Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Brilliant. Cocaine is out if the system in 2-3 days. This will be a huge money waste that won't achieve anything and it won't go anywhere.

Testing for ******** is free and easy on the other hand. Too bad we don't do anything about it.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS

It's not out of the hair follicles in 2-3 days.

Lol - just saw that as well - that poor hooker.

Let he who has never cruised Yonge Street with a bottle of vodka in hand while doing blow off the back of a $500.00 an hour hooker throw the first stone.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's not out of the hair follicles in 2-3 days.

Yep, but I haven't heard of anyone using that method. Am I clueless, or it isn't used for some reason?

Rob, have you considered politics? You always have a clear headed opinion.

Maybe Rob, fastar1 and sonny should make an allstar party :) . Ad Paul for minister of censorship :p

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yep, but I haven't heard of anyone using that method. Am I clueless, or it isn't used for some reason?

Rob, have you considered politics? You always have a clear headed opinion.

Maybe Rob, fastar1 and sonny should make an allstar party :) . Ad Paul for minister of censorship :p

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS

Hair follicle test was suggested as part of the testing of city will show any drugs you used while that hair was growing
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yep, but I haven't heard of anyone using that method. Am I clueless, or it isn't used for some reason?

Rob, have you considered politics? You always have a clear headed opinion.

Maybe Rob, fastar1 and sonny should make an allstar party :) . Ad Paul for minister of censorship :p

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS

I'm a registered Rhino and have kicked the idea of running Federally around, once or twice. Thought of running for city council, here in Brampton, but realized two things; I'd never break through the nepotism and, if I did, I'd never make more than I do now without graft.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm a registered Rhino and have kicked the idea of running Federally around, once or twice. Thought of running for city council, here in Brampton, but realized two things; I'd never break through the nepotism and, if I did, I'd never make more than I do now without graft.

All the good ones get scared away...

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Just happening now...

"There have been rumours that Mayor Ford has used escorts or prostitutes"

- Isaac Ransom

"Ransom told police Ford sexually harassed a former staff member and a female guard at City Hall."

This is great! Some sordid sex thrown into the mix will keep this train wreck going and going and going... :lmao:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yep, but I haven't heard of anyone using that method

A friend applied for a job with NASA. They took hair samples. That was 20 years ago.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's only a matter of time when someone(hooker,escort,bar employee etc.etc..) that was involved with Ford will go to the press.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

My line in the sand was snorting coke off a hooker's ***. Ford is now toeing the line. Can't believe this is happening.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Since there is always a bunch of misinformation and posturing from all sides I decided to download the Toronto Budgets since Amalgamation and actually take the time to review them. The attachments are for the Operating Budget and Residential Property Tax. You can look and learn for yourself. I added min and max to the chart because it is somewhat unfair to just do Average since Miller had the longest time in office (skews the data a bit).

There are some minor issues of course, it does not reflect the so called surpluses (either they did not complete what they said they would or they over-collected taxes, both are bad) but it is used to posture by all Mayors. It does not include the user fee increases (Garbage, Car Reg, Land Transfer, etc.) that are not counted as Res PT Increases but hit all residents one way or another/sooner or later.

enjoy and debate away...
It's great to see people put some effort into their arguments like this, and IMO you've put together a very good and fair analysis.

What it shows is that Ford charged less, and spent less than previous mayors, particularly Miller. Ford would yell from the top of the CN tower that it's proof he stopped the "gravy train". To me - and I believe for most people - the gravy train represents waste but these figures only illustrate the throughput of money into and out of city hall, not waste. It doesn't make any assessment of the value of the spending.

I for one have no problem with spending 2x more to get 2x more, as long as it's something that is needed. I understand that a lot of people believe ANY spending is too much spending if it goes through government hands, but that is an ideological position that doesn't stand scrutiny since a government with no money = no government.

I believe government has an important role to play in improving society, beyond just law enforcement. Yes, government policies often have the unavoidable consequence of restricting our liberties. It's a natural consequence of turning personal choices into societal choices. Transit, for example. We can't choose when we leave, how much comfort and speed we are ready to pay for, or even if we get to sit or have to stand. But we are, as a society, better off with transit than without. Many government enterprises are valid for that simple reason: they do more good than harm.

