Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

For some odd reason I would like to see Ford get re-elected.
There is just something about it that I can't seem to put into words right now.
The debates would make for great tv viewing.
Wong- I would like to know if Mr. Ford is high or drunk right now before we proceed:lmao:
Ford- I was last night with your sister but I am okay and read to proceed now.

I think we will start to see info bubble up about the other Councillors using drugs etc...
Ford alluded to it when he said we all know who does what here, it's no big secret around here, drug test for everyone, but I am no snitch:lmao:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Jesus, today was insane.

I liked two quotes in particular. The first was when they asked if he'd ever physically assaulted a member of his own staff and he replied "Probably not." The other was when they asked him (I think it was Parks?) what other skeletons might be in his closet and Ford replied "I don't know what else people have filmed."

Plus that high-school fake-fight was something else. Seriously, what is this? Grade 10 again? Where one guy starts flailing while his buddy theatrically 'Holds him back'? I mean, I was half-expecting Rob to start yelling "You wanna go, bro? You wanna go?!" while Doug 'struggled' to 'hold back' Rob, saying things like "He's serious, dude! You better run! I can't hold him for long!" Friggin' ridiculous!

I have to give Ford credit for one really great moment. The line about the family in the crack house was brilliant politics “That is not a crack house! It is a house with a family with a father and a mother and three sons and a daughter.” I mean it's crap as far as the truth goes, but it sounds fantastic. THAT'S political charisma - something most of his opponents lack in the worst way. Minnan-Wong looked like a weaselly nerd, whining about bullying. Even if he was right, perception is everything - Minnan-Wong better hope he's NOT running for mayor, because you can't sound like that and win elections.

My favourite line was when the chief magistrate of the city, Ford, said, "I'm not a rat."
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

My favourite line was when the chief magistrate of the city, Ford, said, "I'm not a rat."

Mine was when one of the councilors responded...

'I have no interest in being in that house, I'm not a crack user.' And another councillor looked like he would fall off his chair at the comment in the background.

you can't make this stuff up.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Partying like a Kennedy.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's great to see people put some effort into their arguments like this, and IMO you've put together a very good and fair analysis.

What it shows is that Ford charged less, and spent less than previous mayors, particularly Miller. Ford would yell from the top of the CN tower that it's proof he stopped the "gravy train". To me - and I believe for most people - the gravy train represents waste but these figures only illustrate the throughput of money into and out of city hall, not waste. It doesn't make any assessment of the value of the spending.

I for one have no problem with spending 2x more to get 2x more, as long as it's something that is needed. I understand that a lot of people believe ANY spending is too much spending if it goes through government hands, but that is an ideological position that doesn't stand scrutiny since a government with no money = no government.

I believe government has an important role to play in improving society, beyond just law enforcement. Yes, government policies often have the unavoidable consequence of restricting our liberties. It's a natural consequence of turning personal choices into societal choices. Transit, for example. We can't choose when we leave, how much comfort and speed we are ready to pay for, or even if we get to sit or have to stand. But we are, as a society, better off with transit than without. Many government enterprises are valid for that simple reason: they do more good than harm.

So when praising Ford's budget cuts, first of all, that is not gravy that he is cutting. It's services. And secondly if people actually want a government that costs less and does less, then fine. I won't like it but I can respect informed democracy. But then those same people shouldn't jump on the bandwagon complaining that Toronto never seems to achieve the status of "world class city". It never will if it's always cut off at the knees. We have some of the greatest maintenance, social housing, and transit backlog of any city in the region by far. And we also pay the lowest property taxes. It's not hard to put 2 and 2 together.

Whatever we defer now (city hall is running at record levels of job vacancies) we will have to pay more for later. These "savings" are simply cuts and they are no different from debt, in that they place the burden on future generations for our benefit. Except that with cuts, we don't get to benefit from the added service or infrastructure in the meantime. This is why I've felt that Ford was going to be a disaster for the city from the beginning, even without any consideration for this latest fiasco. His thuggish personality was another reason for my concern. But that's a whole other topic.

My view is, Ford's Toronto is like a used Chevy. It gets you around, and maybe it makes you happy to be able to afford to supersize your Big Mac meal every week, but that's it. Miller's Toronto is a nice sensible and classy Acura that your friends want to come over and ride in. It's a place that invites growth. Of course the conservative media portrays it like a lavish Ferrari.

Ford hasn't done anything for the city, and he won't. He's too busy setting us back several more years with cuts.

I think you may have been the only one to comment on the actual numbers! The rest seem to just care about the shenanigans. Post 1339 has the numbers for budget, tax, etc if anyone is actually interested, I guess most are not...!!&p=2104136&viewfull=1#post2104136

The reason why his support was and to a certain extent still is strong in the burbs is working families just do not have much more to give. Under Miller residential property tax increased over 29% while CPI only increased a little more than 16% over the same time. In addition he added the vehicle registration tax and the land transfer tax (plus a bunch of other user fees), in short he more than doubled inflation in costs to working families (they are the ones with cars, they are the ones buying homes...). While it is great to spend 2X to get 2X in services, that only works if you have a bunch of free money to pay the 2X in the first place, otherwise you stick to the used Chevy. Even worse, much (some would argue most) of the spending increases under Miller were not for what was needed (more services, better infrastructure) instead it was for pay increases for city employees, that also far outstretched inflation or what most of the working families see every year in pay increases. City employee pay is a fat chunk of the operating budget.

There is also a reason the Gardiner and infrastructure is failing, under spending on the things that really need it.

Personally, unless another candidate gets this I would vote for Ford again--because of this, shenanigans be damned.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford is cutting government, he is anti-union, and wants lower taxes. This is a big NO NO for the unions and everyone who is dependent on government handouts.

