Caught a road rager on my cell phone

See that's just it, that was first inclination but then thought, what's a phone call, there's no proof, just what someone said, so I'm going to record this loser.

I had a collapsible baton pulled on me in dead stopped traffic down town Ottawa about a year ago. Idiot tried to pull an illegal u-turn and when he ended up blocking the entire intersection because I couldn't move my truck he got out of his BMW and began to threaten me and pulled the baton out. He was all tough until I put the truck in park and started to get out, he then ran back to his car and gave a good run at my drivers door with his wife's car, just barely stopping next to me.
I called 911 immediately, but I couldn't keep track of him in the dark and rain in heavy traffic. I had remembererd his plate though.
I made a report, my gf who was in the truck made a report. It got investigated.

The result:
The chick in the car that was yelling at him was his secretary/mistress. The car was his soon to be ex wife's car.
When the cops did their house call to the guy, it was embarassing for him because his wife was home and that's how she found out it was his secretary he was bangin on the side. The secretary was so embarassed by his behaviour that when questioned she confirmed my story. Cops also found his baton right where I said it would be in the car.
Guy ended up being charged, and as far as I know had to do anger management etc... And I'm sure his wife's lawyer used it as evidence to get more out of him in the divorce process.

So yeah, reporting does actually work! First time I've ever bothered reporting someone for anything, and I only did it because he was either going to use that baton and hurt someone, or he was going to pull it on the wrong person and get his *** handed to him (which was probably going to happen if he didn't get back in to his car).
How does crusing at a distance, while maintaining the same cruising speed as everyone else, translate into someone causing traffic or other motorists from getting to where they are going slower?

I think about this when coming up behind someone who maintains an abnormally large distance in front. Hmmm...what if I did that too, and the guy behind me as well. I'd imagine the one thousands car would would still be on the on ramp, is what I imagine. Use common sense. Unless your common sense involves a little bit of drinking and driving. Then just follow the crowd.
And then people wonder why this happens


No the pile up happens when someone's in a lane they shouldn't be. Like sonic that seems entitled to stay in a lane instead of just letting someone that's obviously in a hurry go by and avoiding a completely predictable situation. Just move and let the dummy get a ticket for you instead of becoming a statistic. Might not be right but it's the smart thing to do.
I think about this when coming up behind someone who maintains an abnormally large distance in front. Hmmm...what if I did that too, and the guy behind me as well. I'd imagine the one thousands car would would still be on the on ramp, is what I imagine. Use common sense. Unless your common sense involves a little bit of drinking and driving. Then just follow the crowd.

Yes, it causes massive accordianing, when traffic slows or stops. Tends to piss me off too, but I don't tend to cut off and threaten people for it.
There is always that idiot that leaves too much space ahead of him that allows ignorant people to cut in front of him. He then backs off of the guy that just cut in front and another one does it... So everyone behind this guy is being slowed down every time another car gets in front of him That's how. I only drive in heavy 400 series city traffic like once a month and I know this.

I hear what your saying, there's the exception where too much is too much. If people only realized that if everyone left a bit of distance between each other I'd be willing to bet that would significantly increase the pace of traffic, but unfortuantely everyone is free to drive as they wish within the law.
I think about this when coming up behind someone who maintains an abnormally large distance in front. Hmmm...what if I did that too, and the guy behind me as well. I'd imagine the one thousands car would would still be on the on ramp, is what I imagine. Use common sense. Unless your common sense involves a little bit of drinking and driving. Then just follow the crowd.

See I believe the end cause to be the opposite. If everyone from the start kept their distance, or slower moving traffic stayed to the side, then the appropriately moving cars at the right speed can still maneuver around and keep all lanes open and free.
Which lane were you in when this all started?
See I believe the end cause to be the opposite. If everyone from the start kept their distance, or slower moving traffic stayed to the side, then the appropriately moving cars at the right speed can still maneuver around and keep all lanes open and free.
I hear what your saying, there's the exception where too much is too much. If people only realized that if everyone left a bit of distance between each other I'd be willing to bet that would significantly increase the pace of traffic, but unfortuantely everyone is free to drive as they wish within the law.

There was a study done years ago in LA...they basically took 5 cars (there were 5 lanes on the highway) and all 5 drove the speed limit of 55mph. They drove side by side so that no one can pass them.

The people behind them were honking, cursing, and even would pass on the inside and outside shoulder (there's a youtube video of this). But anyway the point is...people at the front going 55MPH caused a standstill traffic jam a few miles behind. It was the accordion effect that Rob referenced.

