you etc etc.

I have never been looked down on or kicked or anything stupid as of yet ( though when people see me I do not think that is their first reaction LOL )

However, with that being said, I believe there are 2 scenarios at play here;

  1. Unknown riders that pull up beside you just to take off and get in front or unknown riders that ride beside you in your lane
  2. Unknown riders that come up beside you to check out your ride or say hello

First is rude and I wouldn't do or like have done to me, second I see no issue with.
I'd like to see the same type of statements from the peanut gallery the next time someone gets "laneshared" by a cage.
Preface comments with chill-out, don't get your panties all twisted, it's all good, you're being antisocial.

It's not rude, its normal.
Uh guys, you do know the difference between a single-track vehicle like a motorcycle, and one with dual-tracks, like say... a car?

Just wondering, because a lot of these posts show a lack of this basic understanding of vehicle width... (ie. "what would you say if I pulled into your lane with a car?")
I'd like to see the same type of statements from the peanut gallery the next time someone gets "laneshared" by a cage.

Or rear-ended, or hit in the head with a baseball bat, or shot. This all can happen while lanesharing, right?
I'd like to see the same type of statements from the peanut gallery the next time someone gets "laneshared" by a cage.
Preface comments with chill-out, don't get your panties all twisted, it's all good, you're being antisocial.

It's not rude, its normal.

OMG some crazy dude lane shared with me on the DVP. Checked my mirrors/ shoulder check/ signal/ shoulder check again, moved in the the left lane(right tire track) and little hatch back ****er zips by me on the left... Was ****ing freaking...watched this moron for a bit and notice he was not only speeding but threading the needle like a race car driver. Never been so scared in my life. I was so lucky i didnt vear out of the right tire track or I wouldn't be here right now.
Uh guys, you do know the difference between a single-track vehicle like a motorcycle, and one with dual-tracks, like say... a car?

Just wondering, because a lot of these posts show a lack of this basic understanding of vehicle width... (ie. "what would you say if I pulled into your lane with a car?")

Yes, there is a difference, and yet a single track vehicle (yes, even a bicycle) is entitled to the entire lane.
Yes, there is a difference, and yet a single track vehicle (yes, even a bicycle) is entitled to the entire lane.

True, but argument "what would you say if instead of a bike, a car pulled up to you", is not valid regardless.
Just because this thread is so friggin funny, i think some riders with video cameras should pull up next to other riders at lights, dismount and give the guy a big hug and the thumbs up sign. :thumbup:
Take it out of a motorcycle context. I can think of more than a few people who would be slightly irritated if someone, just to be friendly, were to just come up and take up a seat right next to them on a near empty bus, or in a near empty theatre, or at a table in a near empty fast-food place without first asking if you didn't mind.

How is this really any different from pulling right alongside uninvited in the same lane at a traffic light. Why should common rules of politeness and respect for personal space go out the window just because someone's on a bike?

This is indeed out of context. The other rider isn't hopping on your bike with you...
True, but argument "what would you say if instead of a bike, a car pulled up to you", is not valid regardless.

Yes, but all the bikes that were not part of my group that joined me at a light, have pulled up through a line of cars to do so.

One fell over into the curb, one ran up onto the curb, you see what I'm getting at?

The best one pushed his bike past a car using one foot on the sidewalk into a line up of 3 cars & myself. I was in the left track of the right lane with my right signal on. He squeezes by on the right of the car behind me and adjusts the guys mirror, gets up beside me and puts on his left turn signal. As the light changes to green he cuts me off, squeezes between the two cars in front and narrowly misses a truck and a pedestrian while making his left turn.

Hmmm, I'm beginning to understand where LowRider is coming from.
The best one pushed his bike past a car using one foot on the sidewalk into a line up of 3 cars & myself. I was in the left track of the right lane with my right signal on. He squeezes by on the right of the car behind me and adjusts the guys mirror, gets up beside me and puts on his left turn signal. As the light changes to green he cuts me off, squeezes between the two cars in front and narrowly misses a truck and a pedestrian while making his left turn.

