Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Go ahead, don't like the message so attack the messenger. Fail.

Nope, pretty sure I'm attacking your message that it's absurd for people to still support the mayor, regardless of irrelevant opinions from people that don't even live in the city or pay taxes in the city in question where the voters are directly affected by the actions of city council and not someone from the 'burbs.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If one works in Toronto even if they don't "live" in it anymore, TO is still their city. Lots of TO police don't actually live in TO.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Nope, pretty sure I'm attacking your message that it's absurd for people to still support the mayor, regardless of irrelevant opinions from people that don't even live in the city or pay taxes in the city in question where the voters are directly affected by the actions of city council and not someone from the 'burbs.

So, your argument is that anyone who doesn't live in Toronto and doesn't pay municipal taxes there, is not supposed to have or express an opinion on Rob Ford? Really? His antics are world wide news. American network TV. That's how absurd this situation is.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Nope, pretty sure I'm attacking your message that it's absurd for people to still support the mayor, regardless of irrelevant opinions from people that don't even live in the city or pay taxes in the city in question where the voters are directly affected by the actions of city council and not someone from the 'burbs.

No, actually what you wrote is textbook ad hominem.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm from out of town and not really a political junkie but the Rob Ford situation practically begs one to take a crack addict.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I don't have a problem with people commenting on the situation as a whole, I have a problem with people commenting that anyone who supports the mayor is an idiot, rightwing extremist, unthinking drone, etc, etc. At the end of the day the people that reside in this city under this government are the only people affected by the way someone votes. Looking around at other possible candidates, yea he's still the right guy for the job, unfortunately.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I don't have a problem with people commenting on the situation as a whole, I have a problem with people commenting that anyone who supports the mayor is an idiot, rightwing extremist, unthinking drone, etc, etc. At the end of the day the people that reside in this city under this government are the only people affected by the way someone votes. Looking around at other possible candidates, yea he's still the right guy for the job, unfortunately.

Roadtoruin for mayor :D

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Hell I'd go run for mayor if I had the money to run a campaign and knew what to do along the steps! Free motorcycle parking for every motorcycle in the city, and licensing required for all e-bikes and bicycles! That's my platform! And pierogies and cabbage rolls are the official food of Toronto from now on!

On another note...why doesn't the city just run a referendum for keeping him on or not? He claims to have saved us "a billion dollars" and "more than any other mayor" so we should have more than enough for a short and quick referendum....

Does Ford stay? YES or the point.

Then council runs the city until the next mayoral election.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Hell I'd go run for mayor if I had the money to run a campaign and knew what to do along the steps! Free motorcycle parking for every motorcycle in the city, and licensing required for all e-bikes and bicycles! That's my platform! And pierogies and cabbage rolls are the official food of Toronto from now on!

On another note...why doesn't the city just run a referendum for keeping him on or not? He claims to have saved us "a billion dollars" and "more than any other mayor" so we should have more than enough for a short and quick referendum....

Does Ford stay? YES or the point.

Then council runs the city until the next mayoral election.

The fear is, for some crazy reason, that if an election were held TODAY, and Ford won again, then what?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The fear is, for some crazy reason, that if an election were held TODAY, and Ford won again, then what?

Then nothing. The people of Toronto that have voted democratically get to keep their mayor...idiot or not we live with the choice of the PEOPLE. Not of the council who doesn't like him and his antics. I think he's an idiot for what he did and it got out. Privately I could care less.

I'm quite confident none of the councillors are angels behind close doors....Ford just got caught.

Hold the Referendum to keep him in or not.

If he gets kicked out - council runs the city until the next scheduled election

Let him run for that election

Let the people decide what / who they want to run this city.

All the councillors screaming for his head (Minnan Wong for instance) are very dodgy when asked point blank 'are you running for mayor in the next election' and give their ******** lies. They want to hurt Ford because they feel/know that they have no chance against him.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Not to mention, he still hasn't been CHARGED for anything, let alone Convicted.

Man needs help, that's for sure. He should be stepping aside and getting his act together. But do we really not have a SINGLE person that can take over for a confessed crack-smoking drunken-stupor 'Mayor' ?

From Today:
TORONTO - Wednesday’s city council meeting began with Councillor Jaye Robinson introducing a petition signed by councillors urging Mayor Rob Ford to get help for substance abuse issues.
Here is the full text of the petition that Robinson read out in the council chamber and signed by 30 councillors:
Mayor Rob Ford,
We write to you as colleagues representing wards from across the city and the political spectrum.
Over the past six months, and especially the past few weeks, we have grown increasingly concerned by the seemingly endless cycle of allegations, denials and belated admissions about your behaviour.
Toronto is distracted and for good reason. Our city’s reputation has been damaged and continues to suffer, and it has become difficult to focus on the pressing and substantive issues facing City Council.
Today we stand together to ask that you step aside and take a leave of absence to address your challenges privately, outside of the public eye. We believe that the majority of Torontonians share our view, and that City Council will excuse any absences you require to address the situation with finality.
The city and the Office of the Mayor demands nothing less than honesty, accountability and transparency.
Paul Ainslie
Ana Bailão
Michelle Berardinetti
Shelley Carroll
Raymond Cho
Josh Colle
Gary Crawford
Glenn De Baeremaeker
Mike Del Grande
Sarah Doucette
John Filion
Paula Fletcher
Mary Fragedakis
Mark Grimes
Mike Layton
Chin Lee
Gloria Lindsay Luby
Josh Matlow
Pam McConnell
Mary-Margaret McMahon
Joe Mihevc
Peter Milczyn
Ron Moeser
Denzil Minnan-Wong
James Pasternak
Cesar Palacio
John Parker
Jaye Robinson
Michael Thompson
Kristyn Wong-Tam
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I don't have a problem with people commenting on the situation as a whole, I have a problem with people commenting that anyone who supports the mayor is an idiot, rightwing extremist, unthinking drone, etc, etc. At the end of the day the people that reside in this city under this government are the only people affected by the way someone votes. Looking around at other possible candidates, yea he's still the right guy for the job, unfortunately.

