Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Good news: I'm outside Toronto just enough that I can't vote for Toronto mayor.
Bad news: where I live, the majority of residents voted in Bev Oda.

Daryl and his other brother Daryl are a joke.
Wait and see about Tory.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's sad that a crack head has been the best mayor our city has... it's truly pathetic when it takes a crack head to solve a lot of problems that anyone easily could've solved.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What problems has he solved?

if you believe in the "stopping the gravy train" rhetoric, you probably also believe the republican's lie that government funded health care will hurt the poor in America (who currently can't afford any health insurance.)
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It is only alleged in the eyes of the law. For us laypeople, it's pretty obvious there's something going on. For police chief Blair to publicly say he's disappointed in the mayor should be a big eye opener.

Pfffffff bill blair the man in charge of the g20 cluster **** that lied about a "secret" law that saw gross violations of our charter of rights and the largest mass arrests in canadian history is disappointed for someone apparently putting something in their own body. Give me a break buddy.

He's still got my vote. or no maybe I should vote karen stintz! yea that's the ticket, or maybe chow, oh too many wonderful choices, what to do, what to do.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

It's sad that a crack head has been the best mayor our city has... it's truly pathetic when it takes a crack head to solve a lot of problems that anyone easily could've solved.

Hey don't put down the crackhedz, Sigmund freud is one of the most celebrated crack head
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What problems has he solved?

if you believe in the "stopping the gravy train" rhetoric, you probably also believe the republican's lie that government funded health care will hurt the poor in America (who currently can't afford any health insurance.)

You just had to open the ACA can of worms....The same ACA that all the liberal media outlets are backpedaling and distancing from....dude, the thing is heading for the wall and Obamas got the pedal to the metal.

More and more things are coming out of the woodwork about what a total fiasco that thing is and will be. You're right, the poor will frigging LOVE the middle class will pick up the tabs on that endless bill.

Theres a topic on a US motorcycle boards, which asks people to list their new "Affordable" healthplan. 90% are seeing an increase in costs with a decrease of benefits....Those are real world people like you and me who are being shafted.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So focusing their attention on slander and discrediting politicians is the kind of journalism we need MORE of?
There was no slander, and he deserves to be discredited (though not for being an addict, but for being a thug and a dunderhead).

What kind of journalism do you think we need more of? Babies stuck in wells and Miley?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I am a supporter of Ford and the smoking stuff on the comfort of his home I can overlook if he is doing a good job, but I am watching the news and there are things I can't overlook, trowing empty bottles of vodka on a school parking lot is one of those. **** him!
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You just had to open the ACA can of worms....The same ACA that all the liberal media outlets are backpedaling and distancing from....dude, the thing is heading for the wall and Obamas got the pedal to the metal.

More and more things are coming out of the woodwork about what a total fiasco that thing is and will be. You're right, the poor will frigging LOVE the middle class will pick up the tabs on that endless bill.

Theres a topic on a US motorcycle boards, which asks people to list their new "Affordable" healthplan. 90% are seeing an increase in costs with a decrease of benefits....Those are real world people like you and me who are being shafted.
Just remember that what Obama wanted to pass and what he end up passing after compromising and been hold hostage by the republicans is a very different thing. Just going to leave it at that because this is a topic that will take many pages to properly discuss
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

so that one politician who accused ford of being on crack cocaine and no one believed her because she is "fat and unattractive" was actually right?

No, that would be ridiculous. No one believed or cared what she had to say because she was a woman. Trololol.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Hey don't put down the crackhedz, Sigmund freud is one of the most celebrated crack head

Are we talking about the same crack cocaine that didn't exist until roughly 1984/85, in the US?

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The last election was a disaster. No one of any worth ran for it, so we got what we got. If it wasn't Ford, it woulda been Smitherman, or Rossi. God help us all... The best thing about this Ford disaster is that we are going to see a REAL election with good people actually putting themselves forward. There will actually be a real choice between (potentially) competent leaders.

That brings us to alternative con candidates for mayor. Basically we've got Tory and Stinz.

I used to be a fan of John Tory, but I think he's way too hesitant. Stinz on the other hand, she scares the hell outta me. She's razor sharp, in a good way. Any of you ever see that woman in council? Nobody's going to give her any ****. Right now she looks better to me anyone else who might run. Got a damn good staff locked up already too.

But whatever else happens, I want Ford running in the next election. I hope that whatever he gets hit with - and he's gonna get hit with SOMETHING - won't move fast enough to toss him out just yet. I want the voters to toss him out.