As to your point about leaving space. Yes I agree. However, each driver has a certain comfort level of space that they want ahead of them. Some are good with 2ft and some good with 20ft. And if someone invades within that 20ft of clear space, they slow down to resume back to 20ft. This is the garbage that causes jams...and of course rubbernecking and all the other idiot moves.
No the pile up happens when someone's in a lane they shouldn't be. Like sonic that seems entitled to stay in a lane instead of just letting someone that's obviously in a hurry go by and avoiding a completely predictable situation. Just move and let the dummy get a ticket for you instead of becoming a statistic. Might not be right but it's the smart thing to do.

Maybe you missed some of the specifics through out this thread. Traffic was moving at the same speed, unfortunately for this idiot and many other idiot drivers, they have this mentality that if there's a gap somewhere, they're going to make up more time if they can close it... but end up right back where they were because traffic is still moving at the same rate or slower, bumper to bumper.
Which lane were you in when this all started?

I was on the far left lane at the time because it was moving at a faster rate than the other lanes, however I was still moving at the same pace as everyone else in my lane, just 2-3 cars gap.
Maybe you missed some of the specifics through out this thread. Traffic was moving at the same speed, unfortunately for this idiot and many other idiot drivers, they have this mentality that if there's a gap somewhere, they're going to make up more time if they can close it... but end up right back where they were because traffic is still moving at the same rate or slower, bumper to bumper.

The only thing that idiot gains that's jumping back and forth is the perception of moving far ahead. It's always funny when they pass and jump b/w lanes only to come up behind you up the road. I typically wave to them (not the one finger salute)...unfortunately they don't always see the humour of the situation.
Maybe you missed some of the specifics through out this thread. Traffic was moving at the same speed, unfortunately for this idiot and many other idiot drivers, they have this mentality that if there's a gap somewhere, they're going to make up more time if they can close it... but end up right back where they were because traffic is still moving at the same rate or slower, bumper to bumper.

My bad, I will exit stage left!

my apologies
There was a study done years ago in LA...they basically took 5 cars (there were 5 lanes on the highway) and all 5 drove the speed limit of 55mph. They drove side by side so that no one can pass them.

The people behind them were honking, cursing, and even would pass on the inside and outside shoulder (there's a youtube video of this). But anyway the point is...people at the front going 55MPH caused a standstill traffic jam a few miles behind. It was the accordion effect that Rob referenced.

As to your point about leaving space. Yes I agree. However, each driver has a certain comfort level of space that they want ahead of them. Some are good with 2ft and some good with 20ft. And if someone invades within that 20ft of clear space, they slow down to resume back to 20ft. This is the garbage that causes jams...and of course rubbernecking and all the other idiot moves.

The example you are using in that study was not what was happening yesterday. I was moving with the flow of traffic at an everage speed that maintained the distance that I like to have. This has no effect on traffic so long as you are moving with it.
The only thing that idiot gains that's jumping back and forth is the perception of moving far ahead. It's always funny when they pass and jump b/w lanes only to come up behind you up the road. I typically wave to them (not the one finger salute)...unfortunately they don't always see the humour of the situation.

That was exactly what this guy gained, nothing!
See I believe the end cause to be the opposite. If everyone from the start kept their distance, or slower moving traffic stayed to the side, then the appropriately moving cars at the right speed can still maneuver around and keep all lanes open and free.

Keeping pace is one thing but traffic starts moving from 0 km/h. For everybody to establish the distance you speak of would require an extra second or two at low acceleration. That's a huge chunk of time a thousand cars deep.
Is Meme the bull filling in for Sonny?
So driving home from work yesterday, moderate traffic, moving at about 80-100. When i'm in close quarters traffic I tend to give myself a 2-3 car lengths of distance, so this wack job is riding my *** to speed up, which of course I don't, when he gets the chance, flies past me, cuts me off and brake checks me HARD! I of course give him the lights to say WTF. So he pulls out and then slows down to my side and tries to run me off the road, cutting me off and essentially road raging at this point, so i pull out my phone and start recording the guy.

Just so happens an OPP was up ahead, the guy gets out of the car and starts freaking out, cop tells him to get back in his car, they exchange a few words, and the cops lets the guy go! Cop tells ME to pull over and says what happened.... I tell him the guy was road raging me trying to get take me out, and so I started recording. The cop says road rager says I was on my phone......YA TO RECORD THE ******! Here's the video. I show it to him and cop says, well i didn't see what happened prior to that so go on your way... WTF??

So do I report this? My concern is I get a ticket for using my phone to record this ****** for trying to kill me.

If I do report this, do I just go into the closest station where this happened?
I will bet you were on the fast lane!
I will bet you were on the fast lane!

The fast lane? Oh you mean the "passing lane" that people don't use to pass, rather another lane to just drive on.

Yes I was on the passing lane, please read the other posts.
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