Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Crackton, next stop, Crackton!
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Rob, Rob, Rob.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Lots of back and forth on the issue. Yes, he's done a lot for the city (debatable) but at the same time he has admitted to illegal behaviour while being a public servant. Hanging around questionable characters is another angle/story altogether.

The dean of the most prestigious school in the country would expel/suspend his prized student if said student was caught cheating. This is done to maintain the integrity of the institution no matter how much promise that student showed (and how much the school stood to gain in the future).

Regardless of how much Rob ford did or didn't do for the city, he blew whatever chance he had. He has lost whatever little respect he had from his constituents and most of his supporters will likely distance themselves far far away at this point (if they are smart). There is nothing more he can do for the people of Toronto with the hole he has dug himself into. Time to bow out with the little grace he has left.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Regardless of how much Rob ford did or didn't do for the city, he blew whatever chance he had. He has lost whatever little respect he had from his constituents and most of his supporters will likely distance themselves far far away at this point (if they are smart). There is nothing more he can do for the people of Toronto with the hole he has dug himself into. Time to bow out with the little grace he has left.

I agree with the bulk of your post (and not being a resident of Toronto, I've just watched it all from the sidelines), but "Ford Nation" seems rather determined.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford Nation will put up with a lot of **** for a city that does less. Boggles the mind.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I agree with the bulk of your post (and not being a resident of Toronto, I've just watched it all from the sidelines), but "Ford Nation" seems rather determined.

When I wrote that, I meant it more towards his supporters at city hall. At this point, he's truly standing alone in the room (along with Doug).

Whether or not he stays/gets voted back in, he will not be effective and Ford nation will turn on him very quickly.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

his outright refusal to resign or even take a bit of time away to at least APPEAR like he gives a flying F about Toronto shows how far down the rabbit hole he has gone... this is about one man who appears to be absolutely delusional in his ability to do anything correctly anymore

and this is only the tip of the iceberg, there are far more questions than answers, this crack smoking admission is a bit of a diversion/deflection from the REAL questions we want answered
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

his outright refusal to resign or even take a bit of time away to at least APPEAR like he gives a flying F about Toronto shows how far down the rabbit hole he has gone... this is about one man who appears to be absolutely delusional in his ability to do anything correctly anymore

and this is only the tip of the iceberg, there are far more questions than answers, this crack smoking admission is a bit of a diversion/deflection from the REAL questions we want answered

Behaviour consistent with someone who is battling an addiction.

He said "Folks, I have nothing left to hide"... but he meant just until tomorrow, when he will just blurt another random confession...

Of course there is more, much more...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

His windbag brother calling for the police chief to step down was good for a laugh. Ford is clearly nuts and should step down. I think he's definitely on his last leg and things seem like they're going to get worse before they get better. There's still I'm sure lots the public doesn't know yet.

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I get Ford nation...I think

Rob says you want me out, go work your arses to get me out
During that process that will piss off Ford Nation which energize the Conservatives by the next election.

This will be a show of force because from day 1 the Liberals kept slinging everything they could.
So the Conservatives will do the old I will show you.
And right back where they started with a Conservative Mayor.

Power plant debacle = Liberals on the Titanic
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Man, that drunken stupor must be goin' around.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Power plant debacle = Liberals on the Titanic
Everyone seems to want to use the power plant fiasco as a yardstick to show how wonderful Rob resigNation and conservatives in general are. Kinda like saying Bernier's own goal was OK because Quick's own goal was worse. But let's go ahead and compare anyways.

Liberals: Bought votes by cancelling power plant in Oakville. Waste: 0.55% of the 2013 provincial budget
Ford Nation: Bought votes by cancelling LRT line in Scarborough. Waste: 0.78% of the 2013 municipal budget
So if Rob were in Queens Park he would have been glad to waste $281 million MORE than the liberals to benefit himself.

Like I said, stupid comparison but if people are gonna do it then they should consider the whole picture.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Everyone seems to want to use the power plant fiasco as a yardstick to show how wonderful Rob resigNation and conservatives in general are. Kinda like saying Bernier's own goal was OK because Quick's own goal was worse. But let's go ahead and compare anyways.

Liberals: Bought votes by cancelling power plant in Oakville. Waste: 0.55% of the 2013 provincial budget
Ford Nation: Bought votes by cancelling LRT line in Scarborough. Waste: 0.78% of the 2013 municipal budget
So if Rob were in Queens Park he would have been glad to waste $281 million MORE than the liberals to benefit himself.

Like I said, stupid comparison but if people are gonna do it then they should consider the whole picture.

Hint to all: Talking about which ********* government is worse, Ontario or Toronto, is a mugs game. If I'm being torn apart by a tiger and a pack of hyenas I'm not going to bother with commentary on which is taking the bigger bites. It's meaningless, in the long run. All that really matters is that both have lost their moral right to rule. OK, actually what really matters is that both will probably take power again, based on past performance by the electorate.

I've never understood the, "But that other guy is worse" school of apologist politics. So your guy didn't do something as bad as the other guy. So what? He did something bad, probably after saying that he wouldn't do anything like that. Hey, look at the Federal Conservatives. All that's missing is a sponsorship scandal in Calgary.

If they breach your trust don't reward them for it; throw them the hell out and give someone else a chance. Don't be bound to foolish partisan politics. Don't vote the way you always have 'cause that's how yer daddy done did. Kick them the **** out and teach them that they don't get rewarded for doing wrong. It's the only way to promote change.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

One of the best: Rob Ford, personally getting crack off the streets of Toronto.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!


The dean of the most prestigious school in the country would expel/suspend his prized student if said student was caught cheating. This is done to maintain the integrity of the institution no matter how much promise that student showed (and how much the school stood to gain in the future).


Are you telling me politics is a noble occupation? Lolz
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Are you telling me politics is a noble occupation? Lolz

Even the most noble occupation can be pulled down by people who are just in it for themselves. For example I used to give to a local food bank, quite regularly, until I found out that the director was selling some of the food donations and pocketing the money. That doesn't mean that organizations like Daily Bread aren't doing things for the right reasons.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I get Ford nation...I think

Rob says you want me out, go work your arses to get me out
During that process that will piss off Ford Nation which energize the Conservatives by the next election.

This will be a show of force because from day 1 the Liberals kept slinging everything they could.
So the Conservatives will do the old I will show you.
And right back where they started with a Conservative Mayor.

Power plant debacle = Liberals on the Titanic

There is a strategy behind what he is doing.
One thing is for sure: he wants to keep his supporters going for him with the false apologies. Next thing is to claim that "Crack made me do it" and declare himself a victim, a martyr.

The apologies and "forever sorry" are a political ploy to win sympathy with the public. The problem is, he is doing it all wrong.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

"Folks, I have nothing left to hide."

Don't bet on that being the truth either.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

There is a strategy behind what he is doing.
One thing is for sure: he wants to keep his supporters going for him with the false apologies. Next thing is to claim that "Crack made me do it" and declare himself a victim, a martyr.

The apologies and "forever sorry" are a political ploy to win sympathy with the public. The problem is, he is doing it all wrong.

I disagree. I think that the next step is to blame his substance abuse on the 'constant media hounding' of himself, and his family, despite the fact that the abuse was preexisting.

Media - "Why did you smoke crack?"
Ford - "Because you people in the media were hounding me about smoking crack."
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