Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No, it's pure waste, and for purely political reasons. The point is when he said it cost $40,000 he can kinda be let off the hook when the total is closer to a billion. As opposed to Ford, who is out and out lying.

Sure he may be spinning the way all politicians do, but come on its not like he tore down half the gardner and said oops that was a bad idea lets have the taxpayers foot the bill to fix my screwup and save some seats on council. Despite the media trying to portray him as an abject failure and an abhorrent politician he hasn't made those kind of large fiscal "errors", which sadly is a high point in this day and age.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Just like Lance Armstrong, deny til the end.


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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You guys missed the best part:

"Yes I have smoked crack cocaine. But I am not an addict," he said. "Have I tried it? Probably in one of my drunken stupors"
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Interesting here how many people would rather have some slickster that blows all our tax money for nothing vs a drug user that tries to save us money? Can't say lying is an issue, because, news flash they all do it--some lie about personal lives some lie about what they did with the tax payers money. All of it is lying, pick your poison.

Sure most would rather have a slick guy that saves money for the tax payers, but that person does not exist on any level of government, Ontario, Federal. So the question, who, besides Ford is willing to run for Mayor AND also actually cares about how much taxes families pay. Lots talk a bit of a story but ALL the alternatives have agendas that will increase taxes for families. Road tolls, target working parents. Land transfer, targets families moving from condos to houses. Higher pay for unions, more taxes for families. Vehicle registration, targets families driving to work. User fees... etc. etc. etc. Every dollar spent is a dollar taxed, it is not some big giant pool that is never ending.

Ford's biggest mistake (other than being in this position in the first place), he should have steered into the skid on day one and been done with it. Sad part is this will all end up with Toronto getting another mayor that blows all the tax payers money but looks good on TV, keeps his personal life secret, seems to be what is important.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Pretty bad but still not snorting coke off a hooker's ***. Hope he can hang in until the 2014 election but don't see how he can now. Damn, the downtowners are going to throw a ticker tape parade.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Interesting here how many people would rather have some slickster that blows all our tax money for nothing vs a drug user that tries to save us money? Can't say lying is an issue, because, news flash they all do it--some lie about personal lives some lie about what they did with the tax payers money. All of it is lying, pick your poison.

Sure most would rather have a slick guy that saves money for the tax payers, but that person does not exist on any level of government, Ontario, Federal. So the question, who, besides Ford is willing to run for Mayor AND also actually cares about how much taxes families pay. Lots talk a bit of a story but ALL the alternatives have agendas that will increase taxes for families. Road tolls, target working parents. Land transfer, targets families moving from condos to houses. Higher pay for unions, more taxes for families. Vehicle registration, targets families driving to work. User fees... etc. etc. etc. Every dollar spent is a dollar taxed, it is not some big giant pool that is never ending.

Ford's biggest mistake (other than being in this position in the first place), he should have steered into the skid on day one and been done with it. Sad part is this will all end up with Toronto getting another mayor that blows all the tax payers money but looks good on TV, keeps his personal life secret, seems to be what is important.

LOL. I love Satire.

I thought adding a timeline was a nice touch "
probably approximately about a year ago"

I think the "probably approximately" measurement system will replace the metric system in the near future. It's handy because, while being even more accurate than the metric system, it can also be used for measuring time! Amazing!
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Pretty bad but still not snorting coke off a hooker's azz. Hope he can hang in until the 2014 election but don't see how he can now. Damn, the downtowners are going to throw a ticker tape parade.

I am still hoping he holds out and runs again.

People need to be given the chance to vote on this.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You guys missed the best part:

Nope, didn't miss that at all. He's trying to write it off as incidental to the real issue of his drinking.

"Yes, I hit a bus-load of nuns in my SUV, but it was probably when I was drunk off my nut."
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

"I'm not holier-than-thou. I'm going to have a few drinks, but I'm not going to be running around city hall with a half-bottle of brandy in my hand."

Meanwhile, on St. Patrick's Day, according to city hall security staff
At 2:30 a.m., "the mayor headed down to the security desk alone with a half-empty bottle of St-Remy French brandy."

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

He should have come clean six months ago. He knew the video existed. It was just a matter of time. Lying and denying have destroyed his credibility. Tomorrow he will accept that he is an addict, or maybe he will retract himself. Who knows?

He had a good chance to come clean on Sunday, at his radio show, on his own terms, with no interruptions or questions. He wasted that one too.

What about his brother now? Is Drug Ford still asking the chief to quit?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Isn't smoking a banned substance illegal? Can't he get charged for doing something illegal? He admitted so it's auto guilty right?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Isn't smoking a banned substance illegal? Can't he get charged for doing something illegal? He admitted so it's auto guilty right?

This is what I was thinking too. Didn't Ford just give a confession to a crime? Shouldn't he be arrested?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Trudeau admitted to smoking pot not too long ago, if you go after one of them go after all of them! My guess is there is a statute of limitations and Ford knows it is up, just like Trudeau did.

Some of the guys on here that are more law knowledgeable can probably comment on this one.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No, the act of using an illegal narcotic is not against the law. Possession is illegal. So if he was passed the pipe and toked, he technically did not break the law. Clayton Ruby, Ford's sworn enemy, was just on CP24 explaining how there is virtually no chance Ford can be charged with his admission that he had smoked crack in the past.
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