Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ainsly said that the robo calls are against the code of ethics for councillors etc. He said that it was bullying, thuggery. Are robo calls not used regularly in politics? wh

Ainsley also called him a bully and a liar (when it came to the calls), it may be kind of ignorant, but the content of the call wasnt a lie
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ainsly said that the robo calls are against the code of ethics for councillors etc. He said that it was bullying, thuggery. Are robo calls not used regularly in politics? wh

Ainsley also called him a bully and a liar (when it came to the calls), it may be kind of ignorant, but the content of the call wasnt a lie

Robo calls are used all the time, but not for a mayor to specifically single out one councillor. My bigger concern is where Ford got the list of phone numbers. If he got it from a list that was generated for another purpose then it's not a breach of ethics; it's a breach of data privacy.

And, as far as I'm concerned, Ford is a bully and I wish that a local radio station didn't give him a pulpit for his bullying.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Might I point out that people also re-elected McGuinty multiple times despite transparent lies, and generally screwing over of the electorate?

Did he lie before or after his election?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Robo calls are used all the time, but not for a mayor to specifically single out one councillor. My bigger concern is where Ford got the list of phone numbers. If he got it from a list that was generated for another purpose then it's not a breach of ethics; it's a breach of data privacy.

And, as far as I'm concerned, Ford is a bully and I wish that a local radio station didn't give him a pulpit for his bullying.

I'm indifferent on the subway/lrt BS issue, but I don't find anything wrong with what he did. It's like him posting all of his votes online while he was a councillor. I wish he or someone would post a straightforward spreadsheet of the issues and who voted for what. It would be eye opening and would really educate the electorate on what matters. That's democracy, not biased media outlets running half truths all the time.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Did he lie before or after his election?

Both, continually, and no one seemed to care.

It started with his comments about the debt. At first he was saying that the previous government had run up additional debt of $2B, then $4.5B, and finally $6B. Somewhere along the line he started saying that he was going to spend a butt-load of money on a whole bunch of special interest garbage. So did we have no money to spend on the new whistles and bells, or did we have it and he was going to spend it on those new whistles and bells? Both couldn't be true. Almost no one reported on this little mutual exclusion club.

Then we had things like the "no new taxes" (to quote Bush Sr.). Once in office he instituted the health "fee." See? It's not a "tax", it's a "fee." I wish was still around, because it was a great itemized list of all of his lies, over the years.

I'm indifferent on the subway/lrt BS issue, but I don't find anything wrong with what he did. It's like him posting all of his votes online while he was a councillor. I wish he or someone would post a straightforward spreadsheet of the issues and who voted for what. It would be eye opening and would really educate the electorate on what matters. That's democracy, not biased media outlets running half truths all the time.

And I'm also indifferent to the subway/LRT issue, as long as whatever is decided upon can actually be paid for. Don't plan on something that requires additional taxes and then soft-peddle those additional costs, so that you can later blame someone else for them. That's what Toronto's mayors have been doing for 40 years; deferring costs to the next guy.

When you single out an individual, as Ford did, that's bias. It's intended to attack and humiliate that person. Why didn't he robocall the whole city, to tell everyone how everyone voted, if not to attack that one member of council?
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Did he lie before or after his election?

The way to know if Squinty's lying is to see if his lips are movin' :cool:
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

When you single out an individual, as Ford did, that's bias. It's intended to attack and humiliate that person.

Didn't they do this to Tommy?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Didn't they do this to Tommy?

What, the robocall? Not that I can recall.

Unless you mean the other Tommy. He's the one that they singled out by making play pinball while some weasel in huge glasses and six foot tall shoes sang.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

What, the robocall? Not that I can recall.

Unless you mean the other Tommy. He's the one that they singled out by making play pinball while some weasel in huge glasses and six foot tall shoes sang.

Lol, are you avoiding the question?
I meant "single out, attack & humiliate. " That's what they did with Robby

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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Lol, are you avoiding the question?
I meant "single out, attack & humiliate. " That's what they did with Robby

Sent from my tablet using my paws now Free

That's pretty much what The Star did. I can't really say that I've heard much of councilors doing that, except perhaps that mouth on legs Adam Vaughan.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

And she should have been put out of office for the same sort of thing that Ford was almost put out over; conflict of interest with respect to funding of a personal project. Hazel McCallion should have been put out too, for the issue involving her son. Ford isn't the only one guilty of this sort of thing, but he's certainly the most unrepentant.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

And she should have been put out of office for the same sort of thing that Ford was almost put out over; conflict of interest with respect to funding of a personal project. Hazel McCallion should have been put out too, for the issue involving her son. Ford isn't the only one guilty of this sort of thing, but he's certainly the most unrepentant.

As I stated a few hundred posts before, its not a new concept for politicians. Don't know why they're getting all worked up with Ford. Reminds me of Lance Amstrong, he doesn't see anything wrong with what he did
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

As I stated a few hundred posts before, its not a new concept for politicians. Don't know why they're getting all worked up with Ford. Reminds me of Lance Amstrong, he doesn't see anything wrong with what he did

There are two reasons why people are getting so worked up about Ford; the obvious partisan crap and he's freely admitted to breaches, but has never been punished for them. He had absolutely no defence to the charges in the first case brought against him. In fact he directly spoke against the only defences possible under the law.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

There are two reasons why people are getting so worked up about Ford; the obvious partisan crap and he's freely admitted to breaches, but has never been punished for them. He had absolutely no defence to the charges in the first case brought against him. In fact he directly spoke against the only defences possible under the law.

Who's getting worked up? The left wing lobby? You? They have a right to some arrogance since they've held the position for so long.
You live in Brampton, so don't really get a say.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Who's getting worked up? The left wing lobby? You? They have a right to some arrogance since they've held the position for so long.
You live in Brampton, so don't really get a say.

And I'm pretty damned far from being part of the 'left wing lobby.' I also work in Toronto, so I'm impacted regardless of whether I get to vote on it or not.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ainsly totally mishandled that. He came off as whiney, even though I'd say he was in the right, or at least right to be PO'd. He made himself sound like a victim and that gets you zero votes.

Woulda been better to stand up for himself - just like you do against a bully. Tell the voters what happened, but instead of saying "I felt bullied" tell 'em Ford's BS calls will never make you cave. Tell 'em you won't put up with that crap. Fight back, dammit!

That's why I'm not sold on John Tory anymore. He went home to boo-hoo after Ford's slithering minions made some nasty calls to his office too.

I want my leaders to try diplomacy first, but I also want them to know how to drop an elbow if being nice don't cut it.
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