Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

This is a good example of the type of investigative journalism that Toronto would miss without organizations like the Star.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So focusing their attention on slander and discrediting politicians is the kind of journalism we need MORE of?

But surely you agree that politicians that smoke crack discredit themselves. Can't blame the paper for reporting it.

Also, there is no slander and no defamation if what they report is the truth...

So, sure, we need more of that...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

"I have no reason to resign" - Rob Ford
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Fordy still has my vote if he chooses to run again. Seriously, what's the alternative? More Milleresque antics serving only the interests of the lefty liberal downtown core? Outright ban on private vehicles during rush hour so the cyclists can happily take over the streets singing kumbaya? It can happen.

Thats the sad irony of it all. He has done an "okay job" but he is just a buffoon. He STILL WONT RESIGN! The guy is not only lying to the public but also to
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Remember these two?

I would still pick them over these two:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

But surely you agree that politicians that smoke crack discredit themselves. Can't blame the paper for reporting it.

Also, there is no slander and no defamation if what they report is the truth...

So, sure, we need more of that...

Couldn't agree more - people are welcome to support whomever they chose to support but this consistent pattern of behavior is ridiculous. Makes me embarrassed as a Toronto citizen. Conservative fiscal policy is one thing but becoming the laughing stock of international media is something completely different!
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

But surely you agree that politicians that smoke crack discredit themselves. Can't blame the paper for reporting it.

Also, there is no slander and no defamation if what they report is the truth...

So, sure, we need more of that...

You can, however, blame the source for how they pursue the story. The Star hasn't exactly taken the high road.

As far as Ford goes if the allegations are true then it's rather hypocritical to be talking down gangs and 'thugs', while supporting the illegal drug trade that runs through them.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

You can, however, blame the source for how they pursue the story. The Star hasn't exactly taken the high road.

As far as Ford goes if the allegations are true then it's rather hypocritical to be talking down gangs and 'thugs', while supporting the illegal drug trade that runs through them.

You can't blame them at all, high road?, they did their job, they exposed the idiot for what he is, a crack head.

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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

How did they go about it, they reported it,last time I checked, that was their job. He's scum, plain and simple

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They went 'TMX, Tabloid expose' style, as opposed to 'solid, fact finding, journalism' style.

Do I think Rob Ford is a shady character? absolutely. But the man still hasn't been charged, let alone convicted, and people are already hanging him from a tree.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Finally! Ford supporters can walk away now with their tails tucked between their legs. The politician they support is a moron and a buffoon, I've always thought.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I'm sure any politician you support has none of these qualities......

Hey, politicians... but Ford takes the cake, by far.
What an embarrassment to Toronto.

and those who knock the Star, go back and read the Sun.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Hey, politicians... but Ford takes the cake, by far.
What an embarrassment to Toronto.

and those who knock the Star, go back and read the Sun.

No doubt most politicians of most parties are nothing but costly windbags.

It is curious however, that Justin has (I believe) actually admitted to smoking pot (which means he was in possession using an illegal substance) and I don't believe that Ford has admitted (yet) to using drugs. Where is the angst in the leftard media about Mr Trudeau?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No doubt most politicians of most parties are nothing but costly windbags.

It is curious however, that Justin has (I believe) actually admitted to smoking pot (which means he was in possession using an illegal substance) and I don't believe that Ford has admitted (yet) to using drugs. Where is the angst in the leftard media about Mr Trudeau?

Trudeau did not to lie about it. Ford is a liar. That's the issue, not the pot smoking. Crack smoking is also an issue.

Ford is also a hypocrite for supporting the provincial and federal Conservative party which has no sympathy for marijuana use.

for those who don't like the Star, here's today's National Post Story:
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No doubt most politicians of most parties are nothing but costly windbags.

It is curious however, that Justin has (I believe) actually admitted to smoking pot (which means he was in possession using an illegal substance) and I don't believe that Ford has admitted (yet) to using drugs. Where is the angst in the leftard media about Mr Trudeau?

Ford admitted to smoking weed. "lots of it" according to him.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

No doubt most politicians of most parties are nothing but costly windbags.

It is curious however, that Justin has (I believe) actually admitted to smoking pot (which means he was in possession using an illegal substance) and I don't believe that Ford has admitted (yet) to using drugs. Where is the angst in the leftard media about Mr Trudeau?

Sorry, but few would classify pot as a drug to get worked up about. Even in super conservative 'Murica, Obama has come out and said that he smoked pot. Clinton smoked but did not "inhale". Bush is widely thought to have been a cokehead in colleage. Past drug use doesn't have the same negative stigma that it once did. Current (hard) drug use by a sitting politician is another story.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So, other than character issues and misuse of his letter head, why is Ford such a bad mayor?

He tried to get Toronto to build subways, like every other city of it's caliber.

He stepped on some toes when he got quite a few people off the gravy train. (councilor spending accounts, toronto community housing...)

If it takes crack to get someone to go against the flow of corruption, handouts, and hipster ass blowing, whatever. I could not care less.

The letterhead fiasco got more coverage than the provincial waste of 500M.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Trudeau did not to lie about it. Ford is a liar. That's the issue, not the pot smoking. Crack smoking is also an issue.

Ford is also a hypocrite for supporting the provincial and federal Conservative party which has no sympathy for marijuana use.

for those who don't like the Star, here's today's National Post Story:

Both Trudeau and Ford are raving liars and hypocrites, it's just the subject matter that may be different.

And illegal is illegal, whether it's pot or crack.

And just as a little reminder to all citizens of this fine country, you are innocent until proven guilty so let's allow due process to run it's course.
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