Civic vs. 600

Could you please name a few other than a supra,skyline or possibly a rx7 ? this case is about a GSR which is an integra which is a civic which is not able to beat a bike. It CAN be a fast car but able to beat a bike not likely at all

DSM, A4/S4...lots of air cooled VW's a couple fast VRT's and 20V's...There are so many rediculously fast street car's that I alone know that could keep right there with a 600 in the quarter and then walk away from one on the highway where the excessive power matters.
DSM, A4/S4...lots of air cooled VW's a couple fast VRT's and 20V's...There are so many rediculously fast street car's that I alone know that could keep right there with a 600 in the quarter and then walk away from one on the highway where the excessive power matters.

What are the quarter mile times on those cars? They would have to be 10 second cars to be close to any 08 600
What are the quarter mile times on those cars? They would have to be 10 second cars to be close to any 08 600

All low 11/high ten... I think Magnus had a couple DSM's in the 9's??? 600's get tested by professional riders for mag stat's and are running roughly what high ten's??? Definately comparable. Not pointing finger's but there is so many people on either side of this hilarious debate that are completely ignorant to either car's or bike's...There are alot of Civic's running rediculous 600 beating time's, the aftermarket for this is massive.
All low 11/high ten... I think Magnus had a couple DSM's in the 9's??? 600's get tested by professional riders for mag stat's and are running roughly what high ten's??? Definately comparable. Not pointing finger's but there is so many people on either side of this hilarious debate that are completely ignorant to either car's or bike's...There are alot of Civic's running rediculous 600 beating time's, the aftermarket for this is massive.

There is no way a civic that isnt either blown or sprayed is running anywhere in the 10s.
I think he is...i know that car as well. There was no way he could beat 600cc ss bikes from a stop or roll back when it was N/A, i dont know where hes getting his info from...

True, it was a 2.0l, high compression, w/toda cams and ITB's. It was a fast car no doubt about it but it was no 600cc ss killer, thats for sure.

Tony has Turbo'd he teg as of now... i can't remember but i think its making 300+ maybe 400ish horsepower.

he laughs when i tell him to drag against my bike..
This reminds me why insurance is so high. It is people who are concerned about losing to a Civic on the streets of Toronto. Thanks guys!
Cool and when you're all done you can hand over your cars, license and $10 000 to Srg Cam Wooley (aka Yogi Bear) under our new stunting legislation.

P.S. Did everyone hear Yogi Bear himself is joining City TV. I guess he got tired chasing down old ladies on the 400 during long weekend blitzs.
Dream on fellas
NOTHING, I mean NOTHING will do 10's, or anything close to 10's, through a cat. To pass the volume of exhaust required would dictate a cat the size of a minivan.
So when someone is telling you they have a 10 second Honda that is street legal they are lying to someone.
you want to build a fast street car? Start with a '69 or older body.
There are street legal 9 and 10 second cars out there but they all have mountain motors. Remember bottles are illegal on street cars now.

Come down to the track some weekend and see what is required for 10 second pass. It'll give you a new appreciation for the tools at Timmies with the "fast cars".
I am involved in a 11 second " Super Street" car. We don't run against ANY Hondas. EVER! All Detroit iron. Every weekend.
Everyone has something that is the fastest! Strongest, biggest, best, etc.

What about skill that matches your ego and product

If your wood is small, then I understand bragging, but those are the same guyès whos girlfriends or wives are busy doing guys like me while their hubbies are out bragging about their masculinity.

600 vs Civic, who will win
who cares.

street racing is stupid, my grandmother can go fast in a straight line, she had several hip replacements done, and still up for the task to race.... get on a bike and do some knee dragging then youèll have your answer, who cares who wins, riding feels amazing!

p.s. all the money people spend on souping up civics to even touch a 600 stock could be put down for a mortgage, take advantage of the low interest rates, sell the house for profit in a few years and buy a ferrari, or a car that is meant to go fast. civics are to take your family to no frills!
Tony has Turbo'd he teg as of now... i can't remember but i think its making 300+ maybe 400ish horsepower.

he laughs when i tell him to drag against my bike..
I forgot I even posted here.

Yeah we are talking about the same guy. I knew him back in high school and a few years after that. I was part of that dorks with fast cars click back in the import days. hahaha

I thought he gave up on the Integra after he put the turbo he still building his car?

I know a lot of you guys say it can't really be done. Ive been in his car going flat out up to the top speed my bike can do. I bet he would give most 600s a good run for the money.
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