While that may sound like a "Be careful what you wish for!" scenario (given Ford's resilience and a splintered vote between many candidates), I'm pretty sure he hasn't got a hope in hell. Modern elections aren't won by one person - you need a good team. And every functional human on Ford's staff is gone, replaced by a bunch of college kids who eager to work in (ooh!) THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. Can't say as I'd blame them - I'd have done the same at their age. It'd be a hell of an experience - not one anyone that young or green would normally get. But god bless those kids, come election time, Ford's going to be playing with a staff of rank amateurs.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If anybody ever met Toronto's other option for mayor (Slitherman) and truly knew what he was up to Ford being accused of hittin' the pipe every now and then would look like a walk in the park.

The truth is Ford was the best of the worst. And smart people do not become mayor. They make money doing other things.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

People sure hate on McGuinty, but it's worth noting that nearly every major fiasco of the McGuinty government was a programme started by one George Smitherman. Orang? E-Health? Green Energy subsidy trainwreck? All that and more came from the same mind.

(other than the powerplant cancellation... and I think he was involved in setting them up at least)

His mayoral campaign was basically just "Vote for me, because I deserve it".
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Fordy still has my vote if he chooses to run again. Seriously, what's the alternative? More Milleresque antics serving only the interests of the lefty liberal downtown core? Outright ban on private vehicles during rush hour so the cyclists can happily take over the streets singing kumbaya? It can happen.
The suburban vs. downtown argument is baseless. No one talked about suburban discontent until AFTER Ford was elected, because they needed to explain his victory somehow.

Fact is;
1- Miller's admin implemented Transit City, consisting almost entirely of dedicated rail lines for the suburbs. Ford actually tried to stop it entirely, with only a faint hope of replacing it with a smaller subway system that we couldn't afford or need.

2- Miller initiated the Priority Community concept for areas that needed special attention from the city (none of them downtown).

3- Miller was opposed to the development of the downtown airport which most downtowners were happy to have (naturally benefitting Rexdale).

Maybe if you weren't so busy belittling the other side you might see that there are actually many significantly better alternatives to Ford.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No doubt most politicians of most parties are nothing but costly windbags.

It is curious however, that Justin has (I believe) actually admitted to smoking pot (which means he was in possession using an illegal substance) and I don't believe that Ford has admitted (yet) to using drugs. Where is the angst in the leftard media about Mr Trudeau?

Another one mocking the left while lacking information! You could get a job at the Sun. FYI; they both admitted to pot use, and nobody cared either way.

The issue here is that Rob is a thug. There isn't a single example of his presence anywhere where he isn't being thuggish. He also needs help for his substance abuse problem, but he thinks he needs help for nothing. The two are actually the same problem, as people prone to outbursts and fits of rage are more likely to be addicts (boils down to lack of self-control). It highlights just how hopelessly inadequate he is for any position of authority, let alone mayor.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

If the facts bare out the accusations then so be it.

It's easy to hurl accusations.

It seems Ford is done based on the Police surveillance photos as well.
How the hell did he not know they were watching him?
I guess just like others when you are that arrogant you tend to believe you are untouchable.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So, other than character issues and misuse of his letter head, why is Ford such a bad mayor?

He tried to get Toronto to build subways, like every other city of it's caliber.

He stepped on some toes when he got quite a few people off the gravy train. (councilor spending accounts, toronto community housing...)

If it takes crack to get someone to go against the flow of corruption, handouts, and hipster *** blowing, whatever. I could not care less.

The letterhead fiasco got more coverage than the provincial waste of 500M.

He's done one good thing for the city, and that's contract out half the city's garbage collection.

"Character issues", wow, great spin. He makes council meetings dysfunctional. He has repeatedly shown he doesn't understand simple issues yet he insists on yelling on about what he believes is the right way to proceed. He doesn't even take advice from people he pays to give him advice. He truly, genuinely thinks he knows it all. This is not a figure of speech, this is reflected in everything he says and does. He's an international embarrassment for the city. "Character issues"!

The subway is a waste. He's taken a billion Toronto dollars we don't have (plus a federal commitment) to add capacity to a line that didn't need it. Ford supported it because he thought the LRT would take space away from cars, that's all. He simply decided his own facts and stuck to them.

Yes, people want subways. They want a million dollars too. Someone has to use good judgement to decide what is and isn't provided based on the actual circumstances. Rob has plenty of judgement, but none of it good.

BTW corruption ended at city hall with Miller. He also appointed the first ethics commissioner, reformed the bureaucracy, sought electoral funding reform (council voted against), and created a lobbyist registry. Rob's tough talk did nothing.
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