Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford reminds me of Clinton. Except Clinton was good at his job.... so sort of the same

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It matters not one bit how the Star went after Ford. There was a story there and it finally came out. They were right. Everyone who voted for a fat, hypocritical lying piece of **** crackhead were wrong. Only they'll never admit they were wrong. But then look at who they hold up as a role model. A fat, hypocritical lying piece of **** crackhead.

Some people need to step back and, rather than focus on whether he was marginally better than the last liar, actually look at what sort of person they want running their city. Toronto voters, the whole world is laughing at you.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Do you sleep with a Thesaurus under your pillow ? you chuck around 50 cent words like they are going out of style..

anyways.. I think the dudes done a pretty good job, and at the end of the day, I really dont give a crap what he does in his spare time.
Imagine if your employer caught wind that you were out in the back alley cookin up, or a Photographer caught you coming out of a Gay Club
should you quit your job ? but that wont happen, becasue you are a nobody, that doesnt have 100,000 people wanting you to fail and lose your job, you dont have a camera on you 24/7.

If you did, every single thing you did would be looked at, and examined. I think the guy has done a pretty good job, and I think he's probably better than the rest, as well.
the truth here is, you love to whine and complain about everyone. You've already mentioned that you dont remember who you voted for, and that all 3 were bad.
so really, it doesnt matter who would be in office, you'd still complain.

Sorry, but when you're as high-profile a public figure as the mayor of Canada's largest city, in charge of a massive operating budget, you don't get to play the "personal is personal" card.

I'll bet if the same things happened to Rossi or Chow or Trudeau or any left-wing politician you'd all be shouting for their heads on a platter.

Exactly how has Ford done "a pretty good job"? He's slashed away good sources of funding, then blindly flailed around yelling "SUBWAYS!" even though the city now has no money to pay for them. He demolished the Jarvis bicycle lanes (which were well in use) to put back the stupidly confusing reversible lane, just to save motorists TWO minutes on their commute, because heaven forbid anything get in the way of the mighty automobile. And btw, it cost the city more money to do take out the bike lanes than it did to put them in.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Next step for Ford: Publicize a push towards legalizing marijuana to get most people that use drugs to re-elect him :P
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I wonder if this will all blow over like the rest of the scandals against Ford...I think it will just quiet down and we will move on with time.

Personally I don't see the people of Toronto rallying up in arms to get Ford to step down.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I am a Rob Ford supporter. I voted for him. And, if the crack allegations prove to be true, then I'd have even more reason to vote for him again.

*Go Rob Ford!*
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Do you sleep with a Thesaurus under your pillow ? you chuck around 50 cent words like they are going out of style..

anyways.. I think the dudes done a pretty good job, and at the end of the day, I really dont give a crap what he does in his spare time.
Imagine if your employer caught wind that you were out in the back alley cookin up, or a Photographer caught you coming out of a Gay Club
should you quit your job ? but that wont happen, becasue you are a nobody, that doesnt have 100,000 people wanting you to fail and lose your job, you dont have a camera on you 24/7.

If you did, every single thing you did would be looked at, and examined. I think the guy has done a pretty good job, and I think he's probably better than the rest, as well.
the truth here is, you love to whine and complain about everyone. You've already mentioned that you dont remember who you voted for, and that all 3 were bad.
so really, it doesnt matter who would be in office, you'd still complain.
I can't find a way of saying what's on my mind without the 50 cent words. I guess that's something I could learn from Ford, he was plain talking yet everyone understood him.

As for "the truth here", I've had plenty of good things to say about Miller, Matlow, Davis, Filion. I've even defended Ford in some instances where accusations were just ridiculous. I clearly don't complain about everyone, yet that is your "truth".

I guess it's my fault for asking someone who isn't living in reality to explain his defense of a mayor who isn't living in reality.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The point being that the explanation was reactionary, the same way the media say "stock markets ar up today because blah blah blah..." they actually have no idea and I illustrated why. If I'm wrong, show me how.

Ah yes, the argument as moving target. it became evident quite early on, through reliable polling agencies, that Ford's support was split on geographic lines. That's not reactionary; it's pointing out a trend.

What does that have to do with anything I said?

Apparently I missed the quote that I was aiming for. This was in response to the comment about certain media pursuing Ford in an untoward manner, thereby showing their bias.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It matters not one bit how the Star went after Ford.

If the lefty media would chase their own lefty politicians they would find all kinds of dirt on them as well, it's just that they don't. The Ford story is nothing but a fart in windstorm, why not get back at the Ontario Libs for burning over a billion of our tax dollars? Oh right, the lefty media and the lefty politicians are all in bed together.

