Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

That's BS as in "I don't think it was Ford calling in." or That's BS as in "He's an idiot for calling in like that."?

Wasn't him...just a couple radio guys trying to get a bit of attention from this whole **** storm, not the first time or last. Listen to it and notice how they ask if its the mayor, its not natural at all. Plus why would he call and pretend to be someone else? He has his own radio show...

another downfall of Liberals.

All they are doing is isolating the Conservatives more.
You are backing them so far into a corner with the constant attacks that of course they will let Ford slide because you are attacking them and he is their voice to fight back for them. The Conservative may change the man but the message they broadcast will be the SAME.

It's kinda hard to call them stupid when the Liberals spent $600million+ on NOT building a power plant.

1.1 billion +
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

another downfall of Liberals.

All they are doing is isolating the Conservatives more.
You are backing them so far into a corner with the constant attacks that of course they will let Ford slide because you are attacking them and he is their voice to fight back for them. The Conservative may change the man but the message they broadcast will be the SAME.

It's kinda hard to call them stupid when the Liberals spent $600million+ on NOTs building a power plant.


Yup, as much as Ford Nation is frustratingly incomprehensible to me, I'm not going to go around dissing them as a whole. There is substance to their views at some level, and being dismissive and even insulting towards them (half a million in TO?) guarantees that I will never learn anything from them.

This is a hallmark of both left and right, belittling and demeaning each other in everyday language. Calling the left "entitled" or the right "ignorant" or whatever, instantly prevents us from being able to see their perspective.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What do you believe, are the suburbs in fact hard done by?

I believe that they WERE largely ignored, until Ford. Now every candidate for mayor will jump on that particular band wagon, whether the spending is warranted or not.

*EDIT* And by 'ignored' I mean 'didn't get discretionary spending sent their way.'
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Wasn't him...just a couple radio guys trying to get a bit of attention from this whole **** storm, not the first time or last. Listen to it and notice how they ask if its the mayor, its not natural at all. Plus why would he call and pretend to be someone else? He has his own radio show...

I think that Bill Carrol is a dick, but I don't think that he would invent a call. He's not some morning show DJ.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yeah, Ford Nation is a pretty pathetic bunch. Rational/intelligent thought is not a strong point.

It's like the American poor who vote Republican, the party of big business, to their own detriment.

Again with the elitist rhetoric and you wonder why Ford supporters are digging in deeper.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!


Yup, as much as Ford Nation is frustratingly incomprehensible to me, I'm not going to go around dissing them as a whole. There is substance to their views at some level, and being dismissive and even insulting towards them (half a million in TO?) guarantees that I will never learn anything from them.

This is a hallmark of both left and right, belittling and demeaning each other in everyday language. Calling the left "entitled" or the right "ignorant" or whatever, instantly prevents us from being able to see their perspective.

Yes, good post. I overstate things sometimes in exasperation.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm okay obviously for government spending within its means, in Ford's case my distaste is due mainly to his boorish and bullying behaviour. He even has his sidekick brother to reinforce that.

What I don't understand about "Ford Nation" is the continued and even increased support of the mayor in the face of mounting evidence of inappropriate behaviour. That's not rational to me. That's what caused me to question Ford supporters' intelligence.

Provincially, I voted liberal, but dropped my support of McGinty when his political actions warranted it. Ford nation seems to be clinging on no matter what. That's why I asked in a previous post what it would take for you to drop your support for Ford.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm okay obviously for government spending within its means, in Ford's case my distaste is due mainly to his boorish and bullying behaviour. He even has his sidekick brother to reinforce that.

What I don't understand about "Ford Nation" is the continued and even increased support of the mayor in the face of mounting evidence of inappropriate behaviour. That's not rational to me. That's what caused me to question Ford supporters' intelligence.

Provincially, I voted liberal, but dropped my support of McGinty when his political actions warranted it. Ford nation seems to be clinging on no matter what. That's why I asked in a previous post what it would take for you to drop your support for Ford.

Because due to all the mud slinging toward For and his Nation they just don't believe you this time.
If they waited to and hurled facts then ppl would back down.

Let me try this again.

When you insult their leader you insult them and when you insult them you insult their leader therefore they will fight even harder because they are committed to keeping you big spenders out.

They don't care about his personal life. They care about BIG SPENDING and he is the only guy standing up to it.
I am willing to bet you if Ford does step aside the Conservatives will win again. Harper will help his team.

The Liberals have the WRONG approach and are too STUPID to listen to anyone else.
Go dinosaur politics...oh we lost again...let's blame everyone else EXCEPT us.

Liberals are losing seats. NDP will lose seats with Jack gone. Who is gaining seats...tada.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Wasn't him...just a couple radio guys trying to get a bit of attention from this whole **** storm, not the first time or last. Listen to it and notice how they ask if its the mayor, its not natural at all. Plus why would he call and pretend to be someone else? He has his own radio show...

Because... he is on crack?

I am no expert, but that's his voice...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

They don't care about his personal life. They care about BIG SPENDING and he is the only guy standing up to it.

Please give some examples? Where is all this gravy he has saved us from? He keeps telling his faithful that he has saved the city X amount of money and can't back it up with facts. If you add the lost revenue from plate sticker tax and cancellation fees for already approved civic projects he has lost the city a lot of money probably more than he saved but that is just speculation.

Ford ran on being different than other politicians and being a straight shooter and has done anything but that. He is a confirmed Liar who pals around with drug dealers & gun running gangs. He is an alcoholic and he thinks the rules don't apply to him as stated in his conflict of interest trial. This is the guy you want to hang your hat behind?

Ford now represents everything he was supposed to fight against. He is a corrupt dirty politician just like the many others. Toronto should demand he resigns and have an election with some better choices from both right and left. Toronto can do better than Ford or Smitherman.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Listening to the ford show.