Look at the other idiots in office. They are wasting away our money on personnel stuff leading to higher prices on everything. Rob Ford was cutting that and now the Liberal goons have the media on their side to bring him down. Rob Ford is the medicine the City of Toronto badly needs right now.

This is the kind of mayor the City of Toronto needs right now or else we'll have a Greece style meltdown.

That video is nonsense.
Who the heck is Peter Schiff ? He is taking statements made by other (Chris Hayes) out of context.

If Peter has his own opinion he doesn't need the clips from Hayes.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The numbers posted in the linked charts show nothing about income, never mind income by region. They also dont show the fact that Toronto has lower property tax than just about all surrounding municipalities, even though the average land values in Toronto are higher than the average land values in say, Mississauga or Ajax. People are stretched, it's true, but that's something that's affected much more by higher levels of government, provincial/federal laws, and things outside even their control, like globalization and how well the US economy is doing. Municipal government's biggest impact is in providing local services. Now, one big way that Toronto COULD foster prosperity is to greatly expand our transit network, to reduce congestion, break down barriers between have and have-not neighbourhoods (the link between low incomes and being poorly served by transit is well-documented and several studies have been done by the city on this issue), and also provide infrastructure and maintenance stimulus. But that takes real money. That means taxes.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford is cutting government, he is anti-union, and wants lower taxes. This is a big NO NO for the unions and everyone who is dependent on government handouts.
This is the kind of mayor the City of Toronto needs right now or else we'll have a Greece style meltdown.

It also seems that he wants city workers changing light bulbs at his personal residence, during business hours. This is a big no-no for people who believe in fiscal responsibility.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Naw, he'd never get Marilyn Monroe. Hell, he'd never get Marilyn Denis.

Mmmh, apparently he got a former Miss Toronto Tourism winner... to ...ahem... party with him...

Apparently she was the 2010 winner, first name Alana K. ... search YouTube for "Miss Toronto Tourism 2010 Bikinis Contestants Ups and Downs" ...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I think you may have been the only one to comment on the actual numbers! The rest seem to just care about the shenanigans. .

Those numbers alone tell a very incomplete part of the story. Toronto doesn't pay high taxes. The lowest in the GTA like Mongrel pointed out. Being overtaxed isn't the problem in the GTA at least not from a municiple level. Everyone wants services and infrustructure and no one wants to pay for it. With Ford at the helm Toronto's infrusturcture is doomed. We have already lost years of transit development due to his schenanigans. Ford has wasted Millions since in office and replaced it with hundereds of thousands in nickle and dime savings. That is not a way to prosper.

I would like to see Toronto with a property tax hike to put us in line with other municipalities and use that money to bolster the infrustructure (roads, transit, water/sewage) and creating well paying jobs in the process. We need to catch back up to making this city great and not pass the buck to future generations till it is too far gone.

It also seems that he wants city workers changing light bulbs at his personal residence, during business hours. This is a big no-no for people who believe in fiscal responsibility.

Don't forget he also higherd his buddy David Price for twice the pay as the previous guy who held the job. He also used city staffers to do stuff for his football team and lets not even mention the wasted hours he was running around town drinking and doing drugs while on City time. Since Ford is so concerned about tax payers money he will of course be re-embursing the TPS for the costs of investigating him and his crime buddy Lisi or does his concern for the taxpayer only come towards what other people do.

How anyone can say that Ford is the best choice (given we don't know who the other choices would be next time) is such a farse. The guy is a joke of a mayor. He has only been a part time mayor with spotty attendance. It is council that is enacting the needed changes not Ford. What good is a mayor with no respect and no influence on council. He is done.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Mmmh, apparently he got a former Miss Toronto Tourism winner... to ...ahem... party with him...

Apparently she was the 2010 winner, first name Alana K. ... search YouTube for "Miss Toronto Tourism 2010 Bikinis Contestants Ups and Downs" ...

Admittedly not bad, based on her Model Mayhem profile (I'm a photographer, so it's a go-to source). He's denying it, of course.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Admittedly not bad, based on her Model Mayhem profile (I'm a photographer, so it's a go-to source). He's denying it, of course.

He says he has 'more than enough to eat at home'.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Mississauga's Mil Rate is: 0.926648%
Toronto's Mil Rate is: 0.7457653%
Both include school taxes.

Now I could not find anything in MPAC that breaks down assessed value for like properties city to city but the real-estate boards do provide like to like comparisons for average sale prices. So the admitted leap of faith here is that ratio wise MPAC will be close to sales (not value but ratio). If anyone can like to like MPAC, it would improve the below...

For detached family homes:
Mississauga's current average price is: $603,149 times the Mil rate that is $5589
Toronto's current average price is: $840,396 times the Mil rate that is = $6267

The key here is to try and compare like homes to like homes not to compare a downtown condo to suburban track housing. If you look at the average values for all home types the Toronto numbers get pulled down more by small condos (basically mid 500s for Toronto vs low 500s for Mississauga) but is that a fair comparison, I guess it is if you want to propagate the myth.

Post numbers if you actually have better data and not just what you were told...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Have a listen to Dave Agar's rant on CFRB1010 this morning about the Mayor:

And the Mayor losing it on live media when asked about the hooker:

follow up to the sound bit:

Man, late night TV is gonna have a field day with this stuff.

I was listening this morning.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

While David Miller increased PT by 29% over his term, the median household income increased 7% in Toronto over the same time period. Look it up.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

"I never said I wanted to eat her ***** [...] I've got more than enough to eat at home."

Classy. As. ****.

You can't make this stuff up.
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