There was a story there and it finally came out. They were right. Everyone who voted for a fat, hypocritical lying piece of **** crackhead were wrong. Only they'll never admit they were wrong. But then look at who they hold up as a role model. A fat, hypocritical lying piece of **** crackhead.

Who needs due process and "innocent until proven guilty". All you appear to need is allegations of police acquiring a video that may or may not show Ford inhaling a substance that you can't prove is anything other than hay vapour to convict and sentence him to public stoning.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

lower taxes
improved bicycle lanes
something for the TTC users
something for the elderly
something for the kids
quash some government spending e.g. the $1m renovation of social housing staff rental offices meanwhile the "customers" need $800k for repairs.

Relected, done and done

oh, and the Conservatives will come back out in force now.

The Liberals have decreased their validity and alienated voters. They kept slinging trivial things like whiny kids.
When you get in the ring, you throw a jab to wake them up, then you throw a iron punch to make them stop, then you finish with a steel punch to knock them out.

Maybe Ford steps aside and the Conservatives toss in an appealing female (180 change in optics).
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!


;) Humour
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Next step for Ford: Publicize a push towards legalizing marijuana to get most people that use drugs to re-elect him :P

It is possible! He’d get a lot of supporters!!

The most interesting part of all this is that Rob still has some options in how to answer. He could do one of many things, but he may be too stubborn and keep denying it.

It's interesting to see what will happen next...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I wonder if this will all blow over like the rest of the scandals against Ford...I think it will just quiet down and we will move on with time.

Personally I don't see the people of Toronto rallying up in arms to get Ford to step down.

Honestly, I don’t think the scandals ever went away.

Maybe the scandals fade from the common collective consciousness, but they stick to him like tar and feathers. It’s not many small scandals, overall it has been a looong, continuous struggle for him, from day one. He has not been able to do as much as he could have done, because of this continuous friction that exists at this office.

I don’t think this is going to go 'away', not like before. You still have the police investigation going on. Arguably, there is enough evidence to charge the mayor... and Sandro Lisi may not be willing to go rot in jail, while Ford continous to be free and wealthy and the mayor... we'll see
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Question for Ford supporters:What would it take for you to drop your support for Ford and change your opinion of his suitability to remain in office, or is your support unconditional?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Question for Ford supporters:What would it take for you to drop your support for Ford and change your opinion of his suitability to remain in office, or is your support unconditional?

They are CONSERVATIVE voters, he is just their candidate.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

They are CONSERVATIVE voters, he is just their candidate.

My question stands. I'm asking about support for Ford as mayor, (not Ford as the personal/private man, whom I feel sorry for, btw.)

(I'm NOT asking what it would take for conservative voters to change into liberal voters.)
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Question for Ford supporters:What would it take for you to drop your support for Ford and change your opinion of his suitability to remain in office, or is your support unconditional?

Ford is, and always was, the anti-hero. That's why I voted for him. The day he starts acting like a typical politician (i.e., everyone else on Council) is the day I stop supporting him.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford is, and always was, the anti-hero. That's why I voted for him. The day he starts acting like a typical politician (i.e., everyone else on Council) is the day I stop supporting him.

So if he were convicted of a crime, you'd still support him as mayor. Any crime, or would a more serious crime cause you to drop your support?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ah yes, the argument as moving target. it became evident quite early on, through reliable polling agencies, that Ford's support was split on geographic lines. That's not reactionary; it's pointing out a trend.

If they were only pointing out a trend then reports would simply have mentioned the geographic divide. But they pretended to explain it with a storyline that doesn't stand scrutiny.

By the way, my point isn't any kind of "moving target" if it has no effect on the substance of your reply. Whether the explanation for Ford's win was conjured up by the media on the day of his election or a month before is irrelevant to my point and you know it.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If they were only pointing out a trend then reports would simply have mentioned the geographic divide. But they pretended to explain it with a storyline that doesn't stand scrutiny.

I'm not sure that's true. Downtown dwellers and suburbanites have had different priorities since the groups first came into existence. Pointing that out easily stands up to scrutiny.

By the way, my point isn't any kind of "moving target" if it has no effect on the substance of your reply. Whether the explanation for Ford's win was conjured up by the media on the day of his election or a month before is irrelevant to my point and you know it.

When you change the basis of your premise, that makes your point a moving target. And no, I don't "know it." Timing is quite relevant, especially when you make it the basis of your initial comment.
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