Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

My question stands. I'm asking about support for Ford as mayor, (not Ford as the personal/private man, whom I feel sorry for, btw.)

(I'm NOT asking what it would take for conservative voters to change into liberal voters.)

I voted for him. I am NOT a "C"onservative voter by any stretch, but I've followed his actions as councillor in this city and he seems to be the only one down there not content with collecting a fat pay check and screwing over tax payers.

Show me another candidate who has stood up to council and the status quo, tell me who was running that was against higher taxes, double car registration TAX, double land transfer TAX, it was a growing trend with no end in sight. What did miller do for us? travel around the world to have ongoing circle jerks with his environmental-save the planet-rape the tax payer buddies?

At a time when we desperately needed someone to clean house, ford stepped up, and was the only possible choice in my mind to do anything. I still don't see anyone better, do you?

are you even a resident of toronto?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

lower taxes
improved bicycle lanes
something for the TTC users
something for the elderly
something for the kids
quash some government spending e.g. the $1m renovation of social housing staff rental offices meanwhile the "customers" need $800k for repairs.

Relected, done and done

oh, and the Conservatives will come back out in force now.

The Liberals have decreased their validity and alienated voters. They kept slinging trivial things like whiny kids.
When you get in the ring, you throw a jab to wake them up, then you throw a iron punch to make them stop, then you finish with a steel punch to knock them out.

Maybe Ford steps aside and the Conservatives toss in an appealing female (180 change in optics).

The Star and other media have definitely dulled the impact of our real problems with Ford because of all their nitpicking idiocy about things that make no difference in the grand scheme of things. Old clichés like "pick your fight" and "don't cry wolf" come to mind. They could have just stuck to the issues and easily demonstrated why he is bad for Toronto instead of getting vindictive.

- Lower taxes, sure. At the expense of services. Not exactly a step forward, nor does it do anything about the alleged gravy train.
- What improved bike lanes? Money spent on bike lanes has only served to add a car lane on Jarvis! He was also against the bike parking garage and is fighting against bike lanes on Bloor. Are you kidding me?
- What for TTC users? Construction on the Scarborough line will cost Torontonians $1 billion and won't start for 5 years at best, plenty of time for councillors to change their minds a dozen more times. The LRT was underway and would have cost us nothing, instead we dished out $85 million to junk it.
- What for elderly and kids? Closed community centres, reduced library hours, reduced bus service?
- FYI, the TCHC repair backlog is 1 BILLION, not 1 million. And is the money saved going to that backlog? We'll probably never know.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm not sure that's true. Downtown dwellers and suburbanites have had different priorities since the groups first came into existence. Pointing that out easily stands up to scrutiny.

Oh absolutely they have different priorities and different values, but that's not the story that was being peddled. The story as I've seen it is that Miller was all for the lefty commie pinko downtown condo dwellers and had nothing for the suburbs. And that's a lie that continues to be repeated.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Let's play a simple game.
You MUST pick one with the benefit of knowing what you know now.

Ford or Smitherman
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Oh absolutely they have different priorities and different values, but that's not the story that was being peddled. The story as I've seen it is that Miller was all for the lefty commie pinko downtown condo dwellers and had nothing for the suburbs. And that's a lie that continues to be repeated.

Well you do have to admit that he played far more to the downtown demographic, rather than the suburbs.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Well you do have to admit that he played far more to the downtown demographic, rather than the suburbs.

I have yet to see how. In fact as far as I can tell he did more for the 'burbs than Ford, as per the examples I listed previously. I'd love to see counter-examples.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Let's play a simple game.
You MUST pick one with the benefit of knowing what you know now.

Ford or Smitherman

Before we play this game, you haven't played mine.
What would it take for you to drop your support of Ford the mayor?
what would he have to do, what crime would he have to be convicted of, for that to happen?
or is your support unconditional?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I've got a helpful message for Ford:

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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Question for Ford supporters:What would it take for you to drop your support for Ford and change your opinion of his suitability to remain in office, or is your support unconditional?

My support for Bob Dorf is waning and a dump in a flower pot at the mall, any mall, would push me over the edge.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Well at least he didn't use a Expense loophole to pay for his crack, nor did he cancel building two mega crack houses at the cost of billions of tax dollars to ensure the crack head votes
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Before we play this game, you haven't played mine.
What would it take for you to drop your support of Ford the mayor?
what would he have to do, what crime would he have to be convicted of, for that to happen?
or is your support unconditional?

No game.
Where did I write that I support Ford?

It's a simple question with the benefit of hindsight of two actual candidates.

So knowing what you know now, which would you pick?
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Miller was a complete doofus but he was tall, not obese and had a good head of distinguished hair and that was enough for people to think he was a good mayor.

Some of my favourite Miller doofisms:

Was obsessed with waste collection. First he had these really shiny stainless steel garbage stations with 3 compartments installed all over the city. They were well made and did not look cheap. Must've cost hundreds of thousands if not over a million to buy and install all these stations. But was he happy with them? No. During his second term he spent more money and replaced them with the high tech plastic stations because they have the foot pedal that operates the compartment doors. So he tossed away perfectly good stainless stations and replaced them with even more expensive stations with moving parts that require maintenance and repair.

Wanted to reduce gun crimes so he banned all private gun ranges and the yearly Sportsman Show in Metro Toronto.

Tried to ban yellow Support Our Troops ribbon decals on city vehicles because in his opinion, glorified war. He backpedaled immediately after the outrage from city workers and the public.

Proposed a Toronto sales tax on goods and services within the city.

