Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!


As a mayor, I like Ford better than Miller (that's like saying that I like Stalin better than Mao), and put him on the par with Lastman. Why do we keep electing these people? Can't we, for once, elect a competent public servant, focused on doing his job properly?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Yah, there's been quite a run of bozos as Toronto mayors. Ford does not disappoint in this regard.

A previous poster is correct in that the video obtained by police cannot be made public by the police, because it was submitted to the court as evidence. I believe it is within the power of the court can make it public. Media lawyers are making that request presently.

Ford's challenge to the police to make the video public is disingenuous because they know the police can't do so.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Someone pls end this ****ing sharade.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Charade in what sense? I suppose each side (pro and con Ford) could say this.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

As a mayor, I like Ford better than Miller (that's like saying that I like Stalin better than Mao), and put him on the par with Lastman. Why do we keep electing these people? Can't we, for once, elect a competent public servant, focused on doing his job properly?

Because it takes money to win an election, and only sleazebags and fat druggies can get it, apparently.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

BTW, Ford's claim that he can't comment on information about him in the news because "it is before the courts" is incorrect/false/a lie. He is free to say whatever he wishes, however his lawyer has probably told him not to comment.

some interesting info here:
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

BTW, Ford's claim that he can't comment on information about him in the news because "it is before the courts" is incorrect/false/a lie. He is free to say whatever he wishes, however his lawyer has probably told him not to comment.

some interesting info here:

Of course it's crap. *HE* doesn't have a matter before the courts. It has also never stopped him from commenting about maters that were before the court, on previous occasions, when they *DID* involve him.

And it doesn't seem to have stopped him in this case, at any rate.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

- Said “Oriental people” are “taking over” Toronto because “they work like dogs.”
- Called another councillor 'Gino Boy'

If Ford is such a bigot, why is he always surrounded by well-wishing visible minorities when out in public? It's only white liberals that paint him as a racist.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If Ford is such a bigot, why is he always surrounded by well-wishing visible minorities when out in public? It's only white liberals that paint him as a racist.

Maybe because he doesn't do it to their face? Instead he tells them how he'll answer their calls at 2 AM and cut their taxes and whatever sweet things they want to hear to get their vote.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If Ford is such a bigot, why is he always surrounded by well-wishing visible minorities when out in public? It's only white liberals that paint him as a racist.

No one paints him as racist more than his own words. I don't believe he is maliciously racist but I do believe he isn't smart enough or articulate enough to express himself without using offensive language. It also fits with the patterns of personal attacks used by the typical bully.

The point is that above not being a drunk or a drug addict or a proven liar... the mayor of a major city should be classy and articulate in how they cary themselves. Ford is none of that. Hell he didn't even know where Winnipeg was and thought it was across from Detroit. Walking embarassment.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

At least, he'll always feel good.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Miller was a complete doofus but he was tall, not obese and had a good head of distinguished hair and that was enough for people to think he was a good mayor.
Some of my favourite Miller doofisms:
Was obsessed with waste collection. First he had these really shiny stainless steel garbage stations with 3 compartments installed all over the city. They were well made and did not look cheap. Must've cost hundreds of thousands if not over a million to buy and install all these stations. But was he happy with them? No. During his second term he spent more money and replaced them with the high tech plastic stations because they have the foot pedal that operates the compartment doors. So he tossed away perfectly good stainless stations and replaced them with even more expensive stations with moving parts that require maintenance and repair.
Wanted to reduce gun crimes so he banned all private gun ranges and the yearly Sportsman Show in Metro Toronto.
Tried to ban yellow Support Our Troops ribbon decals on city vehicles because in his opinion, glorified war. He backpedaled immediately after the outrage from city workers and the public.
Proposed a Toronto sales tax on goods and services within the city.
Secured the Pan Am games for Toronto, an event no one wanted or gives a crap about.
Wanted to widen Jarvis St. sidewalks but wasn't allowed to so he removed one lane to make bike lanes as a consolation, bike lanes that not even the cyclists were petitioning for.
Tucked tail between legs and ran away from G20 and garbage strike.
And everyone's favourite, $60 vehicle registration tax.
There were plenty of others but these were the ones that stood out for me.
Some poor judgement yes, but most of those had no impact on the city. Of the ones that matter;

Garbage bins: Astral Media is on the hook for those bins, not us. They designed them and have to maintain them for 20 years. We get a cut of their advertising money from billboards. Astral claims the city benefits by about $50 million a year.

Pan Am games: No one wanted it? Everyone voted in favour of the bid including Ford!

Jarvis bike lanes: Yes, seems like it was a bit of a fiasco.
Veh reg tax: Given that some taxes are needed, this is a good one IMO. Would have preferred to see cuts elsewhere.

I'm not sure what "tucked tail and ran" means? Besides, the mayor has no authority over police operations (for good reason as we now know).
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Follow the money and you'll have all the examples that you need.

I have no idea how to do that, and I can guarantee that the vast majority of voters never followed any money trail to make up their minds.

Doesn't stand scrutiny.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I have no idea how to do that, and I can guarantee that the vast majority of voters never followed any money trail to make up their minds.

Doesn't stand scrutiny.

You say that you don't know how to do something and then hold that up as reason you're right? Sounds like Ford supporter logic to me.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Probably the core idea for many of Ford's supporters is the idea that here at last is a mayor that won't "waste their money". Hating on any form of government at all is very fashionable and has been for a couple decades now, so there's a sizeable number of people who don't care how bad things get so long as the government takes as little as posible.

Now I can understand that view even if I don't agree with it.

But what Ford's supporters need to ask themselves is: Who's actually the mayor?

Is it Robert Ford, "defender of the taxpayer"? Or is it Sandor Lisi, the man who could in time have effectively controlled the mayor.

Before you laugh that one off, consider what blackmail entails, what being a powerful man's dealer entails. Certainly Ford's staffers - people who had every reason to like him - seemed legitimately concerned about that very thing.

So, maybe you trust Ford, but do you trust Lisi? He seems like a good guy, eh? Someone who'll make sure not to waste or abuse any taxpayer dollars? Not at all like a totally unelected two-bit scumbag playing at being a three-bit scumbag?

And if Lisi would have had any real power over Ford, the question has to be asked: Who was stupid enough to give Lisi that power?

So before you cheer on Ford for saving your money, it might be worth considering that he just found a different way to waste it. We could even ask Montreal how that worked out for them.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You say that you don't know how to do something and then hold that up as reason you're right? Sounds like Ford supporter logic to me.
No, the reason I'm right is that the electorate didn't make up their minds that Miller only served the downtown-panzy-commie-pinko-whatever citizens, based on following some elusive money trail.
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