So when praising Ford's budget cuts, first of all, that is not gravy that he is cutting. It's services. And secondly if people actually want a government that costs less and does less, then fine. I won't like it but I can respect informed democracy. But then those same people shouldn't jump on the bandwagon complaining that Toronto never seems to achieve the status of "world class city". It never will if it's always cut off at the knees. We have some of the greatest maintenance, social housing, and transit backlog of any city in the region by far. And we also pay the lowest property taxes. It's not hard to put 2 and 2 together.

Whatever we defer now (city hall is running at record levels of job vacancies) we will have to pay more for later. These "savings" are simply cuts and they are no different from debt, in that they place the burden on future generations for our benefit. Except that with cuts, we don't get to benefit from the added service or infrastructure in the meantime. This is why I've felt that Ford was going to be a disaster for the city from the beginning, even without any consideration for this latest fiasco. His thuggish personality was another reason for my concern. But that's a whole other topic.

My view is, Ford's Toronto is like a used Chevy. It gets you around, and maybe it makes you happy to be able to afford to supersize your Big Mac meal every week, but that's it. Miller's Toronto is a nice sensible and classy Acura that your friends want to come over and ride in. It's a place that invites growth. Of course the conservative media portrays it like a lavish Ferrari.

Ford hasn't done anything for the city, and he won't. He's too busy setting us back several more years with cuts.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Again, well said. I'd vote for you.

internet funnies:

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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

LoLz, there is endless entertainment with this story...

Who is Olivia Gondek?
Did the mayor actually tell her "I'm going to eat you out" and "I banged your pussy"???

Did she feel uncomfortable? Why didn't she file a police report when it happened? Why is she denying it today?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

My line in the sand was snorting coke off a hooker's ***. Ford is now toeing the line. Can't believe this is happening.

You could have drawn the line in the sand at fraud and murder, might not make any difference as there are reasons to suspect him of those too.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yep, but I haven't heard of anyone using that method. Am I clueless, or it isn't used for some reason?

Rob, have you considered politics? You always have a clear headed opinion.

Maybe Rob, fastar1 and sonny should make an allstar party :) . Ad Paul for minister of censorship :p

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS

It takes a while (about a week I think) for the drug to appear in hair samples. It has to "grow" into the hair. But it can then give a 3 month window into someones drug use history.

Urine & blood samples are an almost instant test of what's in someones system but the drug is filtered out within 2 to 3 days.

So an employer may look at a hair sample as it gives a longer history. The Police and doctors use blood and urine as it tells them what`s in someones system at that particular time of testing.

I also believe that hair samples cost more to process than urine and blood.

Ford is a disgrace. He`s everything to be ashamed of in a man. I really can`t understand anyone outside his immediate family defending him.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Jesus, today was insane.

I liked two quotes in particular. The first was when they asked if he'd ever physically assaulted a member of his own staff and he replied "Probably not." The other was when they asked him (I think it was Parks?) what other skeletons might be in his closet and Ford replied "I don't know what else people have filmed."

Plus that high-school fake-fight was something else. Seriously, what is this? Grade 10 again? Where one guy starts flailing while his buddy theatrically 'Holds him back'? I mean, I was half-expecting Rob to start yelling "You wanna go, bro? You wanna go?!" while Doug 'struggled' to 'hold back' Rob, saying things like "He's serious, dude! You better run! I can't hold him for long!" Friggin' ridiculous!

I have to give Ford credit for one really great moment. The line about the family in the crack house was brilliant politics “That is not a crack house! It is a house with a family with a father and a mother and three sons and a daughter.” I mean it's crap as far as the truth goes, but it sounds fantastic. THAT'S political charisma - something most of his opponents lack in the worst way. Minnan-Wong looked like a weaselly nerd, whining about bullying. Even if he was right, perception is everything - Minnan-Wong better hope he's NOT running for mayor, because you can't sound like that and win elections.
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