Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Now this would be an interesting report to read ... "Mammoliti calls for all councillors to be tested for drugs" - this I support! I think that Mammoliti is an idiot and a ********* personally but I agree with this motion.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Now this would be an interesting report to read ... "Mammoliti calls for all councillors to be tested for drugs" - this I support! I think that Mammoliti is an idiot and a ********* personally but I agree with this motion.

The same Mammoliti that said "everyone deserves a second chance" and "fire anyone not doing their job".

Although it would be interesting to see the results of the drug tests.

Can't believe it's come to this, treating politicians like fruit-cake 15-year olds on house arrest lol
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The same Mammoliti that said "everyone deserves a second chance" and "fire anyone not doing their job".

Although it would be interesting to see the results of the drug tests.

Can't believe it's come to this, treating politicians like fruit-cake 15-year olds on house arrest lol

I'm serious considering running as a candidate in the next council....hookers and blow are off the table for the next little while....I sure hope there's no video somewhere.

On a serious note, I presume a NORMAL person with a small budget and no political experience has zero chance in making it to council. Thoughts? Because I'd support someone like that simply to not support these idiots that are there now (although I'm sure there are some good councillors out there)
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm serious considering running as a candidate in the next council....hookers and blow are off the table for the next little while....I sure hope there's no video somewhere.

On a serious note, I presume a NORMAL person with a small budget and no political experience has zero chance in making it to council. Thoughts? Because I'd support someone like that simply to not support these idiots that are there now (although I'm sure there are some good councillors out there)

That there is the issue that got Ford elected. "I'd support someone like that to not support these idiots". He fooled everyone in the burbs long enough, and also his opposition fought each other, that allowed him to get in as the 'voice of the people'.

Would you have a chance? Well, if you don't try, you won't know. In theory, anyone can run. In practice? gotta know how to play the political game to get elected, use your words wisely, and always assume you're on the record.

John Tory would have been a great mayor (considering the competition) but he wasn't 'cut-throat' enough during debates and responding to other statements. Voters saw that as a weakness and went with someone they felt could hold their own (at least from the perspective of the image they were portraying).

Also, for someone getting in to politics, you gotta bring some (life) experience to the table. Justin Trudeau doesn't have a chance because he's quick at the lip and the counter to his campaign will simply be someone that has no experience or business sense to run a 2 car parade let alone the country.

The people that should be running, usually don't; when they do, they get swallowed up by the political/media circus. The cycle continues.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Mimico, and most people in this thread (left or right) would get my vote. Maybe it's time for someone fresh that is NOT good at the "game" and is actually good at management. The way it stands now if you can type an arguments on gtam you are more than qualified.

I am sick and tired of voting for the lesser evil on municipal, provincial and federal level. It's pathetic, we always argue who is the worst instead of who is best.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

How long would they last before the 'system' takes over?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

How long would they last before the 'system' takes over?

And that's an issue which I believe always creeps up. Young and fresh politicians go into the system with wide eyed optimism where they think they'll change the world. Then they go to their first council meeting and *poof* the optimism disappears. Personally if I was involved in such a stupid yelling and screaming ***** fest I'd probably tell the councillor to **** off and talk to me once they calm down. I'm not into shouting matches, finger pointing, or the type of ******** I've seen today in council. It's childish and pathetic to see grown adults kick and scream like children in a playground...

Daught ... thanks, but I think my pockets are not deep enough to go into politics and need to come up with a platform. I will research it as I have time and think about it more but I doubt I'd go forward with it.

However I may go for it on a shoestring budget and see if an underdog can move up, but only if I have a decent contribution to the city...because if not, I'm just another one of the councillors we're complaining about now.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

That there is the issue that got Ford elected. "I'd support someone like that to not support these idiots". He fooled everyone in the burbs long enough, and also his opposition fought each other, that allowed him to get in as the 'voice of the people'.

Would you have a chance? Well, if you don't try, you won't know. In theory, anyone can run. In practice? gotta know how to play the political game to get elected, use your words wisely, and always assume you're on the record.

John Tory would have been a great mayor (considering the competition) but he wasn't 'cut-throat' enough during debates and responding to other statements. Voters saw that as a weakness and went with someone they felt could hold their own (at least from the perspective of the image they were portraying).

Also, for someone getting in to politics, you gotta bring some (life) experience to the table. Justin Trudeau doesn't have a chance because he's quick at the lip and the counter to his campaign will simply be someone that has no experience or business sense to run a 2 car parade let alone the country.

The people that should be running, usually don't; when they do, they get swallowed up by the political/media circus. The cycle continues.

Tory lost on one issue, alone, just like he did Provincially. The Island Airport killed him, but it all came true without him anyway.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Today a campaign can be very cheap with social media. Good idea can be promoted and spread like wildfire through social media. Think outside the box. That's what we need.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

How long would they last before the 'system' takes over?

Dunno, but it's worth trying. At least fresh candidates are not corrupt to begin with. That has to be better.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So ford wants to have all the counsillors tested for drugs.

Good. Let him get the ball rolling, and then each and every one of them should submit to a drug test. As his brother Doug said....they're all acting houlier than thou...

Personally I think they're no better (obviously there are exceptions - not all councillors are useless), Ford just got caught.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

All councilors tested, including Doug.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Brilliant. Cocaine is out if the system in 2-3 days. This will be a huge money waste that won't achieve anything and it won't go anywhere.

Testing for ******** is free and easy on the other hand. Too bad we don't do anything about it.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Did garbage collection get privatized?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Brilliant. Cocaine is out if the system in 2-3 days. This will be a huge money waste that won't achieve anything and it won't go anywhere.

Testing for ******** is free and easy on the other hand. Too bad we don't do anything about it.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS

Exactly. As a taxpayer this would be a huge waste of money. Judging from the way city council went today its clear the Fords know that some of the other counsellors smoke pot on occasion and also know that it stays in your system for months hence the demand for drug testing.
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