Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No, the reason I'm right is that the electorate didn't make up their minds that Miller only served the downtown-panzy-commie-pinko-whatever citizens, based on following some elusive money trail.

This is all rather circular reasoning.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Doesn't sound like him to me either. But I will be tuning in to his show for the first time tomorrow. He has to give his side of the story, and that will be his best platform for doing so. Will be fun!

Well, the voice is the same to me. Also, why would he hang up when the radio host called him on it?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

This is all rather circular reasoning.

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I think it might have been a Ford on the radio.
1. Why hang up when the host asked if this was the mayor?
2. Why ask the name of the host? That sounded contrived.
3. They have a history of planting a call in show ringer.

What time and station is the Ford show on?
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

This is all rather circular reasoning.

What's circular?

1- There's no way the electorate made up their minds that Miller only served the downtown-panzy-commie-pinko-whatever citizens, based on following some elusive money trail. Therefore:
2- No money trail could demonstrate that that was their motivation.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What's circular?

1- There's no way the electorate made up their minds that Miller only served the downtown-panzy-commie-pinko-whatever citizens, based on following some elusive money trail. Therefore:
2- No money trail could demonstrate that that was their motivation.

Might I point out just how far that has gone from your original premise?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Might I point out just how far that has gone from your original premise?

Either that, or you don't understand my original premise: Ford had not elected because suburbanites felt they had been ignored by the previous admin.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Either that, or you don't understand my original premise: Ford had not elected because suburbanites felt they had been ignored by the previous admin.

Seems to me that your original premise was that there was no urban/suburban divide, among voters, and that it was all fabricated post-election. I believe that I quite easily demonstrated that there was, whether or not you accept my reasoning as to why it did, in fact, exist.

From there you changed your premise to include pre-election polling, then proceeded onward from there.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Seems to me that your original premise was that there was no urban/suburban divide, among voters, and that it was all fabricated post-election. I believe that I quite easily demonstrated that there was, whether or not you accept my reasoning as to why it did, in fact, exist.

From there you changed your premise to include pre-election polling, then proceeded onward from there.

I acknowledged there was a divide, I was just saying it wasn't for the reasons the media were stating.

And I still don't recall seeing any media reports blaming Miller for being too downtown-centric until AFTER the election, though such reports may possibly exist. Not that it's particularly important, except to you it seems.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I acknowledged there was a divide, I was just saying it wasn't for the reasons the media were stating.

And I still don't recall seeing any media reports blaming Miller for being too downtown-centric until AFTER the election, though such reports may possibly exist. Not that it's particularly important, except to you it seems.

Clarity is important to me. Here's one for you:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Does the NDP run a party in municipal elections in places like Mississauga, Brampton, Pickering, Barrie etc.?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Does the NDP run a party in municipal elections in places like Mississauga, Brampton, Pickering, Barrie etc.?

They don't actually run on party politics, but candidates frequently have obvious party affiliations.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

That's a good find, and it suggests that the portrayal of Miller as treating the suburbs unfairly goes even further back than the last election. Guess I missed that. But I still suspect that message was conjured up by the media rather than by electors themselves.

My experience has been that people already believed that the downtown area was being favoured over the suburbs. The Star tried to convince them otherwise but where you can cement people's opinions, right or wrong, by simply agreeing with them in a few words, it takes far more than a couple of stories that contradict those opinions, with very little substance to back them up, to actually sway those opinions. People who read The Star will go on believing what The Star pushes at them, because it jibes with their own opinions, just as people who read The Sun do the same. Rupert Murdoch has made billions, via Fox Broadcasting, by simply feeding people's opinions back at them and calling it "news."

In other words stilted media does little more than recognize trends, then spit them back at The Faithful. The egg precedes the chicken.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

My experience has been that people already believed that the downtown area was being favoured over the suburbs. The Star tried to convince them otherwise but where you can cement people's opinions, right or wrong, by simply agreeing with them in a few words, it takes far more than a couple of stories that contradict those opinions, with very little substance to back them up, to actually sway those opinions. People who read The Star will go on believing what The Star pushes at them, because it jibes with their own opinions, just as people who read The Sun do the same. Rupert Murdoch has made billions, via Fox Broadcasting, by simply feeding people's opinions back at them and calling it "news."

In other words stilted media does little more than recognize trends, then spit them back at The Faithful. The egg precedes the chicken.

What do you believe, are the suburbs in fact hard done by?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Looks like this trial by media is starting to backfire. From Ford's #1 broadcast enemy:

CBC News: Rob Ford approval goes up 5% despite video scandal

Put that in your crack pipes and suck it!

Yeah, Ford Nation is a pretty pathetic bunch. Rational/intelligent thought is not a strong point.

It's like the American poor who vote Republican, the party of big business, to their own detriment.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yeah, Ford Nation is a pretty pathetic bunch. Rational/intelligent thought is not a strong point.

It's like the American poor who vote Republican, the party of big business, to their own detriment.

another downfall of Liberals.

All they are doing is isolating the Conservatives more.
You are backing them so far into a corner with the constant attacks that of course they will let Ford slide because you are attacking them and he is their voice to fight back for them. The Conservative may change the man but the message they broadcast will be the SAME.

It's kinda hard to call them stupid when the Liberals spent $600million+ on NOT building a power plant.
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