Hmmm, I'm beginning to understand where LowRider is coming from.
So what's the issue?
*don't get your panties all twisted*
Your situational awareness allowed you to see his left turn signal was on, and probably going to move ahead of you, and you waited for him to proceed first before you moved on with your right turn maneuver.
*it's all good*
I hope he learned.

Did he talk to you too?
One fell over into the curb, one ran up onto the curb, you see what I'm getting at?

Yes, but there can be even more cases when another rider pulls up to you in a safe manner. Just because people have done it unsafely does not serve as an argument that lane sharing (when stopped at lights) should never happen.
There is a safety aspect here mixed with personal preference. Those two things should be considered in separation or else this discussion can go on forever.
Like I said in a earlier post this has only happened once to me on the street. However I do clearly remember once coming off hwy118 to go back to Toronto when it started pouring. I quickly got to an underpass to put my rain gear on. Soon a few other bikers pull in to do the same. I leave first and I'm having a horrible time. Crappy tires, foggy visor, and traffic is right up my ass the whole time. All the sudden the two other bikers are passing me. They get in front of me and wave me up a bit. It was nice. The cars really started to back off. Be fore you knew it when we got to Barrie there was a whole group of us random riders caught in the storm grouping together and did it ever make the ride feel safer. I don't know if that was the reality of the situation or not but it did feel safer and kinda cool that we all got together as bikers and held out spot on the highway in the rain. That was however happened out of nowhere to deal with a bad situation. As for just cruising I guess it personal. Like I said it only happened to me one time. The guy was nice and when the light went free he let me pull ahead. So to this date I'm OK with it. However if the o.p. just does as he ways which is politely ask the other rider to keep their distance I see nothing wrong with that either.

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True, but argument "what would you say if instead of a bike, a car pulled up to you", is not valid regardless.

I only think that argument was raised because alaywa is such an advocate of lane splitting and, if you want to be able to lane split, then being split by cars becomes a given.

Where this debate is concerned, I consider it nothing more than a stalking horse.
I would just like to take this opportunity to ***** at Cat for pulling up beside me last night. Mostly because she had her jacket zipped all the way up. I mean, seriously. if you're going to do something like that, you should be paying the piper, right? The nerve.
Ok, so you'll have no problem if I as a fellow rider, when out in my convertible instead of my bike, decide to pull right beside you in your lane at the lights. And you won't mind at all if, when the light turns green, that I out-accelerate you to get ahead of you. After all, you claim that lane-sharing is perfectly legal and alright, and as you claim in your own words, "since when is that rude or illegal?"

If there is room, no I don't mind. I often leave A LOOOOOOT of room in my lane when I'm in the right lane specifically for cars to come and use it, if they want to turn right or not. No car can out accelerate me, and those that have tried are easily dusted even if I didn't initially intend to. I have zeeeeeero problem with it. It's no big deal at all and easily managed. If there is room I am fine with it.

I repeat it haaaaaas happened to me and I don't mind it. Just the other day a mustang convertable did it to me on Lakeshore to chat. I filtered past him in the lane, he left a lot of room at the front, then he rolled up on me and we chatted about bikes, ccs, he asked if I had a 1L, I asked if he had a 5000cc mustang. he said no 4.7 so I laughed and says 4700cc, close enough and we smiled and were social, all the while talking over his gf in the passenger seat (I was on his right). He asked if I could destroy him off the line, I said most likely. And when the light turned green I blipped a little just to get 10 m ahead. And crying about it online.

So yes, get in your drop top and let's chat it up at the lights, or stay back, either way I am cool with it.

Lil Shushi was with me she can vouch.
I only think that argument was raised because alaywa is such an advocate of lane splitting and, if you want to be able to lane split, then being split by cars becomes a given.

Where this debate is concerned, I consider it nothing more than a stalking horse.

Correction, I am an adovate of filtering (which involves slow speed sharing in stopped traffic at SAFE predictable situations like red lights).

I do not advocate lane splitting in Ontario at all. And I do not advocate sharing lanes at speed unless both are comfy to do so (riders).

However I do not have aaaaaaaaany problem with anyone pulling up to me at any light, sharing my lane, at speed or at a stand still (as long as it is safe). It has happened to me in the past and it isn't a problem...for me anyways.

Just to be clear.
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