People who accept what the mayor says without fact checking would fit that bill.

My question is Why is he still the right guy for the job? Can you make a case for why using facts of his accomplishments? What has he done? The only thing I can see that is a positive is the garbage situation. I see a lot more harm from his policies and beliefs. Rob Ford is nothing more than a corrupt politician who wastes tax money and raises taxes to fund the things he wants just like all the others.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

People who accept what the mayor says without fact checking would fit that bill.

My question is Why is he still the right guy for the job? Can you make a case for why using facts of his accomplishments? What has he done? The only thing I can see that is a positive is the garbage situation. I see a lot more harm from his policies and beliefs. Rob Ford is nothing more than a corrupt politician who wastes tax money and raises taxes to fund the things he wants just like all the others.

It's because this keeps making the news more often than crack smoking mayors that people are bitter about:

Figures were released last week that showed Brampton Mayor Susan Fennell has incurred $186,000 in expenses over the past three years.
The information was released in response to a freedom of information request by the Brampton Guardian.
According to the Toronto Star, Fennell, who is Canada’s top paid mayor, used the money between December 2010 and September 2013 for things including: personalized barbecue aprons, undisclosed trips, seat upgrades and mandarin lessons.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's because this keeps making the news more often than crack smoking mayors that people are bitter about:

How many millions in cancelled contracts has ford incurred? How much has it cost the police to investigate his illegal behaviour and ties to criminals under Ford's employment? Well over the $186K his supporters are upset from other people.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

How many millions in cancelled contracts has ford incurred? How much has it cost the police to investigate his illegal behaviour and ties to criminals under Ford's employment? Well over the $186K his supporters are upset from other people.

Still counting on the LRT contracts, apparently.

Oh, and before someone else says it, SUBWAYS SUBWAYS SUBWAYS!
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

How many millions in cancelled contracts has ford incurred? How much has it cost the police to investigate his illegal behaviour and ties to criminals under Ford's employment? Well over the $186K his supporters are upset from other people.

I'm not disagreeing with you.
It's all about public perception.

People are mad when they see numbers they themselves can relate to. People can relate to the Senate Scandal of $50,000, $90,000 and the Brampton Mayor at $186,000. These are numbers Joe Citizen understands because that could be their yearly/household income or the cost of their house, etc.

Most people can't fathom what $1 Billion looks like so when the whole gas plant fiasco should have more people up in arms, it doesn't. Yes they'll be upset because it's a lot of money, but they can't relate/associate with it.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Most people can't fathom what $1 Billion looks like so when the whole gas plant fiasco should have more people up in arms, it doesn't. Yes they'll be upset because it's a lot of money, but they can't relate/associate with it.

I don't believe that the problem is not being upset about it...I fully believe that people just don't care enough to rise up against the corruption.

Oops....A politician just wasted $1,000 / $10,000 / $100,000 / $1,000,000 / $1,000,000,000 ah well....that's what politicians do. Let's move on with our lives.

If people were THAT upset with Ford, McGuinty, Harper or any other politician they would be in the streets protesting and screaming for them to resign. Instead of 100-150 people saying Ford should resign at City Hall, there'd be thousands...or there should be.

When the HST came in, people ******* and complained in Ontario and then they took it up the *** like the nice citizens that we are. In British Columbia did they not rise up and did the HST not get repealed? I don't know the full story but that's the way I understand it.

People just don't care enough to bother. Our energy rates / hydro /water are all going up. We ***** and complain about it on forums, but I don't see any protests in the streets.

Rant over.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Since there is always a bunch of misinformation and posturing from all sides I decided to download the Toronto Budgets since Amalgamation and actually take the time to review them. The attachments are for the Operating Budget and Residential Property Tax. You can look and learn for yourself. I added min and max to the chart because it is somewhat unfair to just do Average since Miller had the longest time in office (skews the data a bit).

There are some minor issues of course, it does not reflect the so called surpluses (either they did not complete what they said they would or they over-collected taxes, both are bad) but it is used to posture by all Mayors. It does not include the user fee increases (Garbage, Car Reg, Land Transfer, etc.) that are not counted as Res PT Increases but hit all residents one way or another/sooner or later.

enjoy and debate away...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

At lunch time I watched a little bit of TV (it was on CP24)...

What a screaming match at City Hall today! It was like some crazy schoolyard yelling match.

During questioning, Crack Ford admited to buying illegal drugs in the last two years... Drug Ford had a screaming match with -pretty much- everybody... shame on the two of them...
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