Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm curious about one thing.

Why was Ford on a "drunken stiupor" with gang bangers?

Is that the kind of crowd he hangs out with on his leisure time?

Also please no to stinz. I haven't seen such a big two faced batch for a long time. She will **** up the city worst than Wynne is ****ing up the province.

We need someone who:
Won't spend a lot of money
Who is pro subways
Won't get into a fight with everyone
Is intelligent about the things he says
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm curious about one thing.

Why was Ford on a "drunken stiupor" with gang bangers?

Is that the kind of crowd he hangs out with on his leisure time?

Also please no to stinz. I haven't seen such a big two faced batch for a long time. She will **** up the city worst than Wynne is ****ing up the province.

We need someone who:
Won't spend a lot of money
Who is pro subways
Won't get into a fight with everyone
Is intelligent about the things he says

Fine I will do it.

Link you get the funding setup.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

We need someone who:
Won't spend a lot of money
Who is pro subways

Aren't these opposites? Subways are the most costly form of transit you can get.

I always found it weird that Ford was praised for taking away a tax on plates that helped fund transit only to dig a bigger money hole that will require a tax hike and will service far less people.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I think the subway system is setup wrong.

Connect a subway line across Steeles Avenue. Extend Finch to Steeles.
This will keep the traffic congestion to the outside of the city by building mega parking structures.
The 905 users will park and subway in.

This should lead to less cars in the core therefore less money needed for roadways.
Shut down some streets to make them a pedestrian zone e.g. around Yonge Dundas Sq.

STOP replacing the streetcars with more streetcars.

Run the subway until 2:30am, should run at least 30 minutes after last call.

Now setup some one way streets downtown, you can not have left turners, right turners, and pedestrians crossing at the same time.
With the one way street zones it would be easier and safer to setup proper bicycle use lanes.
Why are we running full size buses at 1-5 am on every street? It costs more for fuel and maintenance.

Now, we need a plan to help small businesses.
We also need to get our school system in order and real in the run away costs with failing results.

We need more programs for seniors and kids.
It's cheaper to be proactive than reactive.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Aren't these opposites? Subways are the most costly form of transit you can get.

I always found it weird that Ford was praised for taking away a tax on plates that helped fund transit only to dig a bigger money hole that will require a tax hike and will service far less people.

The first thing you have to understand is that generally people want to save money except where it benefits them, while costing others.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Heard about that earlier today. Yeah, that's really showing contrition. Buddy needs a publicist, bad. Too bad all his best advisors have already jumped ship.

It's very obvious that he's not listening to a single other person except the cracked out Rob Ford in his head. If he listened to anyone, and at this point, it really is anyone, he would take a leave of absence, go to rehab, until this blows over.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Is it sad that given the make up of council and their level of aptitude for the job, that I'd still vote for him.

It sometime seems that the majority of the council must be on crack, based on the decisions made there.

Maybe that should be Rob Ford's new catch phrase when he addresses council, "Are you on crack?"
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!


Does this mean we're a World Class City now?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Does this mean we're a World Class City now?

We never have been and we never will be and it has nothing to do with Rob Ford.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Does this mean we're a World Class City now?

I think in the long run having two and a half subway lines makes us less of a world class city than a mayor smoking crack.

IMHO ford ran the city. The council and media paralyzed it.

But, damn it's sad we have to defent rob ford.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Didn't Ford wrestle Hulk Hogan in a promotional event, not too long ago? It's been WWE for a while now.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Drunk white guy being egged on. Nothing new here lol

Any cottage weekend or booze filled night sees one guy have one too many and think he's superman.

I wonder how many of these other folks calling for his head don't do wacky things behind closed doors/in their homes. Rob's just the one that got filmed and folks have it in for him.

Is he a delusional addict? absolutely. Does he need professional help? for sure. Is he as wacky and crazy as the media portrays him? possibly. Is he the only one? Absolutely Not.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He is the only one mayor, though.

"I need ****ing 10 minutes to make sure he’s dead"

Quote of the day by Rob Ford.

If saying that you were going to "kill" someone was cause for arrest and conviction, then I'd be serving a 1250 year sentence.

... and I can't even blame a drunken stupor for it.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Rob Ford: the punchline that doesn't need a joke.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If saying that you were going to "kill" someone was cause for arrest and conviction, then I'd be serving a 1250 year sentence.

... and I can't even blame a drunken stupor for it.

I am no legal expert, but I was under the impression that uttering death threats could in fact lead to charges and conviction. Or were you being facetious? I know people that have been charged with it, and there was no video evidence.

Would be amusing if the source of his tirade was identified and is actually deceased. It probably is just someone in the media, more than likely that reporter that wrote up that huge article linking Doug to being a hash drug lord.
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