Caught a road rager on my cell phone | Page 3 |

Caught a road rager on my cell phone

You broke the law using your phone while driving, but it sounds like he was yelling at you which isn't against the law, so the cop should of ticketed you, since you're the only one that actually broke the law
Not sure if I can show the video (publicly speaking), you can clearly see the guys license plate, what kind of car, and him when he comes running out of his car like a raging lunatic.

I thought you did lots of illegal things?? you have claimed to in other situations!
I thought of that, however don't they just take reports?

They take reports. Enough reports get made for one driver and then make a phone call, or send a letter. Reports continue and, especially in more rural jurisdictions, they might just pay a visit.
Not sure if I can show the video (publicly speaking), you can clearly see the guys license plate, what kind of car, and him when he comes running out of his car like a raging lunatic.

The incident occurred in a public place, where the other party has no expectation of privacy. You're free to show it. In fact I run cameras virtually every day and compile videos of the idiocy that I see on the road, then post them to Youtube.
You broke the law using your phone while driving, but it sounds like he was yelling at you which isn't against the law, so the cop should of ticketed you, since you're the only one that actually broke the law

Hey you're sharp!

Ugh ya! And why I'm undecided about how to approach the situation, and the reason for my post, I broke a minor traffic law to capture a serious crime.

What part of any of last few pages did you miss, he tried to cause an acident, he then tried to kill me, verbally threatening me with violence.......... ON VIDEO. Soooooo I'm the one, the only one that broke the law?

Yes, I suppose I should've, could've been ticketed since I did break the law, but so did he, I suppose the cop deemed it just cause seeing as the road raging freak was clearly trying to run me down.
By the way, just so everyone knows, using a cell phone to call emergency services is not illegal when driving. Filming most likely is.
this is just like other countries laws for driving, there are the rules, then there are the unwritten rules. yes, staying back 3 car lengths is a rule, but its also not practical for certain times of the day. you are almost begging people to cut you. can you imagine applying this rule to driving in china, japan,russia, or one of those places ?

stop thinking that just because you follow every rule, means you're not the one causing a problem.

you are probbaly the kind of person that drives the same speed as the car beside you, blocking everyone else beside you.
Who openly breaks laws?

"Hey law enforcement, look what I did"

give me a break.

Like showing a cop a video you took while driving? Lol
this is just like other countries laws for driving, there are the rules, then there are the unwritten rules. yes, staying back 3 car lengths is a rule, but its also not practical for certain times of the day. you are almost begging people to cut you. can you imagine applying this rule to driving in china, japan,russia, or one of those places ?

stop thinking that just because you follow every rule, means you're not the one causing a problem.

you are probbaly the kind of person that drives the same speed as the car beside you, blocking everyone else beside you.

Help me out here, is it illegal to distance in traffic?

And perhaps this is another debate all together regarding driving habits, which I would be interested in having, where people think that driving right up on someones *** when all the traffic around them is driving at the same speed is how you are suppsoed to drive because if you leave too much of a gap you are slowing people down....

How does crusing at a distance, while maintaining the same cruising speed as everyone else, translate into someone causing traffic or other motorists from getting to where they are going slower?

That was exactly what this guy had a problem with, he felt that I was holding him up, and didn't like it, so he showed me. After he zoomed by and did what he did, guess how much further he got? That's right, nowhere, because everyone was still going 90-100.
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Like showing a cop a video you took while driving? Lol

At that point I had no choice, I was asked to pull over because the guy started chirping the cops that I had my phone out, not knowing what was happening, so to save myself I better have some reason why, which the cop accepted based on the actual video.

I do have a choice here.
2-3 cars lenght in traffic dude?

get in the slow lane, no wonder that guy wanted to rip your head off

And then people wonder why this happens


Not sure if I can show the video (publicly speaking), you can clearly see the guys license plate, what kind of car, and him when he comes running out of his car like a raging lunatic.

You can post it
Ya Rob mentioned this, I'll give them a try. I just want it to be known that this freak went way over the top, lives have been lost because of people like this.

I was just kind of shocked that the cop just blew it off like he did.

Cop was lazy and didn't want to deal with it.

Next time instead of picking up your phone and recording instead leave or call 911.

You broke the law using your phone while driving, but it sounds like he was yelling at you which isn't against the law, so the cop should of ticketed you, since you're the only one that actually broke the law

If someone is trying to run you off the road i think you might be justified in using your phone to record the other person.
i havent even been here that long, and i know that you are causing everyone else a headache

get off the road, abuelita
So when I say that you’re an idiot Im only paraphrasing what you’ve told yourself already........
Next time instead of picking up your phone and recording instead leave or call 911.

If someone is trying to run you off the road i think you might be justified in using your phone to record the other person.

See that's just it, that was first inclination but then thought, what's a phone call, there's no proof, just what someone said, so I'm going to record this loser.
Help me out here, is it illegal to distance in traffic?

And perhaps this is another debate all together regarding driving habits, which I would be interested in having, where people think that driving right up on someones *** when all the traffic around them is driving at the same speed is how you are suppsoed to drive because if you leave too much of a gap you are slowing people down....

How does crusing at a distance, while maintaining the same cruising speed as everyone else, translate into someone causing traffic or other motorists from getting to where they are going slower?

That was exactly what this guy had a problem with, he felt that I was holding him up, and didn't like it, so he showed me. After he zoomed by and did what he did, guess how much further he got? That's right, nowhere, because everyone was still going 90-100.

There is always that idiot that leaves too much space ahead of him that allows ignorant people to cut in front of him. He then backs off of the guy that just cut in front and another one does it... So everyone behind this guy is being slowed down every time another car gets in front of him That's how. I only drive in heavy 400 series city traffic like once a month and I know this.

I HATE driving in the GTA because I HATE tailgating. It just isn't something that I like to do because people are far too irratic in their driving. However, it is something that you have to do in heavy traffic, otherwise people will push in. But I'm just some country bumpkin, so my idea of tailgating in my ~5000lb truck is what others would say is a "safe following distance."
i havent even been here that long, and i know that you are causing everyone else a headache

get off the road, abuelita

I don't think you have to be here long to understand common sense, how is driving at a distance causing traffic, or slowing someone down from getting to where they need to go, if traffic is all moving at the same speed?

It's like people that feel the need to gun it from a green light when you can clearly see the next intersction just turned just lost all that ground for nothing, you got nowhere. I'm the type that looks 1-2 intersections away to see what's happeing ahead(things I've learned from ridiing), if there's a red light I coast at an average speed so that by the time I get to that next intersection It's green again, I never had to hit my brakes once, and i'm still making the same time.

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