Caught a road rager on my cell phone | Page 2 |

Caught a road rager on my cell phone

How do they not know what happened, I have the guy on video road raging, getting out of his car flipping out. So what's the point of road watch, if there's no evidence of what happened? It's just random claims that you did something, no proof right?

What witnesses? The video is the witness. So if someone is caught on camera stealing and there is no witnesses, just a security guard and the camera, then they can't charge them for theft?

OK I'll play along....

guy's driving along and you make an innocent lane change not noticing him and possibly cutting him off. He beeps you and flashes his lights, you give him the finger because you don't think you did anything wrong except a proper lane change and think to yourself 'idiot wonder what's his problem?' and continue along.

He tries to go around you, you block him or speed up to prevent a pass (we've all done it).
He tries again, you block him.
He rides your bumper and you slow down to a slower than traffic speed because you'll show him how to be the proper driver.
So he finally gets around you and flips you off and brake checks you - it's wrong but by now he's lost all his senses.

Now is when you turn on the camera on your phone, and all we see if innocent SONIC driving along with a flipping mad rager...

Camera only shows us what YOU want to show us. Same with the video in NYC with raging bikes. No one except THEM and the Range Rover family know what happened to cause that rage. This is no different.

OR he had a family emergency and trying to get home to his wife/daughter/mom/dad and here you are tooling along stopping him.

Sorry, not saying you're wrong or right...we see things the way we want to see them....just like we see signs of cheating spouses where they may or may not exist.
This is news to me, I had no idea Joe Public was empowered to police motorists and take them out with their cars because they don't like how people drive.
And nobody is empowered to be a log jam. I'll bet money 100's of cars were slipping in front of you, you being totally oblivious with all your electronic gadgetry at hand. That's the sort of **** that triggers road rage.
Sorry man, but I cut off everybody that is hanging out in the left lane going too damn slow!!!
This is news to me, I had no idea Joe Public was empowered to police motorists and take them out with their cars because they don't like how people drive.

If your too slow to see imminent issues arising from someone doing what that driver did and that's the way you think, I suggest getting front and rear dash cams cause your going to need them again.

That way you wont have to illegally hold your phone up to record someone while you should of been driving.
Sure, cop says move along you move along boy.

Do you even know what eating your own words means??? That makes no sense. You seem like a very self serving person, all I said was the view from the cops perspective.

It's a term, a saying, subjective to the person using it. You appear to be a black or white type of individual from your few posts here, so that may be difficult for you to understand since it doesn't meet your opinion.
Always wish I could do this to the Pr!cks

OK I'll play along....

guy's driving along and you make an innocent lane change not noticing him and possibly cutting him off. He beeps you and flashes his lights, you give him the finger because you don't think you did anything wrong except a proper lane change and think to yourself 'idiot wonder what's his problem?' and continue along.

He tries to go around you, you block him or speed up to prevent a pass (we've all done it).
He tries again, you block him.
He rides your bumper and you slow down to a slower than traffic speed because you'll show him how to be the proper driver.
So he finally gets around you and flips you off and brake checks you - it's wrong but by now he's lost all his senses.

Now is when you turn on the camera on your phone, and all we see if innocent SONIC driving along with a flipping mad rager...

Camera only shows us what YOU want to show us. Same with the video in NYC with raging bikes. No one except THEM and the Range Rover family know what happened to cause that rage. This is no different.

OR he had a family emergency and trying to get home to his wife/daughter/mom/dad and here you are tooling along stopping him.

Sorry, not saying you're wrong or right...we see things the way we want to see them....just like we see signs of cheating spouses where they may or may not exist.

But at the end of the day, who got charged? The guy in his range rover, or the bikers that were caught on video bashing the driver in? What other evidence was there to say that the Range Rover did anything?

In either case, there is no legal right for someone to take their own course of action, illegal course of action because they don't like somethnig that someone has done, that's the job of the Police.

And what does cheating spouses have to do with this post exactly?
But at the end of the day, who got charged? The guy in his range rover, or the bikers that were caught on video bashing the driver in? What other evidence was there to say that the Range Rover did anything?

In either case, there is no legal right for someone to take their own course of action, illegal course of action because they don't like somethnig that someone has done, that's the job of the Police.

And what does cheating spouses have to do with this post exactly?

1. Bikers got charged because they were threatening the driver. He claims self-defence and you saw the video. We'd all do the same.
2. Fully agree with your statement
3. Nothing. My point is we see the world the way WE want to see it.
Not sure if I can show the video (publicly speaking), you can clearly see the guys license plate, what kind of car, and him when he comes running out of his car like a raging lunatic.

Send the video to road watch with description of the driver and plates. If he keeps doing this then they'll have notes on it if he's ever pulled over.
Not sure if I can show the video (publicly speaking), you can clearly see the guys license plate, what kind of car, and him when he comes running out of his car like a raging lunatic.

Who's video is it? Yours I believe. Post it.
Send the video to road watch with description of the driver and plates. If he keeps doing this then they'll have notes on it if he's ever pulled over.

Ya Rob mentioned this, I'll give them a try. I just want it to be known that this freak went way over the top, lives have been lost because of people like this.

I was just kind of shocked that the cop just blew it off like he did.
It's a term, a saying, subjective to the person using it. You appear to be a black or white type of individual from your few posts here, so that may be difficult for you to understand since it doesn't meet your opinion.

You are the one failing comprehension here.
You just don't get it.

I'm simple, I will admit it. You are something entirely else.
You will get what you deserve, whether it is just or not
op honestly DROP IT..... take a clonazepam....move on, lifes to ****ing short.. i am starting to see why you think your girlfriend cheats, you get so fixaded on something so stupid ...
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You are the one failing comprehension here.
You just don't get it.

I'm simple, I will admit it. You are something entirely else.
You will get what you deserve, whether it is just or not

I don't get what, comprehension of a term? If you want to get into a debate about reading or writing comprehension then go for it.... what is the definitive term, if there is one, for the term or saying "eat your own words"? Is it defined somewhere that it can only be used in one way? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

And I will get what I deserve? Wow, who ****** in your corn flakes?
All those defending the rager without knowing all the facts has got me to thinking that I will, henceforth, view the many utube rager vids in a new light. The light of a 40 watt bulb.
op honestly DROP IT..... take a clonazepam....move on, lifes to ****ing short.. i am starting to why you think your girlfriend cheats, you get so fixaded on something so stupid ...

Let's go again with stop eating your own words, you are asking me to drop something yet you bring up a whole other subject, twice mind you, in this same post, which have nothing to do with the other...."fixated"?

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