Lots of back slapping and mutual admiration. Doug calls Rob the most honest guy there is. Really?

Doug ford said he admires David Suzuki because he makes a lot of money doing what he does. Rob asks if Doug is kidding that he likes Suzuki, sounding like he doesn't believe it. Doug doesn't say he admires Suzuki for his environmental and educational work, but because he makes a lot of money. Hmmm.

Rob is planning on hiring a full time driver, who will not just drive but to also work on his team. Wonder if that will include procurring drugs? He's not ready to announce who that would be. Maybe an upstanding guy like Lisi? I guess having a driver will allow Ford to be able to drink during the day and not have to drive. That shows good responsibility.

going to take calls now. Doug says to expect a lynch mob mentality.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Please give some examples? Where is all this gravy he has saved us from? He keeps telling his faithful that he has saved the city X amount of money and can't back it up with facts. If you add the lost revenue from plate sticker tax and cancellation fees for already approved civic projects he has lost the city a lot of money probably more than he saved but that is just speculation.

Ford ran on being different than other politicians and being a straight shooter and has done anything but that. He is a confirmed Liar who pals around with drug dealers & gun running gangs. He is an alcoholic and he thinks the rules don't apply to him as stated in his conflict of interest trial. This is the guy you want to hang your hat behind?

Ford now represents everything he was supposed to fight against. He is a corrupt dirty politician just like the many others. Toronto should demand he resigns and have an election with some better choices from both right and left. Toronto can do better than Ford or Smitherman.

You just provided an example.
That plate thing was nothing more than a cash grab. They mismanage funds and when they need MORE they just slap it on the backs of everyone else. Those plates are for Ontario so tell me why only the 416 had to pay for it?

It doesn't matter to me really because I can UNDERSTAND why they do what they do and how they get there.
Again you explain to them why they are SO WRONG right after you explain the $600 MILLION spent on NOT building something.
See how that circle works. All they have to say is ok he used crack, but did he make you pay $600 million.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The real question is.Does his admitted drunkeness let him off the hook for the *** grab?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

A caller asked him to specify what he apologized for and Ford admitted to being inebriated at taste of the danforth and late one night at city hall walking around with a brandy bottle. That was all.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You just provided an example.
That plate thing was nothing more than a cash grab. They mismanage funds and when they need MORE they just slap it on the backs of everyone else. Those plates are for Ontario so tell me why only the 416 had to pay for it?

It doesn't matter to me really because I can UNDERSTAND why they do what they do and how they get there.
Again you explain to them why they are SO WRONG right after you explain the $600 MILLION spent on NOT building something.
See how that circle works. All they have to say is ok he used crack, but did he make you pay $600 million.

What 600 Million? What city of Toronto project cost 600 Million and wasn't built? (I'm honestly asking cause I don't remember anything like that). The license plate thing was a user based tax for toronto residents because the city NEEDS the money. The only way Ford balanced the budget this year was because he was left a surplus. We had a transit system in place that would serve the city of Toronto much better than a small subway addition but instead it gets scrapped for a plan that costs way more than the city/province/fedral can afford which will result in a tax increase to pay for. Its like a shell game here. He cuts one tax and gets praised and adds another tax to replace the lost funds for the city and gets praised. How much city waste was there in cancelled contracts? Ford preaches one thing and does something very different. He hates gravy but not when its for his supporters. Side walk snow removal is the perfect example of gravy just being about his perception and not actual fact. Close inner city libraries but make sure the burbs doesn't have to shovel their sidewalks like those leftie downtowners. What a joke. Ford said he was going to take on Toronto Project Housing and other than creating a bluster and firing people the situation is now worse and he hasn't done a thing. I guess he had inportant things to worry about like his next pickup with Lisi or where his next vodka was coming from?

Its not about the mayor using crack. Its about the judgment that leads one to hang out with gang members. Hire a known drug dealer and thug to make drug/booze drop offs and shakedown people for a video he said doesn't exist which was a complete lie. Not to mention essentially admitting that he drove around Toronto drunk. He drove himself to taste of the danforth and didn't have that many drinks there. One can draw the right conclussion.

Ford is a lieing scummy rich entittled politician like the rest. His lies just fit better on a bumper sticker and are what people want to hear but don't bother to live up to the facts. You cannot run a city by just cutting things. There isn't that much gravy. Like I said where is this gravy? Why can no one back up his claims of how much he saved the city. Should we just trust his word as an alcoholic and proven lier?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No one can substantiate what he 'saved the city' because he bundles into his vague calculations two things that have nothing to do with saving money from the current city budget; elimination of the additional licensing tax for Torontonians and projected savings on future budgets, from current reductions.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Rob Ford has bunch of morons as his advisors.
There is no other away to explain it.

He shouldn't have done the radio show today at all. What for?

Overall, if he feels he is correct in his behaviour and judgement, he shouldn't apologize at all.
And if he apologizes, he should come clean and 'fess up on everything.

Doing the half-*** apology thing that he did is the equivalent of trying to eat his cake and have it too. It is not going to work. It is not going to fix anything. It is just going to "fan the flames" under his own fat ***
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Rob Ford has bunch of morons as his advisors.
There is no other away to explain it.

He shouldn't have done the radio show today at all. What for?

Overall, if he feels he is correct in his behaviour and judgement, he shouldn't apologize at all.
And if he apologizes, he should come clean and 'fess up on everything.

Doing the half-*** apology thing that he did is the equivalent of trying to eat his cake and have it too. It is not going to work. It is not going to fix anything. It is just going to "fan the flames" under his own fat ***

The problem is that all he has, and wants, is a bunch of fart catchers and yes men. Anyone who has tried to straighten him out has been fired.
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