Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Well there's an apology, everything is all good now! Just give a blanket "sorry", don't be specific and move on from there. Sounds like a great plan.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

But that's not the point. Things could always be worse. The point is, is Ford's behaviour acceptable for a mayor of Toronto?

No, of course not. But that didn't have anything to do with my post there.

I was making a side comment about making an automatic assumption things will be better fifty years from now. Things won't be better unless people decide they want them to be and then work together to ensure that.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

By the way, regarding the "Has Ford done anything illegal?" there are two possibilities based on recent events.

1) Criminal conspiracy. If Lisi was involved with the murder of Anthony Smith or the other associated shootings, or knew more about them than the police AND if Ford was aware of this in some fashion, then Ford helped conceal evidence and knowledge of a murder from the TPS. This is kind of a long shot though as far as proving Ford had any knowledge. Charges here are unlikely.

2) Abuse of Office. The police went out of their way to specially note that Ford was "attempting to use resources not available to members of the general public to obtain information about a police investigation". This has a better chance of sticking, or at least producing charges, but the lack of impeachment mechanisms for the mayor again make it unlikely anything will come of this.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No, of course not. But that didn't have anything to do with my post there.

I was making a side comment about making an assumption things will be better fifty years from now. Things won't be better unless people decide they want them to be and then work together to ensure that.

Actually things have been getting better around the world overall, in fits and starts, since forever. I remember reading an article from a former Greenpeace activist who became disillusioned and started to actually measure the state of the world over the past few generations and everything was on a general upward trend. There are signs of a positive future to come even these days, for those who care to look. So other than the impending threat of an ecological catastrophe, we should be pretty good.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Well, I'd rather not get into an argument about something as broad and vague as "Is the world getting better?". We'd be here for days just trying to get people to agree on a baseline of what was important, what they value personally, how they define "progress", etc.

I just don't like unquestioned assumptions. S'all.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

ha ha Ford gave you the big F off

do you get it now why he has a nation?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

ha ha Ford gave you the big F off

do you get it now why he has a nation?

What are you even talking about?

EDIT: Hell, who are you talking to?
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Actually things have been getting better around the world overall, in fits and starts, since forever. I remember reading an article from a former Greenpeace activist who became disillusioned and started to actually measure the state of the world over the past few generations and everything was on a general upward trend. There are signs of a positive future to come even these days, for those who care to look. So other than the impending threat of an ecological catastrophe, we should be pretty good.

Worldwide situational improvement is something like global warming; while the overall situation will improve, that doesn't imply that local situations will necessarily do so. First World urban centres are almost certainly to be worse off based on urban decay and population pressure.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

ha ha Ford gave you the big F off

do you get it now why he has a nation?

Have you been out drinking with Ford again?

Its a sad day when the solution to keep a Mayor from shady package drop offs and from drinking and driving is to get him a babysitter at all times.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The late night talk show hosts are getting loads of good fodder out of Ford and his antics.

Promoting tourism and keeping Toronto the the international stage, cutting red tape, and multitasking, he the man.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The late night talk show hosts are getting loads of good fodder out of Ford and his antics.

Promoting tourism and keeping Toronto the the international stage, cutting red tape, and multitasking, he the man.

Between Ford's support for drug dealers and Mammoliti's idea for brothel island, I can see Toronto tourism soaring in the next decade.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Some call it "smoking crack with local drug dealers", others call it "connecting with your base".

It's all about perspective. $1 billion wasted provincially to save 2 liberal seats vs a man saving $1 billion municipally who happens to enjoy drugs. Again, perspective.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Some call it "smoking crack with local drug dealers", others call it "connecting with your base".

It's all about perspective. $1 billion wasted provincially to save 2 liberal seats vs a man saving $1 billion municipally who happens to enjoy drugs. Again, perspective.

FYI there is no billion dollar saving at city level, that's a Ford lie. I've ballparked it around $150 million reduced spending per year, which hasn't benefited the bottom line because he's cut taxes at the same time. Net benefit = $0.

As for the billion dollar gas plant, it's only $40,000 cost to the province. The rest will be paid by off by increased electricity rates over time, which ends up being about the same for you and me but just wanted to be clear.

Yet Rob is an upstanding reliable guy and "Fiberal" Dalton "McSquinty" is called the liar. What kind of perspective is that?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

As for the billion dollar gas plant, it's only $40,000 cost to the province. The rest will be paid by off by increased electricity rates over time, which ends up being about the same for you and me but just wanted to be clear.

That has to be the most bizarre justification for that level of corruption/mishandling of public money I've ever heard. It's ok we wasted $1B of your money, we'll just charge you more for an essential service to pay it back. ???
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

That has to be the most bizarre justification for that level of corruption/mishandling of public money I've ever heard. It's ok we wasted $1B of your money, we'll just charge you more for an essential service to pay it back. ???

No, it's pure waste, and for purely political reasons. The point is when he said it cost $40,000 he can kinda be let off the hook when the total is closer to a billion. As opposed to Ford, who is out and out lying.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

FYI there is no billion dollar saving at city level, that's a Ford lie. I've ballparked it around $150 million reduced spending per year, which hasn't benefited the bottom line because he's cut taxes at the same time. Net benefit = $0.

As for the billion dollar gas plant, it's only $40,000 cost to the province. The rest will be paid by off by increased electricity rates over time, which ends up being about the same for you and me but just wanted to be clear.

Yet Rob is an upstanding reliable guy and "Fiberal" Dalton "McSquinty" is called the liar. What kind of perspective is that?

He obviously believes that it's unfair for people to not count the savings that he's projecting over the next 5 years, for the reductions that he's made today. It would be like me sending a letter to Revenue Canada claiming that I had already paid my taxes until 2017, because I've paid my 2012 taxes.

He also likes to claim that he's saved a tonne of money because the increases in spending aren't as high as the might have been.
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