Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

At this point I'm legitimately worried that he's not going to make it to the next election on account of having died of a massive coronary. :/


Also, the most interesting thing about this new video is that one of his friends, or someone who was otherwise close to him now feels that things are far enough gone that they're better off making a few bucks selling this video to the Star, rather than staying on Ford's side.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You guys need to go get busy with something -
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I am no legal expert, but I was under the impression that uttering death threats could in fact lead to charges and conviction. Or were you being facetious? I know people that have been charged with it, and there was no video evidence.

Would be amusing if the source of his tirade was identified and is actually deceased. It probably is just someone in the media, more than likely that reporter that wrote up that huge article linking Doug to being a hash drug lord.

No, I wasn't being facetious. How many people, how many times, have said that they wanted to "kill that guy"? There's popping off when you're angry, and there's credible threat.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No, I wasn't being facetious. How many people, how many times, have said that they wanted to "kill that guy"? There's popping off when you're angry, and there's credible threat.

whoa whoa whoa. Do you mean that people should consider context when things are said??!?

Crazy talk.

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

whoa whoa whoa. Do you mean that people should consider context when things are said??!?

Crazy talk.


It's a long shot but I hear the words 'donate....get in the ring....' could it be possibly that they're setting up a charity bout? I know it's a long shot .... a very long shot....

Maybe someone said 'you should get into the ring with Blair for a charity bout?' - now THAT's a long a drunken stupor he described how'd he'd fight someone...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No, I wasn't being facetious. How many people, how many times, have said that they wanted to "kill that guy"? There's popping off when you're angry, and there's credible threat.

Who makes that distinction? It is still against the law to say you're going to kill someone. Being angry and drunk doesn't absolve you. This guy smoked crack while drunk. I think it is clear that he is not operating like any rational human should. Certainly not the way a MAYOR should be acting. People seem to lose sight of that important little piece of information. You are in the political spotlight, you are in a position of power, there are higher standards and expectations of behaviour associated with the job!

This whole, "he is a human and a regular guy, cut him some slack" apologist crap is baffling. He is THE MAYOR - not a regular guy!

I know you were just talking from a legal standpoint, but still...this clown has got away with so much already, I would hope that any leadway or good grace he once had would be long gone by now
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Who makes that distinction? It is still against the law to say you're going to kill someone.
I believe its against the law to tell someone "I am going to kill you" not to say "I am going to kill someone"

"The test for whether an utterance constituted a criminal threat is a question of law not fact. The words "must be looked at in the context in which they were spoken or written, in light of the person to whom they were addressed and the circumstances in which they were uttered. They should be viewed in an objective way and the meaning attributed to the words should be that which a reasonable person would give to them."[SUP][3]"

This is Important
"Where the potential target of the threat is unknown at the time the threat is made may still allow for conviction so long as it is targeting unascertainable or identifiable group.[SUP]["

Also Important
"Words such as “I’ll get you”, and “Let me get my hands on him.”, in isolation are ambiguous and do not necessarily amount to a threat to cause bodily harm.[SUP][11]"

"The mens rea of the offence is that the accused must intend the words to instil fear in someone.[SUP][6][/SUP] This intent requires a subjective component.[SUP][7]"
[SUP][SUP][SUP]"A statement made while letting out steam can be interpreted as not intending to be taken seriously.[SUP][10]"

I am not sure if this is a good source but I figure the content can offer good context
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's a long shot but I hear the words 'donate....get in the ring....' could it be possibly that they're setting up a charity bout? I know it's a long shot .... a very long shot....

Maybe someone said 'you should get into the ring with Blair for a charity bout?' - now THAT's a long a drunken stupor he described how'd he'd fight someone...

Wasn't there something planned at one time with Hulk Hogan? Or did Hogan talk crap about him....something like that. The 'in the ring' reference sure makes it look like a rant not a threat.

But...he wasn't drunk....he was freakin HIGH !!!
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford arm wrestled hulk holgan. HH let him win.

if you think mere words can't get you into trouble, try even joking at an airport that you have a bomb.


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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

But...he wasn't drunk....he was freakin HIGH !!!

I've seen a lot of people high on coke over the years---and a LOT of drunks (worked in bars for years +personal experience--hah).
I'd put money on him being coked up in this video.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Who makes that distinction? It is still against the law to say you're going to kill someone.

No one person does; the collective reason known as "the law" does. it is not against the law to say that you're going to kill someone, unless you then take steps toward actually doing so. It then becomes "conspiracy to commit...." it isn't illegal to say that you're going to kill someone, unless you make it known to the person in order to intimidate, or you create a good faith belief in said person that you intend to carry it out.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I had to laugh at that video. I was expecting him to yell about having to live in a van down by the river. But do I care, not really. He's a victim of the times and technology, guilty of losing his sh•• in front of some backstabber who videoed him and sold him out to The Star for $5000. I'd be pretty angry if a friend or relative did that to me. These days you need to live like everyone has a recording device in their pocket because that's the world we live in now.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Selling that recording was pretty slimy. You can hear someone egg him on.
No honor among these thieves/druggies.

I agree with the high not drunk assumption.
If so, hard drug use was not a one of.
All those meetings and packages with Lisi, what was that about?
Too frequent for weed buys.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Rob Ford's mother and sister speak on TV on the scandal... oh boy!!!! They live in an alternate reality.

The sister insists "Robbie is not a drug addict. I know, because I’m a former addict …"

The mother thinks that the problem here is "his weight"

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Profanity laced. Did not watch.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Mommy dearest is an enabler.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Wow, I love how everyone is an expert in what drugs someone has taken based off a video. Maybe he's just diabetic and hadn't eaten a sandwich in awhile? y'know like that cop who threatened to taser some guys nuts. seems as plausible as any of these other wild *** guesses. And you gotta love these impromptu "protests" with like 20 people that the media is hyping up. What a load of tabloid BS. The media has unfairly been dogging this guy since day 1, neither side of this should be proud at this point.

Ford should "get help" and take off for the winter, lay low, sit is *** on a tropical island and then come back to do what the people of this city elected him to do (with the largest mandate for any mayor since amalgamation i might add).
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