Secured the Pan Am games for Toronto, an event no one wanted or gives a crap about.

Wanted to widen Jarvis St. sidewalks but wasn't allowed to so he removed one lane to make bike lanes as a consolation, bike lanes that not even the cyclists were petitioning for.

Tucked tail between legs and ran away from G20 and garbage strike.

And everyone's favourite, $60 vehicle registration tax.

There were plenty of others but these were the ones that stood out for me.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Freud snorted snow, like a proper gentleman.

Ford is 110% trash, regardless of his accomplishments.
What made him trash? Because you don't like him?
It matters not one bit how the Star went after Ford. There was a story there and it finally came out. They were right. Everyone who voted for a fat, hypocritical lying piece of **** crackhead were wrong. Only they'll never admit they were wrong. But then look at who they hold up as a role model. A fat, hypocritical lying piece of **** crackhead.

Some people need to step back and, rather than focus on whether he was marginally better than the last liar, actually look at what sort of person they want running their city. Toronto voters, the whole world is laughing at you.
We have yet to see this video. This video is becoming some sort of myth or legend. Ford's lawyer requested that the video to be made public, still no dice.

I'd cast judgement when there is a video
My question stands. I'm asking about support for Ford as mayor, (not Ford as the personal/private man, whom I feel sorry for, btw.)

(I'm NOT asking what it would take for conservative voters to change into liberal voters.)
I'm not a faithful conservative supporter. But judging by the way the liberals have been handling certain issues, I'd have to say I'm beginning to be more conservative.
Miller was a complete doofus but he was tall, not obese and had a good head of distinguished hair and that was enough for people to think he was a good mayor.

Some of my favourite Miller doofisms:

Was obsessed with waste collection. First he had these really shiny stainless steel garbage stations with 3 compartments installed all over the city. They were well made and did not look cheap. Must've cost hundreds of thousands if not over a million to buy and install all these stations. But was he happy with them? No. During his second term he spent more money and replaced them with the high tech plastic stations because they have the foot pedal that operates the compartment doors. So he tossed away perfectly good stainless stations and replaced them with even more expensive stations with moving parts that require maintenance and repair.

Wanted to reduce gun crimes so he banned all private gun ranges and the yearly Sportsman Show in Metro Toronto.

Tried to ban yellow Support Our Troops ribbon decals on city vehicles because in his opinion, glorified war. He backpedaled immediately after the outrage from city workers and the public.

Proposed a Toronto sales tax on goods and services within the city.

Secured the Pan Am games for Toronto, an event no one wanted or gives a crap about.

Wanted to widen Jarvis St. sidewalks but wasn't allowed to so he removed one lane to make bike lanes as a consolation, bike lanes that not even the cyclists were petitioning for.

Tucked tail between legs and ran away from G20 and garbage strike.

And everyone's favourite, $60 vehicle registration tax.

There were plenty of others but these were the ones that stood out for me.

Don't forget when the gas plant explode & instead of coming to check things out his daughter's birthday was more important.

A man who truly cared about the people

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What made him trash? Because you don't like him?

Really? I don't even know where to start.

- Getting kicked out of a Leafs game for being drunk and screaming at other people
- DUI in Florida
- Voted against AIDS funding because “If you are not doing needles and you are not gay, you wouldn’t get AIDS probably."
- Proposed eliminating the city's watchdog agencies after they investigated him for misconduct
- Said “Oriental people” are “taking over” Toronto because “they work like dogs.”
- Called another councillor 'Gino Boy'
- Alcoholic getting obnoxiously drunk at public functions. Possibly even driving drunk (as supported by the surveillance of him needing to descretely remove vodka bottles from his car)
- Getting package drop offs from a known drug trafficker.
- Getting wasted and smoking drugs with gang members responsible for drug trafficking and gun running in his city
- Getting so wasted and walking around City hall at 2am not remembering where his car is
- Phoning into radio shows pretending to be someone else.
- Calling Journalists maggots for actually reporting the truth.
- Not having the awareness (too wasted or thought above the law) that someone is filming your illegal activities then saying it never happened (lies)

Shouldn't we expect a little bit of intelligence and class from the mayor of Canada's largest city? Instead we have this trashy buffoon who has no class and refuses to listen to anyone but himself. I've never seen one individual bully others around him and then cry foul when someone says something about him.

Doesn't matter if your Right or Left in political views Toronto deserves better than this moron. The last election had bad choices all around. We choose the **** sandwich over the vomit shake. Doesn't make it a good choice. Time for another election and we can get some real choices on both sides. Smitherman and Ford have more in common then different. They are both self entitled pricks who have no business running a great city like Toronto.

We have yet to see this video. This video is becoming some sort of myth or legend. Ford's lawyer requested that the video to be made public, still no dice.

Ford's lawyer is spouting this because he knows the Chief cant' release the video as its evidence in the Lisi trial and is pretending its not being released because it doesn't show what it does which the chief confirmed. The sad thing is that people are falling for this stupid stunt just like they did for the typical ford bumper sticker phrases that don't pass the sniff test. Now where is that mythical gravy train?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Everybody needs to max out bang for buck, understood, and it leaves no stone unturned to constantly mention "Canada's largest city" as if that matters. I wouldn't accept that kind of behaviour from the Sargent at arms of a trailer park.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I have yet to see how. In fact as far as I can tell he did more for the 'burbs than Ford, as per the examples I listed previously. I'd love to see counter-examples.

Follow the money and you'll have all the examples that you need.
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